AIS Newsletter March 2022

Projection: Albania needs another century to catch up on the EU average on income per capita
Albania could catch up on the EU average on income per capita in about a century. This is an economic projection, carried out by Open Data Albania analysts, examining three different scenarios of the country’s economic progress and the potential they present to converge our income per capita with the EU average. The analyses published in the #OpenDataAlbania platform, aim to supply the public debate and opinion with facts and evidence-based arguments. Similar analyses, comparing features of the Albanian economy with that of other countries, can be found at NdiqParate.al. The article was published in the framwork of the organizations’ activities, to help young people become part of the public discourse and articulation, based on open data.
Public Procurements and the 2021 Election Campaign, NdiqParate.al: In the eve of 2021 Election Campaign, 28% of the Tenders were finalized without an Open Competition
Open Data Albania examined all tendering procedures concerning 2020 and 2021 public funds, their volume, and the identification of the Estimated Fund contracted without an open competition. What we found out was that 2020 and the semester prior to the 2021s Election Campaign present an increase of 150% in the contracted monetary value compared to non-election years. This fact testifies an over-concentration of contracted funds on the eve of Election. This rate remains high, even if the special funds of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program are not counted. On Election eve (last semester, 2020), the share of the Estimated Fund contracted through Restricted Procedures or Negotiation without notice (tenders without open competition) took over 28% of the Total Fund, whereas the following year marked a less then 13.1% share.
Open Data Albania: 173 % increase in visibility, citizens are interested in economic analyses and transparent data
Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption – this is the project our Organizaton is implementing with the support of Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). The project is composed of two components: Increased Transparency on taxpayers money (public money) under the slogan “Where Does my Money Go” and Youth Empowerment against Corruption - Civic Education, Improving Fact-Checking Models. In recent months, OpenDataAlbania_NdiqParate platform has published several analyzes using open and transparent data on economy, education, public finances, concessions PPPs, healthcare and energy ect. As a result, there was an aroused reaction and interest among citizens. In the last three months alone, the publications have spawned an increase by 173% of unique web visitors.