Decriminalization, a data instrument of MPs self-declared records
AIS has developed an instrument that enables transparency of the records related to the Members of the Parliament. This is a well-structured database of data declared by the Members of the Parliament and Members of the Council of the Ministers emerging from the 2017 elections. Publications are available in an open format that is easy to find, understand, use, and reuse. The data are part of the self-declarations made in respect of the Decriminalization Law, No. 138/2015 “On guaranteeing the integrity of persons that are elected or exercise public functions”. Such information helps with the assessment of the figure of elected persons and representatives in the Legislative.
Training for HIDAACI Inspectors, building capacities for online declaration models and systems
Within the framework of Transparency in the Health System (THE), USAID Albania Project, AIS, as a local partner in the project, organised a workshop with Inspectors of the High Inspectorate of the Declaration of Assets and Audit of Conflict of Interest. The topic addressed was ‘Best Practice Models of Asset Declaration Systems to Maximise Transparency’. The workshop was held on the 29th of October in Tirana. Amendments to the Law No. 42/2017 "On the Declaration and Audit of Assets, Financial Obligations of Elected Persons and certain Public Officials” require high-level officials and elected persons to make their declarations online and such information to be published. The purpose of the workshop was to raise capacities and increase knowledge about challenges faced by other countries applying online systems of declaration and public monitoring.
TPPR: Albania’s Open Data Portals, what are the possibilities?
The disclosure of data is mainly expected by governments, but Open Data are also increasingly applied by non-profitable organisations, businesses, and academic institutions. According to Transparent Public Procurement Rating - TPPR, there are several open data portals in Albania. Such portals disclose data pertaining to the state treasury, concessionary companies, procurement and health sector.