Empowering fact-based journalism through Open and Linked Data – Media Impact, May 2024

Even throughout May, dozens of media reports in newspapers, television screens or web-portals were written based on evidences and information extracted from AIS / Open Data Albania databases. The organization continues to strengthen fact-based and quality journalism despite the struggle to secure  the continuation its programs targeting the use of Open Data for Anti-corruption efforts. We have routinely assisted media representatives through info sessions, training or meetings held at the organization’s offices. Every week, journalists are being supplied with OpenData and well-structured LinkedData on public tenders, public expenditures and businesses that were awarded the status of public contractors.


Having access to well-structured, fast, complete and transparent information over public spending and public contracting, journalists build stories/reports based on data or are able to do fact checking. This type of quality journalism demolishes propaganda, produces indisputable investigation pieces and sheds light on cases of conflict of interest, abuse of office or irregularities. Among the Media Reports for the month of May, we list:


  1. The Voice of America, the Albanian-language reporting broadcaster, published on May 9th a News Chronicle titled: OpenDataAlbania (AIS’s main project) finds Prime Minister Rama’s figures on public procurement inaccurate


The news is built as a Fact Checking report. The Prime Minister’s statement on the wide distribution of public contracts in a large number of business entities is confronted with statistical data of a ten-year period monitored by the team that works for AIS’s Transparent Databases in the Public Procurement sector,  shortly referred as Open Procurement Albania.


Contrary to the Prime Minister’s propaganda about 25,000 businesses that have been awarded public tenders, the organization can confirm that the number of Businesses that benefit from public money through public contracting, all in all does not exceed 4,000.


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Link video

Link of News


The data upon which this media report was build on was published on the Data.al website. Fact-Checking: Verification of Public Procurement Statistical Data, reported by Prime Minister Rama at the Socialist Party Parliamentary Group Meeting on 07.05.2024 – Open Data Albania (ndiqparate.al)


2. CNA media investigates senior public officials in potential Conflict of Interest, connected to family business success


Under Investigation by SPAK/ tens of millions of euros turnover and profit from Veliaj’s brother’s company

The news investigates the growing economic performance of a business, which follows the rotation in the Municipality of Tirana administration after the 2015 Elections

Media reporting uses as evidence the Gogel Business Passport  crated in our Open Corporates Albania database.


Open Corporates (ownership) database Albania is a database created to enable data tracking, as well as improve and disclose (disclose) data on Ownership and Conflict of Interest for Businesses that have been awarded public contracts or have connections with important sectors and incumbents.


3. The Telegraf Newspaper published on its front page an Article on Budgetary Payments for PPP programs or Inefficient Concessions under investigation by SPAK 


In its reporting, Telegraf uses data from an Analysis produced by Open Data Albania on payments from the State Treasury for these programs. More specifically: Albanian citizens’ taxes in the Budget will pay for Concessionary PPP contracts .


News Link




4.The Balkanweb News Portal and News 24 TV published an Investigation entitled “Doubts about fictitious competition/ OSHEE tenders in the Energy (sector) are won by the same company, the other company only in the race to favor the winner 


This investigation is triggered by the list of procedures with a risk of competition abuse, produced by our Open Procurement Albania Platform, in which tendering procedures are scanned every day and those that present a risk for inequality and competitiveness are marked with RedFlag.


AIS Promoter of Open Data for Albania thanks fellow journalists and media editors who conveyed to their audience concerns or struggles AIS/OpenDataAlbania is encountering in securing funds to implement Watchdog and Anti-corruption projects.


BalkanWeb: Anti-corruption projects in the absence of funds and donors. The AIS organization asks for help, OpenSpendingAlbania is in danger of being closed due to lack of funds





Economic magazine Monitor: The unique portal with data on budget payments “Open Spending Albania” is closed due to lack of funds





Web Portal Eskluzive: Alarm/ Closure of Open Data for “lack of funds” a heavy blow for transparency, media and democracy!





Lapsi.al: The “Open Spending Albania” portal with data on budget payments is closed due to lack of funds





Faktor.al: Anti-corruption projects in the absence of funds and Donator! AIS organization asks for help, OpenSpendingAlbania is in danger of being closed





OraNews: The unique portal with data on budget payments “Open Spending Albania” is closed due to lack of funds





BoldNews: Lack of funds, the closure of the “Open Procurement Albania” portal is at risk





Politiko: Anti-corruption projects lack funds, AIS asks for help, OpenSpendingAlbania risks being closed





RD News.al: Open Data Albania – Institute for the benefit of transparency and accountability





Syri TV: Anti-corruption projects with a lack of funds, the organization AIS seeks support





Dosja.al: The portal with data on budget payments “Open Spending Albania” is closed due to lack of funds




Call for Applications to Participate in DataThon 2024

The AIS organization, a promoter of Open Data for Albania, in collaboration with the OSCE Presence in Albania, invites you to apply to be part of the Marathon for Open and Transparent Data, DataThon 2024.

This year’s Open Data Marathon is dedicated to young people and will focus on state budget data and public finances.

The event will be held in Tirana in the early days of July.

We invite and welcome applications from young people who wish to empower themselves in financial education with principles and models of open budget and participatory budgeting.

Who can apply:

  • Young people aged 20 to 30 years old
  • Students, professionals, economists, lawyers, activists, researchers, or data enthusiasts
  • Young people who wish to participate and contribute to awareness and civic activism

How to apply: Fill out the Application Form with information related to your identity, education, profession, and engagement. Don’t forget to provide your contact details and a reason why you wish to be part of DataThon Albania 2024.

How much time do I need to commit? In the upcoming weeks, successful candidates will be invited to a kick-off event, and two workshops or info sessions. During these Startup-style events, the topic selection, group division, monitoring, database presentation, data collection, and analysis will take place.

In a final DataThon event, each participant will present graphs, visualizations, analyses, and civic viewpoints on a topic related to Transparent and Participatory Budgeting.

What happens after the Marathon?

  • The best works will be published on the AIS project page ‘FollowtheMoney.al’
  • The most outstanding participant will be engaged at AIS/OpenDataAlbania as an analyst staff with a 3 to 6-month contract
  • Promotion and Creativity for participants
  • Networking with young data enthusiasts


DataThons are open, creative, motivating, useful, and awareness-raising events. The word DataThon comes from Data+Marathon. DataThons can be organized anytime by groups with a desire and passion for data and interest in a topic or sector. In Albania, the first DataThon was held in December 2011 by the AIS, promoter of OpenDataAlbania. Since then, AIS has organized open marathons every year, such as DiploHack, DataThon, and Hackathon with the most recent one was in April 2023.

For questions, email [email protected]

Join the most Creative and Intelligent Marathon!!







The Media Impact for “Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption” Project. This Week in the Media – corruption in tenders, conflicts of interest and nepotism uncovered. Factual, Evidence and Open Data based Journalism

Dear friends,

The organization and the team working at AIS are pleased to note that journalists from pluralist medias in the country have disclosed dozens of corruption stories in the last week, using open #OpenData and linked data #LinkDATA from the databases owned by AIS, otherwise known as OpenDataAlbania.

The data used was extracted from:

1. Public Tenders Marked with Red Flag (OpenProcurement.al),
2. Data over Treasury Transactions Payments (spending.data.al),
3. Data present in the Asset Declarations of Senior Officials and
4. Open data concerning Businesses awarded Public Contracts and Projects (OpenCorporates.Al)

Journalists have built stories raising allegations of corruption and conflicts of interest at the high levels of the Central and Local Government

Evidence Base Approach and Factchecking Data are two important tools for Qualitative and Investigative Journalism. A free and pluralist media, as well as a journalists’ prerogative to tell the truth cannot work without the information, access and the databases that guarantee transparency and accountability.

We have listed below some of the Media Reports from this week, which involve corruption stories uncovered thanks to our open databases #OpenDataAlbania

The Albanian Gazette publishes: The State Supreme Audit (SSA) reveals that Deputy Prime Minister Balluku added 50 million Euros to her portfolio, questions over the legality of a Normative Act. Media Report Link

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The online media BoldNews writes: Veliaj (the Mayor) awarded 130 thousand Euros in tendering to one of his director’s sister. Investigation Link

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BalkanWeb published the following article: Suspicion of Corruption: how the Turkish company was favored for the Llogara Tunnel, the winner made the most expensive offer, the diversion with the Subcontractors’ papers. Read Original Media Link

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Panorama Web writes: The Shell Business Scheme (shell scheme in the Netherlands) that is “biting the head” off Ilir Beqaj. Vetting reveals PPP threads. Who are the owners and how they maneuvered with shareholders in offshore and shell companies  News Link

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NewsBamob reports: Actuality. 175 suspicious municipal tenders. They don’t fear SPAK. Link to the online article

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Gazeta Panorama published the article: Vetting reveals what has been going on behind-the-scenes. Balluku (Deputy Prime Minister) the bandmaster of  the Llogara tunnel’s tendering – the project’s supervision awarded to Berberi’s partner (former Albanian Road Authority director in the prison on charges of corruption) News Link

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Syri TV investigation: The Plug Show – The companies of Kujtim Qefaliaj’s (MP) son-in-law awarded 76 tenders by Erion Veliaj (the Mayor) Investigation Link

Ora News Evening Interview. Brahaj reveals that we don’t have Foreign Strategic Investors, they are the same ones that receive concessions and public tenders. Interview Link

The online media Fjala published the article: The names of the ten companies that benefited 6 billion Euros from the State Treasury. News Link

The Reporter platform published the following analysis: The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Tendering can turn into an alibi for corruption. Article Link

The online media Gogo: Here’s the companies that bought land all over the country for 1 Euro. Online Article Link

Despite the positive results in strengthening and promoting quality journalism, investigative journalism, evidence-based reporting and fact-checking, the organization AIS, promoter of Open Data Albania, is encountering numerous difficulties in its line work, one of the most significant being faced with Lack of Funding Opportunities to guarantee the continuity of its operations, which has compelled the organization to ask for help, in the last few weeks, for financing and donor support. Read More

Anti-corruption projects face challenges; in risk of closure due to absence of funds and donors. Help us to work as a Watchdog NGO. Support Open Spending Albania database, disclosing Treasury Transactions

Dear Friends and Partners,

The AIS organization, known as OpenDataAlbania, is reaching out to you with a pressing concern. We are facing the imminent closure of OpenSpendingAlbania due to lack of funds and donor support. Our database is vital for transparency, accountability, activism, and anti-corruption efforts.

Currently, tracking data through our databases shed light and denounce corruption, clientelism, and cases of conflict of interest every day among high officials in the local and central governments.

Our Databases provide evidence for (i) every treasury transaction, (ii) public tender passports (iii) public tender awards along with redflagged ones, and (iv) asset declarations of politicians and officials. This comprehensive database supports investigative cases and stories, utilized not only by journalists, activists, and political parties but also by anti-corruption institutions.

Exactly at this critical moment in the fight against corruption and abuses of public authority and assets, our databases, which play a crucial role in evidence-based fact-checking and monitoring the misuse of funds and assets, have been deprived of funding and support from donors. Hence, AIS appeals to potential donors for financial assistance

From 2016 to 2018, the Embassy of the Netherlands supported the instrument as part of the Money, Government, and Politics project, followed by support from the Swedish Embassy from 2021 to 2023. Despite AIS Organization’s efforts to secure refinancing, it has been unable to obtain the necessary funds to continue operating as a watchdog NGO and support activists and journalists.

The Treasury Transactions Database stands as an important instrument for Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-corruption. OpenSpendingAlbania enables citizens to understand how taxpayers’ money are spent. Since 2012, it has disclosed and made transparent every transaction from Budget Institutions to beneficiaries. The nation’s boldest journalists and activists rely on Treasury data to uncover instances of misuse, corruption, nepotism, and conflicts of interest.

The transparent nature of this well-structured database has revealed widespread public abuse, particularly during election periods. Notably, transparency in treasury transactions led the initiation of procedures to revoke a Member of Parliament’s mandate in the Constitutional Court due to conflicts of interest.

AIS/OpenDataAlbania’s efforts to empower the public, activists, and anti-corruption agencies with transparent data on abusive cases have faced resistance from individuals in power and their affiliated businesses. Additionally, there have been unsuccessful attempts at cyber-attacks.

The fight against corruption, activism, and the empowerment of watchdog actors continues to be crucial aspects for countries like Albania. The Justice Reform and the establishment of new institutions still require efforts to consolidate results in the fight against Autocracy and Impunity.

We request your support through open call notices or by exploring grant funding opportunities. This is essential to prevent the closure of one of the most significant instruments for enhancing transparency, accountability, and the watchdog culture in Albania.

We are open to your support and collaboration, with the sincere intention of securing a new grant to sustain and prevent the closure of the OpenSpendingAlbania database.

Thank you in advance.

Event: Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit


Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit

AIS, promotor i Open Data Albania

Projekti dhe Partneriteti:
“Rritja e përgjegjshmërisë së Parlamentit ndaj shqetësimeve të qytetarëve” një projekt i mbështetur nga Ambasada Britanike në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga një konsorcium, i drejtuar nga IDM, në partneritet me Citizens Channel dhe AIS

Salla Praga, Hotel Rogner Tirana

Mars 29, 2024



Kliko këtu


Workshop: With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations

With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations

About aspects on participation, monitoring, and dialogue with citizens during the drafting and reporting of public finances.

The workshop can also be considered as a follow-up to the previous event held on January 31, 2024, titled “Oversight of Public Finances, on the Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society”.

AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania

Project and Partnership:
Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS

Hotel Tirana Marriott, Vjosa Hall, 3rd Floor

March 1, 2024


Download here


Training: Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget

Training Agenda
Malësi e Madhe, March 08rd, 2024

Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget

Organized by:
AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania

Project and Partnership:
Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS.

Building the capacities of CSOs, activists and local media to contribute in the planning of the state budget and public spending policies

Districts of Lezhë; Dibër; Shkodër; Kamzë; Kukës; Tiranë; Malësi e Madhe

Target group:
Representatives of Civil Society; Activists and Local Journalists

Project Preview
With the support of the British Embassy in Tirana, the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) in partnership with Citizens Channel and the Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS), will implement the project “Increasing the responsiveness of the Parliament to citizens’ concerns”. This project aims to strengthen the Parliament’s efforts to foster an enabling environment for inherent engagement of citizens in the policy and legislative processes in the country, as a means of promoting public interest and building trust in the institution.

Activity Preview
The Training, aims two of the targeted districts, aims to increase the capacities of civil society, allowing them to improve their understanding of the Budgeting process and enable their participation in the Budgeting cycle in the Parliament. The training aims to strengthen comprehension and monitoring skills in regards to the Drafting, Approval and Reporting Process of the State Budget in the Parliament, as well as raise responsiveness and participation capabilities during the phases of Planning and Approval of the State Budget and policies concerning Public Finances. Another aims of the training is to inform about the existing legal instruments who allow for participation, proposals or hearings in the Parliamentary Committees.

Target group:
Representatives of Civil Society; Activists and Local Journalists.

Agenda: Download here

The Council of Ministers assumes the authority of the Legislative. Normative Act No. 1 Amendments to the 2024 Budget Law violates Article 7 of the Constitution, the Principle of Separation of Powers

The organization AIS, also known as Open Data Albania, expresses concern regarding the Council of Ministers’ revisions of the 2024 State Budget through a Normative Act with the Force of Law. This action is considered a violation of the principle of separation and balancing of powers outlined in Article 7 of the Constitution.

On February 21, 2024, the Council of Ministers approved the Normative Act no. 1/2024, entitled “For some Changes in Law no. 97/2023 for the Budget of 2024”.

Normative Acts become effective immediately upon approval and are subsequently confirmed by the Parliament ex-post without undergoing parliamentary debate and review. This process is characterized by a lack of transparency, accountability, and parliamentary oversight.

Through such actions, the Council of Ministers (the Executive branch), assumes attributes typically reserved to the Parliament, thereby encroaching upon the domain of the legislative power.

The AIS organization considers the Budget Law as a significant document that mirrors the economic and social progress of the country.

Likewise, the Law that approves Public Investment Plans and allocates financial resources to national projects under financing holds similar importance.

More specifically, in Normative Act no. 1/2024, the source of financing for a significant public investment, such as the New Commercial Port Porto Romano Durrës, has been altered. Through the Normative Act, the Council of Ministers reclassified this project, part of Corridor VIII (Pan European corridor), from Foreign financing to a project with Domestic financing.

The organization contends that in this case there is no apparent emergency for the delegation of legislative power to the Executive. Decisions regarding significant public projects, particularly those integrated into European corridors and their financing, should undergo through scrutiny and decision-making within Parliament. This includes considering the potential for Foreign Financing through aid instruments and cooperation with European and international organizations.

AIS has expressed its concern regarding this Normative Act, where in the Executive assumes attributes of the Legislative. AIS has directed this concern to the Assembly, urging it not to grant consent and to repeal the Normative Act during the parliamentary session scheduled for March 21, 2024. Opinion on Normative Act with the authority of Law

Accordingly, the AIS Organization, also known as Open Data Albania, expresses concern and urges the Parliament to withhold consent for Normative Act no. 1/2024, and exercise its competencies in overseeing the budget and public finances through proper legislative process. Likewise, we stand prepared to present and argue our stance at a hearing in the relevant committees.

AIS’ concerns about the Project Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law, noting inconsistencies with the SAA and potential risk of corruption.

Dear Friends, 

On February 8, 2024, the Parliament will vote on a Project Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law No. 162/2020 during a plenary session.

Being familiar with the project of the law, currently under review in the Parliamentary Committees this week, AIS expresses strong concern regarding two aspects of the project legislation:

Please find attached the letter from the AIS Organization addressed to the Parliament (and respective committees).

Opposure. Draft Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law

  1. Article 48, point 2, makes the law highly susceptible to corruption and introduces the potential for contracts with a risk of abuse. Consequently, this article contradicts the Stabilization Association Agreement, specifically Article 74.
  1. The Project Law, initiated by the Albanian Government, envisions interventions for an Integrated Electronic System for Public Procurement. However, the accompanying Explanatory Report to the Project Law has not anticipated the financial costs of the intervention. The Parliament cannot approve a law without accurate financial forecasts from the Government (Ministry of Finance).

Therefore, AIS has submitted a written request to the Parliament, urging the removal of Article 48, point 2, from the Project Law. According to our analysis for corruption-proofing of legislation, this article poses a high risk.

Content of Article 48, Transitional Provisions, point 2: Within a period of 3 years from the entry into force of this law, the Council of Ministers may authorize state/public administration institutions at the central level to negotiate and conclude international consultancy agreements within the scope of their competence, pertaining to areas of strategic interest, including the application of artificial intelligence, cyber security, critical infrastructure, and the fight against organized crime and corruption.

Additionally, this Project Law should not proceed to the Plenary Session on February 8 without being accompanied by a detailed Explanatory Report from the Ministry of Finance regarding financial costs. Furthermore, a thorough examination of the issues conflicting with the SAA should be conducted in advance.

It is recommended to the Parliament that, prior the Final Review during the Session, it initiates and seeks a Consultative Meeting with organizations serving as Business Associations, as well as those engaged in the areas of the Rule of Law, European Integration, and Transparency.

The AIS organization, known as Open Data Albania, has previously participated in the Public Consultation process of the Albanian Government for this Project Law (June-September 2023). LINK


Best regards,

Aranita BRAHAJ

Director of AIS / Open Data Albania

Event: Oversight of Public Finances. On the Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society

Organizer: AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania

Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS

Agenda: Download here

Opening and Welcoming Speech

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  • Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS’ Executive Director
  • Mr. Sam Goldbart, First Secretary, Justice, Political and Homme Affairs British Embassy Tirana
  • Mr. Gjergji Vurmo, IDM Representative
  • Moderator: Mrs. Matilda Duri
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Panel no. 1

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Parliamentary Oversight of Public Finances and the Supreme State Audit Institution 

  • Expert – Prof. Lindita Lati Milo
  • Presentation of the Policy Paper: Findings and Recommendations
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Positions over the PP’s Findings and Recommendations

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Mr. Eduard Shalsi  
Chairman of the Committee for Economy and Finance

  • Mrs. Jorida Tabaku
  • Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs and Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
  • Mr. Gjovalin Preci
  • Director of State Budget Audit Department, Supreme State Audit
  • Questions and Discussion

Panel no. 2

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Parliament and its Role in the Oversight of the Fiscal Policy. State Budget Drafting, Supervision and Reporting Processes

  • Expert – Prof. Petraq Milo
  • Presentation of the Report: Oversight Role of the Parliament. Findings and Recommendations
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Positions over the Report’s Findings and Recommendations 

  • Mrs. Pranvera Resulaj
  • Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
  • Ms. Emilja Koliqi
  • Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
  • Questions and Discussion 

The document part of the activities of the AIS organization for the Oversight of Public Finances – The Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society LINK

Objective: In this event, through the presentation of the Policy Papers and Report, we aim to bring to attention findings and recommendations on aspects related to the role of the Parliament, its cooperation with institutions or other civil actors to ensure better processes for drafting, consultation and monitoring of the State Budget and Public Finances.

Likewise, during the discussions, we would like to create space for debate and exchange of arguments between high-level representatives from the Parliament, Constitutional Institutions, Ministry of Finance, Civil Society, and the Media.

Venue: Hotel Tirana Marriott, Bylis Hall, 3rd Floor

Day: January 31, 2024

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