Monthly Headlines
 Electoral Financing Transparency to Advance the Right of Information
 Keeping it Free and Fair - Civil Society Monitoring the Elections in Albania
 Engagement through ICT use, "e-Participation Day"
 Head of Municipalities subject to Accountability
 Election Campaign Funding on Media Stories

Electoral Financing Transparency to Advance the Right of Information
Journalists and civil activists have an important role in the process of
transparency of Election Financing, a right clearly determined by the
Constitution. Albanian Institute of Science under its project Money,
Government and Power has organized the training "Right of Information on
Election Financing Entities" supported by USAID/Albania through ASSIST
Impact. The training session aimed to enable media representatives in
increasing their legal knowledge on electoral funding. Distinguished
speakers as: Viktor Gumi, AIS Director Aranita Brahaj and Olta Begu gave an
overview of Political Parties and candidates financed, main sources of
electoral funding and novelties of local election 2015
Civic Engagement

Keeping it Free and Fair - Civil Society Monitoring the Elections in Albania
The regional conference on Political Accountability and New Technologies, Point 4.0 under the auspices of (Zasto Ne) organization in Sarajevo has dedicated a special panel to the Monitoring Process of Election in Albania. Ivana Cvetkovic Bajrovic NED, opened the session with a brief information on the election processes the country undergoes for the past 20 years and also introduced the representatives of AIS. Besjana Hysa and Erald Hoxha presented for the attendees various activities of AIS related to election expenditures, the main impact of Za'Lart 2015 project

Engagement through ICT use, "e-Participation Day"
Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) in cooperation with Telecenter-Europe,
organized in May 7, the e-Participation Day with people of
high schools in Tirana. This activity was conducted under the Europe for
Citizens Program in eleven European countries with the aim to educate and
involve citizens in policy-making through ICT instruments. Furthermore, in
the event took place the launch of My e-participation Story competition, an initiative that invites citizens to write an essay or tell
a story/based in an experience faced in one of the EU countries.