Portali EXIT.AL në datën 26 Janar 2021 ka Publikuar artikullin me titull Kompanitë e Ndërtimit Klientët më të Paguar të Shtetit për Vitin 2020. Artikulli liston disa kompani që kanë fituar tendera buxhetor duke evidentuar që një grup prej tyre ka një numër të madh kontratash. Duke përshkruar secilën kompani dhe volumin apo historikun e […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/exit-kompanite.png759513adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2021-02-02 15:27:092021-06-23 15:33:35EXIT.AL Publikon: Kompanitë e Ndërtimit, Klientët më të Paguar të Shtetit për Vitin 2020
Risk Assessment in Tenders/Municipalities, whose 30% of the contracted value goes to one single company by direct negotiations RED FLAGS – Local Government Units of Albania are ranked on the top when it comes to abusive tenders. As history shows, small and average-value tenders organized by them tend to usually go to family relatives or […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/hartaaa2-1024x768-1.png7681024adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2020-10-15 11:22:202020-10-26 12:07:30Map of Albania Oligarchs (Names of those who have received MILLIONS OF EUROS from Albanians' taxpayers)
The Albanian Government continued its tender procedures during March – June for the reconstruction and development of buildings and areas damaged by the November 26th 2019 earthquake. So far, there are two authorities involved: the Albanian Development Fund and the Municipality of Tirana. Open Procurement Albania is preparing passports for every tender and contract procedure […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/openprocurement1.png833900adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2020-07-07 08:47:382020-07-28 08:52:59The reconstruction programme after the earthquake of November 26th, tenders and contracts
AIS, an organization promoting Open Data Albania, observes with concern that the Albanian Government has decided, in an anti-constitutional manner, illegally, and without any legitimate need, to consider Secret Contracting and Procedures for purchasing during the emergency created by Covid-19. Through two Decisions of Council of Ministers (DCM), namely: DCM No. 203, dated 26.02.2020 […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/Open-Contractin-Data-Standardmodel2-1.png263300adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2020-04-09 09:02:092020-07-22 09:03:18Purchases for Covid-19 Situation, the Albanian Government applies Secrete Contracts, bypassing Participation and Transparency
What are our Health institutions purchasing through negotiations for emergencies or through common purchasing procedures? We have a track record of all the public health sector investments and purchases. In the past two weeks, a few purchases have been recorded for the reinforcement of hygienic protection for health buildings. Link health tendersOther transparent procurements for the […]
http://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.png00adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2020-03-20 11:49:002020-09-10 11:52:05What the Health Sector is procuring includes small purchases for the safety of the regional doctors;
On January 7th, Top Story, an investigative show, reported on forms of fraud with public procurement tenders in the country. Journalist Entela Barjamaj and the national Top Channel TV team introduced shocking facts on Top Story, such as one in every three tenders being conducted without fair competition. 300 million Euros of taxpayers’ money seem […]
http://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.png00adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2020-01-10 06:51:002020-08-31 06:57:487 January 2020, Top Story Media Programme: 1 in 3 tenders with no fair competition. Open data promote investigative journalism and enable reporting of corruption over Albanian taxpayers' money
Ne, një grupim prej 15 organizatash të gazetarëve dhe shoqërisë civile, në mënyrë të përsëritur, duke filluar nga Dhjetori i vitit 2018, përmes deklaratave tona publike i kemi kërkuar qeverisë të tërheqë dy projektligjet e prezantuara publikisht si Paketa Antishpifje, duke renditur të gjitha kundërtitë tona. Gjithashtu, pas dorëzimit të këtyre dy projektligjeve në Kuvendin […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/2aislogo2.jpg300300adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2019-12-11 13:41:152019-12-11 13:41:1515 ORGANIZATA KUNDER PROPOZIMEVE LIGJORE TE QEVERISE PER MEDIAT data 10 dhjetor 2019
The “Open ICT Education for Youth Employability” Project, Grant Contract no. 2017/394-533 , implemented by ODK and AIS, scheduled to last from 15 January 2018 until 15 February 2020, targets beneficiaries/educational institutions from Kosovo and Albania. More specifically, high schools from Kurbin and Lezha Municipalities are among the targeted beneficiaries. Following, you may find some […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/kursori.jpg9691891adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2019-12-10 10:35:472019-12-10 10:36:01Information Memo on the State of Schools, where the project is being implemented, in Kurbin and Lezha Municipalities, following the earthquake of 26 November 2019
The company “Fusha shpk” is also awarded another contract for the remaining segment of Vlora Pedestrian Boulevard. The winner is announced last week, while the competition by the Albanian Development Fund was announced in August 2019. The value of the winning bid is 385 173 305 leks. 6 Albanian companies participated in the tender, and […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/opa1.jpg500500adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2019-12-09 11:41:382019-12-09 11:41:38The company "Fusha shpk" is awarded a contract for Segment II of Vlora Pedestrian Boulevared, i.e. the segment down to the Tunnel
The Spending Data Albania database, its Money and Power Section is updated with asset decalrations for the MPs elected in 2019. The data has been taken from the official statements made to the High Inspectorate for Declaration of Assets and Control of Conflict of Interest by applying for access to information. They are processed by […]
https://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/mgplogo3-300x3001-e1483524365443.jpg266266adminhttp://ais.al/new/wp-content/uploads/aislogo1.pngadmin2019-12-09 11:15:572019-12-09 11:15:57Asset Declarations of MPs elected in 2019
EXIT.AL Publikon: Kompanitë e Ndërtimit, Klientët më të Paguar të Shtetit për Vitin 2020
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en /by adminPortali EXIT.AL në datën 26 Janar 2021 ka Publikuar artikullin me titull Kompanitë e Ndërtimit Klientët më të Paguar të Shtetit për Vitin 2020. Artikulli liston disa kompani që kanë fituar tendera buxhetor duke evidentuar që një grup prej tyre ka një numër të madh kontratash. Duke përshkruar secilën kompani dhe volumin apo historikun e […]
Map of Albania Oligarchs (Names of those who have received MILLIONS OF EUROS from Albanians’ taxpayers)
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en /by adminRisk Assessment in Tenders/Municipalities, whose 30% of the contracted value goes to one single company by direct negotiations RED FLAGS – Local Government Units of Albania are ranked on the top when it comes to abusive tenders. As history shows, small and average-value tenders organized by them tend to usually go to family relatives or […]
The reconstruction programme after the earthquake of November 26th, tenders and contracts
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminThe Albanian Government continued its tender procedures during March – June for the reconstruction and development of buildings and areas damaged by the November 26th 2019 earthquake. So far, there are two authorities involved: the Albanian Development Fund and the Municipality of Tirana. Open Procurement Albania is preparing passports for every tender and contract procedure […]
Purchases for Covid-19 Situation, the Albanian Government applies Secrete Contracts, bypassing Participation and Transparency
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminAIS, an organization promoting Open Data Albania, observes with concern that the Albanian Government has decided, in an anti-constitutional manner, illegally, and without any legitimate need, to consider Secret Contracting and Procedures for purchasing during the emergency created by Covid-19. Through two Decisions of Council of Ministers (DCM), namely: DCM No. 203, dated 26.02.2020 […]
What the Health Sector is procuring includes small purchases for the safety of the regional doctors;
/in Events, Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en /by adminWhat are our Health institutions purchasing through negotiations for emergencies or through common purchasing procedures? We have a track record of all the public health sector investments and purchases. In the past two weeks, a few purchases have been recorded for the reinforcement of hygienic protection for health buildings. Link health tendersOther transparent procurements for the […]
7 January 2020, Top Story Media Programme: 1 in 3 tenders with no fair competition. Open data promote investigative journalism and enable reporting of corruption over Albanian taxpayers’ money
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminOn January 7th, Top Story, an investigative show, reported on forms of fraud with public procurement tenders in the country. Journalist Entela Barjamaj and the national Top Channel TV team introduced shocking facts on Top Story, such as one in every three tenders being conducted without fair competition. 300 million Euros of taxpayers’ money seem […]
/in Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminNe, një grupim prej 15 organizatash të gazetarëve dhe shoqërisë civile, në mënyrë të përsëritur, duke filluar nga Dhjetori i vitit 2018, përmes deklaratave tona publike i kemi kërkuar qeverisë të tërheqë dy projektligjet e prezantuara publikisht si Paketa Antishpifje, duke renditur të gjitha kundërtitë tona. Gjithashtu, pas dorëzimit të këtyre dy projektligjeve në Kuvendin […]
Information Memo on the State of Schools, where the project is being implemented, in Kurbin and Lezha Municipalities, following the earthquake of 26 November 2019
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminThe “Open ICT Education for Youth Employability” Project, Grant Contract no. 2017/394-533 , implemented by ODK and AIS, scheduled to last from 15 January 2018 until 15 February 2020, targets beneficiaries/educational institutions from Kosovo and Albania. More specifically, high schools from Kurbin and Lezha Municipalities are among the targeted beneficiaries. Following, you may find some […]
The company “Fusha shpk” is awarded a contract for Segment II of Vlora Pedestrian Boulevared, i.e. the segment down to the Tunnel
/in Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminThe company “Fusha shpk” is also awarded another contract for the remaining segment of Vlora Pedestrian Boulevard. The winner is announced last week, while the competition by the Albanian Development Fund was announced in August 2019. The value of the winning bid is 385 173 305 leks. 6 Albanian companies participated in the tender, and […]
Asset Declarations of MPs elected in 2019
/in Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminThe Spending Data Albania database, its Money and Power Section is updated with asset decalrations for the MPs elected in 2019. The data has been taken from the official statements made to the High Inspectorate for Declaration of Assets and Control of Conflict of Interest by applying for access to information. They are processed by […]