Open Local Government Procurement and Red Flag Index
Following Open Local Government Procurement Program OpenLGP, that started its implementation in November 2015, this project is opening data for each procedure of public procurement of the 61 municipalities for one more year (in total, the database will be enriched with data for the two first years of the 61 municipalities, i.e. 2015 – 2017) and update procurement data already registered.
Public Health Sector Procurements
This Project has enabled the creation, promotion, and use of a well-structured database, which serves as an instrument (tool) for transparency, information, citizens’ monitoring about procurement processes of the Public Health Sector for 2016. The database contains well-structured data, updated in real time and filters for ensuring user friendly information. It serves as an instrument for anti-corruption.
Money, Government & Politics
This project and its activities address issues of abuse, corruption, and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in Albania. The program opens up and well-structures data about the wealth of high state officials, and expenditures of state institutions, concessionary corporates, and electoral spending.This process enables to track cases of nepotism, embezzlement, and conflict of interest. Access to such data increases transparency, accountability and public pressure in cases of favoritism, and embezzlement of public funds or assets.
Open Data Albania
Promoting Transparency through Data
Since its beginning and continuing in the present year, AIS has successfully executed its most prominent project on transparency through Open Data usability. It has published hundreds of datasets in open data formats, deliver more than 300 analyses and studies on socio-economic topics, and launch numerous activities with the goal of creating an Open Data Movement.
Open Spending Albania
Where does our Money go?
This project provides the public with the Open Spending Albania platform, novel tools and a set of activities that aim to improve the access to transparency data and knowledge on public procurements in the country.
Spending Transparency for Municipalities
Open Governance – Good Governance
PLGP, in collaboration with the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), has launched an “Open Governance as Good Governance” initiative. This initiative will draw upon the AIS project experience to make model municipalities’ budgets more transparent by publishing municipal finance information using an Open Data format.
Network of Researchers
This project establishes a network of Albanian scientific and academic researchers. The objective is to increasing the visibility of our scientific research. The project marked satisfactory results in different scientific disciplines. It’s long-term aim is the application of open science in presenting the Albanian scientific research and enhancing its effectiveness.
/in Datathon Albania, Events, Homeposts /by adminThe Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), contracted as a local implementing partner for the OSCE Presence in Albania, organized DataThon 2024,
Call for Applications to Participate in DataThon 2024
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe AIS organization, a promoter of Open Data for Albania, in collaboration with the OSCE Presence in Albania, invites you to apply to be part of the Marathon for Open and Transparent Data, DataThon 2024. This year’s Open Data Marathon is dedicated to young people and will focus on state budget data and public finances. […]
Event: Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminAGJENDA Event: Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit Organizator: AIS, promotor i Open Data Albania Projekti dhe Partneriteti: “Rritja e përgjegjshmërisë së Parlamentit ndaj shqetësimeve të qytetarëve” një projekt i mbështetur nga Ambasada Britanike në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga një konsorcium, i drejtuar nga IDM, në partneritet me […]
Workshop: With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminWorkshop: With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations About aspects on participation, monitoring, and dialogue with citizens during the drafting and reporting of public finances. The workshop can also be considered as a follow-up to the previous event held on January 31, 2024, titled “Oversight of Public Finances, on […]
Training: Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminTraining Agenda Malësi e Madhe, March 08rd, 2024 Title: Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget Organized by: AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented […]
AIS’ concerns about the Project Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law, noting inconsistencies with the SAA and potential risk of corruption.
/in Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminDear Friends, On February 8, 2024, the Parliament will vote on a Project Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law No. 162/2020 during a plenary session. Being familiar with the project of the law, currently under review in the Parliamentary Committees this week, AIS expresses strong concern regarding two aspects of the project legislation: […]
Supporting Public Procurement Best Practice and Instil a Watchdog Culture, Open Contracting in Albania
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe Public Procurement sector represents risk number “One” for government corruption, with 30% of public expenditures allocated through tenders. AIS plays a crucial role in advancing Open Tendering Standards and strengthening the Watchdog model. The Open Procurement Database serves as a transparency and accountability instrument in tendering process. Passports containing information on all tendering phases are accessible for the […]