AIS presents at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance
AIS participates at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance, 30 Jun – 02 Jul 2014.
The principal advisor of AIS, Dr. Ing. Julia Hoxha, presented a paper on Open Spending Albania.
Link to the talk presented at Samos Summit
Below is the abstract of the talk:
In this paper, we describe Open Data Albania (ODA) project and concrete cases of open data utilization. ODA aims at providing open datasets of valuable information which can be structured, analyzed and presented in different forms leading to intuitive knowledge representations. Besides the datasets, the project has also produced analytical studies based on the data and insightful visualizations to make the knowledge understandable and easy to utilize by different communities.
The platform where the data is published online is the most prominent one for open data in Albania and very popular between the journalists, who are continuously using data from ODA to provide the public with information on different social-economic aspects. In many cases, the project has been used in direct advocacy initiatives. In this paper, we described a set of cases where the data is utilized by different groups, such as government institutions, NGOs, media, and academia.