We wish you are well and safe in these difficult weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our staff is teleworking from the 10th of March. Each of us is safely working from home, being in online communication with each other, our collaborators, and target groups. In these difficult days, we continue to release and disclose data, ensure transparency and assess risks related to with payment and public contracting, working for more information, transparency, accountability, and public reaction. Our slogan: Follow Taxpayers' Money. We continue with publications and analysis, enabling every Albanian citizen to learn about:
Super tenders in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government allocates 9.4 billion Albanian leks (about 76.42 Million Euros) to Post-Earthquake Reconstruction following the November 2019 Earthquake.
Tender and Procurement in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government has not stopped its usual procurement procedures. The post-earthquake reconstruction program has just begun tendering in March. Open Procurement Albania publishes procurements, worth a total fund limit of 9.4 billion Albanian leks (without VAT) for houses and schools, which were damaged by the earthquake. The Government opts for “limited procedure”, avoiding open bidding competition. Based on Law No. 9643/2006 article No. 34, and Decision No. 914/2014 of the Council of Ministers, the time available for bidders to submit their tenders is 20 days, which is a criterion that the Authority has not met, putting the procedure at risk. The tender submission deadline is set in contradiction with the 20-days deadline.The procurement was announced on March 10th, the deadline for document submission was March 19th, i.e. nine calendar days only.The listof tenders is updated on our web-database for public procurement procedures conducted by the Albanian Development Fund.
What the Health Sector is procuring includes small purchases for the safety of the regional doctors;
What are our Health institutions purchasing through negotiations for emergencies or through common purchasing procedures? We have a track record of all the public health sector investments and purchases. In the past two weeks, a few purchases have been recorded for the reinforcement of hygienic protection for health buildings. Link health tenders . Other transparent procurements for the following institutions are being updated with accessible and well-structured documents on our databases: Tenders for Local Government Units: Open Procurement Municipality and subordinate institutions. link. Tenders of the Central Purchasing Agency, purchases for executive institutions link . Transparent procurements by the Albanian Road Authority, tenders for infrastructure link Tenders by state-owned companies (SOCs) buying, the major suppliers of massive services, such as drinking water, electricity, etc. link.
Treasury transactions; how and how much are being paid by the budgetary institutions for their bills;
Every Treasury Transactions made by our budgetary institutions, be it common or emergency payments. The Treasury Transactions is a well-structured database containing data about every payment made by budgetary institutions. The data catalogue has information on any transaction from 2012 and onwards. In addition, using search engines and communication filters, you may access information about payments made by institutions, by categories of expenses, and beneficiaries, according to the payment amount. We will continue updating our information every Friday. Access here
Kursori.org, an e-learning platform, in quarantine empowering itself for a well-paid and online labor market.
Our most useful database in times of quarantine Kursori.org .The ODK and AIS have applied in the last two years an e-Learning platform for enabling young people to develop their digital skills, a program that enables training on skills for an innovative market of Information Technology. The database is designed to assist students in Kosovo and the high school students of Lezha and Kurbin, Albania, to develop for a safe job market. From today, our e-Learning platform Kursori is open to everyone. Young people and anyone else may obtain three levels of skills to develop their capacity, so they can make the most of it to benefit the most and not waste their time while in quarantine. Kursori.Org is supported by the European Delegation as an activity of the Open ICT Education for Youth Employability Project and is financed by an EU IPA cross–border project. The objective of the project is to foster youth employability providing open access to critical ICT knowledge and skills, and strengthening cross–border cooperation between the educational institutions. In times of quarantine, this is a useful tool for professional training and development that allows you to work from home. We are opening this platform for everyone, it's in Albanian. Click, register and become skilled. A great team of Tech Leaders is there to assist you.
Stay Safe from Aranita, Besjana, Argela, Sabina, Kristi, Lea Albina, and the best team of tech Leaders Lead of Kursori.org from Tirana, Kurbini, Lezha, Prizreni, Gjakova and Prishtina !