Political and Media Debate on Corruption in Procurement, AIS contributes through facts and truths

The country got involved in a political and media debate over corruption in Tenders just weeks before the start of the third governing term of the SP and Prime Minister Rama. The debate began following the arrest of the Director of the Centralized Purchasing Agency and an incumbent Mayor. The government recognizes corruption in Procurement as a phenomenon of Municipalities. However, an Algorithm for risk assessment in tenders created by AIS/Open Data finds that central government sectors such as Health, Road Investment, and State-Owned Enterprises involve a higher risk and potential for abuse compared to Municipalities. Influential media in the country like VOA or TopChannel introduced facts and findings of our organization into this public argument. Open Data Albania is often quoted in the media and part of public debates in the country.


  1. VOA: Prime Minister Rama: Municipalities should not abuse tenders. Open Data: Central Governement has made more violations with tenders than local government.

2. TopChannel TV / Vetting also for Tenders. Experts: Biggest Abuses occur when the Law is Circumveted. The National Media Top Channel has launched one of its news editions in July 2021 with the title: Vetting for Public Tenders. Corruption in Tenders and Procurement has been a very sensitive aspect of the Political and Public Debate for weeks before the beginning of the Third Mandate of the ruling Socialist Party led by Edi Rama.

3. VOA prepares a special report on Corruption in Public Procurement. Corruption in Albania in the field of Public Procurement has brought over $120 million in financial damage to the state budget over the last decade – this is how Voice of America opens its special report on the Procurement Sector in the Country through its reported Mimoza Picari.

Other media citations and impact through data are listed http://ais.al/new/media/

or at webpage NdiqParate (Follow the Money) http://ndiqparate.al/en/category/media-en/oda-in-media/