AIS Newsletter January 2021

Health Budget for 2020: Small Increase, Failure to Implement Investments, and Lack of Attention to Primary Health Care
The Health Budget for 2020, the year of the pandemic, reached ALL 39.62 billion, or Eur 320.85 million. This amount was marked following 4 revisions to the State Budget. In total, the 2020 Spending increased by All 30.16 billion, but only an additional amount of ALL 2.1 billion was allocated to the 4 health programs. Programs related directly to Health include: the Primary Health Care; the Secondary Health Care; the Public Health Service, and the National Emergency Health Service. An increase was marked during this year for the Secondary Health Care Service, that is the regional hospitals and the University Centre. The budget was decreased during 2020 for the Primary Health Care (health centres). The planned spending for capital investments and assets (buildings and equipment) were actually not spent by -15.75%. The data are part of Open Data Albania investigation: Health Expenditures, State Budget for 2020, and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Corruptive Tenders and Eavesdropping of Italian-Antimafia. OpenProcurement had Already reported 80 tenders exposed to risk of corruption
The media in the country constantly uses our database on issues related to corruption and irregularities. A correlation is made in some of them between the eavesdropping conducted by the Italian anti-mafia in 2017 (published in January 2021), and the tenders exposed to the risk of irregularities and corruption in our database for Transparent Procurement. The eavesdroppings made by the Italian anti-mafia feature persons investigated for their alleged connections with the Mafia Organization Ndrag'heta talking about pre-arranged tenders and persons of a suspicious influence over Official Tirana authorities. Some journalists came up with a logical link between eavesdropping of ‘influential people’ or ‘clientelist tenders’ and the list of tenders marked by RedFlags in our Public Procurement database, indicating risk of corruption. The Tender RedFlag Index is an instrument used for reporting corruption.
Scientific Publications of Magistrates in AccessInfoJustice datamining database
Publications of the Legal Doctrine and Research by Judges and Prosecutors are the most viewed documents on our datamining Register of Magistrates, Akses Info Drejtësi . The evidence for the number of views in January is reflected in Google Analytics and Google Search Console. The most viewed Judges and Prosecutors include those contributing to the Doctrine of Law in areas like Constitutional Law, Ownership, Contract Law, etc. The database is a mine of data (datamining) and documents for individuals in the Justice System, including CVs; Decisions; Evaluations; Inspections; Statements; Disciplinary Proceedings; Asset Declaration and Scientific Publications of the Magistrates. The academic background and scientific contribution are among the criteria applied in promoting magistrates in the Justice Sector.