Interim Report of ZA’LART 2015

Until June 12 at the portal ZA’LART were reported from citizens 200 reports. They contain information and denunciations of abuse within the campaign. Reports are  divided into 12 main categories of violations and the main number of reported cases deals with the misuse of administration and public sector. For such offenses there is a high sensibility that corresponds to 44% of cases reported or equivalent of 98 reports. Attempts of vote buying in exchange of  services or direct economic interest is reported in 21 cases. In citizens reports take place also reports for tension and irregularities such as interference and presence of state police forces.

You can find Citizens Report at ZA’LART by clicking the category Reports.

The use of public sector have been identified in cases of the presence of administration staff in election rallies by being threatened with their work-position. Examples of it are the staff on the hospitals and health centers that participated in electoral meetings during official work time, leaving patients with no care. Such cases  are reported in: Librazhd, Fushe Arrez, Mirdita and Berat.

Escalating cases of use of public sector are found in municipalities where the current mayors re-run for the position. Other problem is the attempt to recruit the young voters in public schools, as in: Vora, Rrëshen, Kukes, Kamëz and Lezha.

Observation have been made on the issues of facilities provided to CEAZ Centers for the use of public building. Reports indicate these building in mos of the cases are unsuitable for the election process  like for example high school buildings which in June 19, 48 hours before the voting day have to be available for the maturity state exam.

So far there have been 21 cases of Vote Buying reports. Cases which are not confirmed and the amount offered is never transparent and given the experience with ZA’LART during 2013 such events scored a high intensity in the last week of the campaign.

Information and social networking portal of  ZA’LART are:


FB: ZA’LART – Raised Voice Albania (community)

Twitter – ZA’LART @ZaLartAlbanian

YouTube – ZA’LART 2015
