AIS Newsletter, September 2015

Money and Power - more data on the assets of High Level Judges
Data on wealth, incomes and economic interests of high-level judges are published at the Money and Power column. AIS has released data for Judges of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the High Council of Justice. Control over wealth sources of judges is an important element for the integrity and anti-corruption of the judicial system.
Media shed light on the use of Public Treasury for the party quotas collection
Treasury transactions is one of the services of Open Spending Albania. Through the provision of this tool the media shed light on the utilization of Public Treasury to collect party membership quotas of one of the main political parties’. This represent a negative precedent of the use of public sector for a narrow political interests. Every payment from budgetary institutions since 2012 and ongoing can be monitored via platform.
Albania contributes to good models of e-Participation in EU
In the competition “My e-Participation Story” led by Telecenter Europe and organized in Albania by AIS.The title of e-Participation Ambassador was won by Jora Risto. Ms. Risto contributed with the story “Albanian November Students”. In November 2013, thousands of students joined the protests against the dismantling of Syrian Chemical Weapons through online petitions and social media. The title will be awarded in a special ceremony in December 8th 2015 at the EU Parliament, Brussels.
Albania will be ranked for the first time in the Global Open Data Index
For the first time, Albania will be part of the Global Open Data Index that rates the openness of national statistical data. AIS as a promoter of Open Data Albania coordinated the evaluation process. Index results will be published at the OGP Summit in Mexico.
MG&P program at TransparencyCamp 2015
AIS had the opportunity again this year to participate TransparencyCamp, an "unconference" organized by Sunlight Foundation that gathers activists from Institutions and CSOs working for better governance and transparency. Ms. Besjana Hysa, AIS Project Manager presented the results of the Money, Government and Politics program, including innovative data-sets and disclosed cases of conflict of interest.
AIS in court against the three main parties on the Election Campaign Donors
Albanian Institute of Science has initiated a court case against the three main political parties PS, PD and LSI on the right of information of electoral financing. The first court session was held on 5th of October 2015 at the Administrative Court of Tirana. As stated in the Constitution, parties are obliged to make transparent their finances and donations. AIS aims to provide information on the campaign donors of 2015.