Dita Ndërkombëtare e Open Data 2015

Datë 21 Shkurt, 2015 ora 11:00 në kuadër të Ditës Ndërkombëtare të të dhënave të hapura, International Open Data Day 2015, Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave në bashkëpunim me qëndrën Protik organizojnë workshopin për prezantimin e Open Corporates Albania në ambientet e qëndrës Protik.

ICT Tools for Monitoring Public Treasury Albania

In order to increase transparency over the Government data, AIS, the implementer of Open Data Albania Project, has enabled the Albanian public, journalists, scientific researchers, businessmen, and Government’s opponents and opposition, to get informed in real time about every expenditure made by the State Treasury both in the form of transactions and payments. Such monitoring is done through the Spending […]

DataThon Albania 2014 – Invitation for participation

Activist, Journalist, or Student of Economics; Journalisms and Political Sciences! The Marathon of Open Data – DataThon Albania is coming. This year, competition will be based on the data on Budgetary Expenditures. How do the young people analyse the budgetary expenditures of state institutions, which are the most distinct clients that are provided with money buy the […]

Takim Informues: Si të bëhesh pjesë e DataThon 2014

Të Martën datë 28.10.2014 Ora 11:00 Vendi : Protik Innovation Center Aktivist, Gazetar apo student në Ekonomi; Gazetari e Shkenca Politike! Maratona e të dhënave të hapura – DataThon Albania po afron. Këtë vit konkurrimi bëhet për të dhëna mbi Shpenzime Buxhetore. Si i analizojnë të rinjtë shpenzimet e institucioneve buxhetore, cilët janë klientët e […]

The Supreme State Audit and the Albanian Institute of Science signed a cooperation agreement

The Supreme State Audit and the Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS), engaged through a cooperative agreement for the exchange of data between institutions. The agreement was signed by the chairman of SSA, Bujar Leskaj and the executive director of the Albanian Institute of Science, Aranita Brahaj. Pursuant to this agreement, SSA will engage in exchanging […]

AIS presents at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance

AIS participates at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance, 30 Jun – 02 Jul 2014. The principal advisor of AIS, Dr. Ing. Julia Hoxha, presented a paper on Open Spending Albania. Link to the paper Link to the talk presented at Samos Summit Below is the abstract of the talk: In this paper, we describe Open […]

AIS attended the conference: Political Accountability and New Technologies ( POINT 3.0 )

Political Accountability and New Technologies ( POINT 3.0 ) conference took place in Art Cinema Kriterion in Sarajevo from May 22nd to May 24th. This year’s program offered a variety of great speakers, panels, exhibitions, workshops and screenings. Among other great speakers, there appeared Michael Slaby, the CTO of the Obama 2008 campaign; Chris Albon from Ushahidi; Sultan […]

Hackathon Day in Tirana

Open Data Albania organized  its annual Hackathon, “Hackathon Albania 2013” on Saturday, December 7, 2013, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at Tirana’s downtown. This event is a gathering of friends, activists and citizens that want to give their contribution through visualizations or projects, and help the general opinion. Hackathon is a casual meeting, where […]

Action – Cleaning of the Castle of Bashtova

Action for Cleaning the Castle of Bashtova – 01 May 2014. This is the action of a group of volunteers of the “Act Now as a Smart Tourist” project. About 40 volunteers participated in this action for cleaning and promoting the castles along the Albanian coast. The Castle of Bashtova is a monument of the […]

Aksioni Vullnetar “Kalatë e Bregut tim” në Kalanë e Bashtovës

“Kalatë e bregut tim” është një aksion i një grupi vullnetarësh të projektit “Act Now as a Smart Tourist” http://smarttourist.al . Aksioni synon pastrim nga mbeturinat dhe promovim të monumenteve fortifikime në Brigjet e Shqiperise. Këtë rradhë Aksioni ishte në Kalanë e Bashtovës dhe u realizua në datën 1 Maj 2014. Ky projekt mbeshtetet finaciarisht nga […]