VOA prepares a special report on Corruption in Public Procurement Albania
Corruption in Albania in the field of Public Procurement has brought over $ 120 million in financial damage to the state budget over the last decade – this is how Voice of America opens its special report on the Procurement Sector in the country through its reporter Mimoza Picari.

The Voice of America findings are based on official reports from the State Audit Institution and the Audit Unit under the Ministry of Finances. The Report includes the views and comments of the representatives from the Community of Investors and Law and Audit Experts in the country. The special report of the Voice of America included also the findings of AIS Organization, which through Public Procurement.al scans every day and identifies abusive tender procedures at the level of Local Government, National Investments; Health, and State-Owned Enterprises.
The Director of the Organization, Mrs. Aranita Brahaj, says that the biggest problem lies in contracts approved by special laws. State authorities say improvement is made in the area of procurements, but they are aware that this has not changed the public perception about problems running deep.

Link to the interview: https://www.zeriamerikes.com/embed/player/0/6004542.html?type=video
Link to the article: https://www.zeriamerikes.com/a/prokurimet-publike-dëmi-në-buxhet-mbi-120-milionë-dollarë/6004542.html