AIS Newsletter February 2021

Public Contracting Reform - AIS provides recommendations for 2021 Electoral Subjects 2021
Following years of monitoring and risk assessment of public procurement in sectors like Health, Local Government and National Infrastructure KAIS has drafted 7 proposals for Public Procurement and Public Contracting Reform. These recommendations will be proposed to the main Political Parties in Elections, suggesting their integration in their electoral programs and promises. The recommendations were drafted in the framework of the Governance for Change Forum , Proposals by the Civil Society, organized by Co-Plan and partners. The proposals will be submitted officially to the Political Parties running in the 2021 elections.
Access Info Justice, Register of Magistrates publishes Profiles of SPAK Special Prosecutors
DataMining Access Info Justice has disclosed Information and Documents related to the profile of SPAK (Special Anti-Corruption Structure) prosecutors. The purpose of Access Info Justice, through the data mining into the Register of Magistrates, is to increase access to information, as well as public monitoring and trust in the Integrity of the People who have been promoted, and the new justice institutions. A profile is created for each prosecutor, containing their CV, career, level of education, experience with the justice system, publications, self-declarations as per the legal obligations, evaluations and decisions of the qualification, evaluation and promotion institutions. The web-based database is created by AIS and is currently in a fundraising process.
Tracing of tenders related to the Natural Disaster of Covid -19, AIS database as an independent monitoring mechanism
AIS has traced tenders carried out by health institutions in the country, creating a database with information on tenders’ procedures, purchases, performance, and status. The database enables transparency and tracing of contracts signed for medications, equipment , protective gears, medical oxygen , or purchases of vaccines. The data are listed by type of procedure and institution. Tracing, transparency, and accountability take a particular importance in times of crisis and humanitarian disasters. The database of tenders carried out during the situation of the natural disaster created by Covid19 is part of the project in “Public contracts in a situation of the natural catastrophe caused by Covid-19 – Strengthening the Independent Monitoring Mechanisms”, supported financially by the US Embassy Democracy Commission Small Grants Program in Tirana. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the State Department.