7 days after earthquake, donations for Government only 4.2 million Euros

Porta Vendore collects business promises for 61 million euros of donations publicly announced. What is happening to solidarity? Don’t they trust the Government, or do they just promise more than they actually give? The Ministry of Finances does not welcome requests for transparency and accountability.  Donor conference to be held The Ministry of Finances has […]

Publikohen të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Komisioner të Komisionit të Pavarur të Kualifikimit KPK

Në portalin Spending Data Albania rubrika Para dhe Pushtet janë publikuar të mirë kategorizuara, të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Komisioner të Komisionit të Pavarur të Kualifikimit KPK. Të dhënat janë aksesuar sipas të drejtës për informim përmes dokumentit të vetë deklarimit pranë Inspektoratit të Lartë të Deklarimit të Pasurive […]

Publikohen të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Anëtar të Kolegjit të Posaçëm të Apelimit KPA

Në portalin Spending Data Albania rubrika Para dhe Pushtet janë publikuar të mirë kategorizuara, të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Anëtar të Kolegjit të Posaçëm të Apelimit KPA. Të dhënat janë aksesuar sipas të drejtës për informim përmes dokumentit të vetë deklarimit pranë Inspektoratit të Lartë të Deklarimit të Pasurive […]

Municipality tenders, Water Supply Programs

From October 1st to today, municipalities have announced 4 tenders worth over 400 million leks. Two of them are tenders for Public Work, one is for cleaning service, and another one for purchasing security services for schools and institutions (cameras). They also include two tenders for Belsh and Lac water supply utilities, with fund limits […]

AIS founder and activist wins the price for her unique transparent contribution through Open Corporates Albania.

Besjana Hysa, founder and activist of AIS organization promoting Open Data Albania was honoured with the “White Dove” award, a recognition in token of appreciation for figures who have contributed to the best public interest and beyond through courageous civic actions. The motivation for the prize was her unique contribution in enhancing transparency and accountability […]

Top Channel Chronicle for Shell Companies

Journalist: A significant part of the high value and long-term concessionary agreements in our country are awarded to shell companies, whose shareholders are not known, and which are registred in countries like the Netherlands. Aranita Brahaj: If we take a look at only 11 concessionary agreements, which are supported by the state budget, we will […]

Youth in Kurbin and Lezhe benefit from cross-border IPA projects for Albania –Kosovo.

Youth in Kurbin and Lezhe benefit from cross-border IPA projects for Albania –Kosovo.  Vocational Training on IT, Kurbin ad Lezha get support from EU programmes  Employment without immigration, ICT a potential sector for online jobs   Open Data Kosova and AIS donated 18 computers to five schools in Kurbin and Lezha this week.  These computers […]

AIS on the Media: The News Edition on a National TV, Top Channel reported on a Complaint made by AIS against Albania in the European Court of Human Rights.

The News Edition on a National TV, Top Channel, reported on 3 January 2019 on a Complaint made by a Non-Governmental Organization against Albania in the European Court of Human Rights. The Constitutional Court and the High Court in Albania are affected by the Vetting and are therefore not functioning. As a result, dozens of […]

ASAI’s new web applications for better monitoring and increased transparency

The Albanian Supreme Audit Institution organized for the second year in a row, in the period between October 25 – December 14, the “Open Month 2018”. During two open days, ASAI invited the Albanian Institute of Science to present the developed tools, within the framework of “Transparency in Health Engagement” USAID Albania Project. On November […]

Exclusive Program sheds light on MPs declared assets

Vetting and audit of assets, wealth, and economic interests of the representatives of lawmaking politicians. This has been an issue that was discussed and translated into a draft law for the Parliament of Albania. AIS, a promoter of Open Data Albania, and the Institute of Political Studies, have made their own analysis of the representation […]