AIS Newsletter October 2020

AIS part of the Enhancing Policies and Strengthening the Capacities of the Public Procurement System in Albania Project.
AIS is the local partner in a Project of the OSCE Presence for “Enhancing Policies and Strengthening Capacities, Transparency and Accountability of the Public Procurement System in Albania”. The project aims at identifying risks of corruption and irregularities in the public procurement system in Albania. Its final goal is to provide recommendations for improvement and capacity building policies. The project will support transparency and data monitoring through civil society stakeholders. Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and the Albanian Institute of Science AIS are the two partners in this project of the OSCE Presence, supporting the Albanian Government in combatting corruption.
The first year of municipalities after the 2019 elections; the number of tenders exposed to risk of corruption and clientelism doubles
Since 2015, Open Procurement Albania has monitored all the tenders of the 61 municipalities in the country. Monitoring is done through well-structuring data and documents, as well as by applying an algorithm for risk assessment and RedFlag marking of the problematic tenders. Lack of competition, lack of competitiveness, disqualification of bidders with more economically valid offers, unjustified negotiations and cancellations of procedures due to the system and public officials are the elements considered in tenders, marked as exposed to a high risk of irregularities, clientelism, or corruption. Over the last year, Open Procurement Albania has marked 30% of the tenders by RedFlags, using this risk assessment algorithm. A year ago, this indicator was at the level of 10 to 15%.
Investigative Media on Waste Processing Business; data on Monopolies and High Costs for Taxpayers
Exit.al and the TV programme "In a few words" ( Me Pak Fjalë) has published facts, data, documents and analysis of the waste processing business through three companies contracted for Private Public Partnerships (PPP) Incinerator. The analysis is also based on the Treasury payments or data for the PPP businesses, which AIS makes transparent to the Albanian public in a user-friendly format on a daily basis. The Exit.al is a media well known for research-based articles and for supporting causes for activation. AIS and Exit.al have co-operated in strengthening fact-based journalism through dozens of quality informative articles.
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Albanian Institute of Science
“Asim Vokshi”
Nr 13 /25, Kati 3
1001, Tirana