The newest project started by AIS is named Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractor, Legislation, Practice and Role of Civic Actors. The project is supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as one of the MATRA Program in Albania. On July 18th, the Dutch Ambassador Ms. Guusje Korthals Altes and Director of AIS […] 14:38:192022-05-09 13:26:17AIS starts the Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractors Project, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Open Data Albania ODA Portal published several investigative articles of open data from the audit reports of Albanian State Supreme Audit Institution (ALSSAI) during 2018. The articles identify the economic damage found in monetary value, the institutions responsible for the highest damages, and the mostly affected sectors and areas. The damage and ineffectiveness identified […] 14:31:452019-09-05 09:37:39Open Data Albania publishes data about the economic damage audited by Supreme Audit Institution during 2018
On the 26th of July, a round table was held in Tirana with journalists and representatives from the civil society on the Role of Central and Local Authorities during electoral periods, Monitoring Practices. The round table was organized by the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) and the Institute for Political Studies (ISP), supported by USAID/Accelerated […] 14:24:372019-09-04 14:32:17Events with Journalists. Role of Central and Local Authorities during electoral periods, Monitoring Practices
A round table was heldon 11.06.2019, with representatives from the media, civil society, and institutions. The purpose of this round table was: to present the volume and dynamics of the institution’s work over the last 15 months; analyze the context in which the institution was established; assess the impact of the Agency on the efficiency […] 09:02:202019-06-20 10:57:35Roundtable with representatives from the media, civil society, and institutions - Transparency, Monitoring and Evaluation of Procurement of Central Purchasing Agency (CPA)
Aksesi në të dhëna standardi Open Contracting. Duke përdorur publikimet në sistemin e APP, të dhëna të buletineve, të dhëna të sistemit të Thesarit apo të dhëna të Open Corporates Albania është krijuar databaza me pasaporta për të gjitha tenderimet e prokuruara nga kjo Agjenci e Blerjeve të Përqendruara. Në rastin e tenderimeve me lote, […] 14:54:222019-10-03 12:17:44Tendera të Agjencisë së Blerjeve të Përqendruara të proceduar nga Shkurt 2018 deri 31 Maj 2019.
The Central Purchasing Agency is a state institution established in 2018 in order to concentrate the purchasing of goods and services for ministries and their subordinate institutions. The Albanian Government created this institution to increase efficiency and to better counter corruption in the use of public money for actual expenses. AIS has established a monitoring […] 10:33:182019-06-13 10:38:20Transparency, Monitoring, and Evaluation of the Central Purchasing Agency tenders
Tenders without competition, direct negotiations, or tenders with only one economic operator competing, involve a high risk of irregularities and misuse of public contracts and funds. Through its Transparent Procurement Program, AIS has found that 18% of the total number of tenders carried out by municipalities involve at least one risk in this process. The […] 10:09:372019-06-13 10:16:58Risk Assessment Redflag: 18% of the 2018 Municipality Tenders are exposed to risk of corruption. Here is the list.
The TV program “31 Minutes ” is one of the attempts to qualitative journalism. The program is being broadcast for the last few months on the public television thanks to cooperation between the Albanian Radio and Television and the Albanian Center for Quality Journalism. The Albanian Institute of Science AIS joined the program supporters by […] 12:22:032019-07-19 12:22:46The TV program “31 Minutes” – an attempt to qualitative journalism.
The Platform was presented in the framework of May the 9th, Europe Day in TiranaThis instrument in the Albanian language is developed as part of a project implemented by ODK and AIS on Open ICT Education for Youth Employability. The project offers free vocational training courses on Information Technology to “Kolin Gjoka” Vocational School […] 09:32:012019-06-13 19:21:56Europe Day in Tirana, the, a learning Platform for Youth Employability in Albania and Kosova, was presented.
Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave promotor i standardit Open Data, fton studentët e Degës së Informatikës Ekonomike (Master), të interesuar për të bërë praktikë pune të konsiderojnë mundësinë e aplikimit pranë organizatës sonë. Kjo praktikë mësimore ju jep mundësinë të praktikoni dhe forconi njohuri më të mira në përdorimin e databazave në MYSQL (dhe QUERY), gjithashtu […] 12:53:452019-05-06 12:53:45Ftesë për Praktikë Studentore, Student në Informatikë Ekonomike
AIS starts the Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractors Project, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
/in Events, Homeposts, Ongoing Projects, Press Releases /by adminThe newest project started by AIS is named Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractor, Legislation, Practice and Role of Civic Actors. The project is supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as one of the MATRA Program in Albania. On July 18th, the Dutch Ambassador Ms. Guusje Korthals Altes and Director of AIS […]
Open Data Albania publishes data about the economic damage audited by Supreme Audit Institution during 2018
/in Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe Open Data Albania ODA Portal published several investigative articles of open data from the audit reports of Albanian State Supreme Audit Institution (ALSSAI) during 2018. The articles identify the economic damage found in monetary value, the institutions responsible for the highest damages, and the mostly affected sectors and areas. The damage and ineffectiveness identified […]
Events with Journalists. Role of Central and Local Authorities during electoral periods, Monitoring Practices
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminOn the 26th of July, a round table was held in Tirana with journalists and representatives from the civil society on the Role of Central and Local Authorities during electoral periods, Monitoring Practices. The round table was organized by the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) and the Institute for Political Studies (ISP), supported by USAID/Accelerated […]
Roundtable with representatives from the media, civil society, and institutions – Transparency, Monitoring and Evaluation of Procurement of Central Purchasing Agency (CPA)
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminA round table was heldon 11.06.2019, with representatives from the media, civil society, and institutions. The purpose of this round table was: to present the volume and dynamics of the institution’s work over the last 15 months; analyze the context in which the institution was established; assess the impact of the Agency on the efficiency […]
Tendera të Agjencisë së Blerjeve të Përqendruara të proceduar nga Shkurt 2018 deri 31 Maj 2019.
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminAksesi në të dhëna standardi Open Contracting. Duke përdorur publikimet në sistemin e APP, të dhëna të buletineve, të dhëna të sistemit të Thesarit apo të dhëna të Open Corporates Albania është krijuar databaza me pasaporta për të gjitha tenderimet e prokuruara nga kjo Agjenci e Blerjeve të Përqendruara. Në rastin e tenderimeve me lote, […]
Transparency, Monitoring, and Evaluation of the Central Purchasing Agency tenders
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe Central Purchasing Agency is a state institution established in 2018 in order to concentrate the purchasing of goods and services for ministries and their subordinate institutions. The Albanian Government created this institution to increase efficiency and to better counter corruption in the use of public money for actual expenses. AIS has established a monitoring […]
Risk Assessment Redflag: 18% of the 2018 Municipality Tenders are exposed to risk of corruption. Here is the list.
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminTenders without competition, direct negotiations, or tenders with only one economic operator competing, involve a high risk of irregularities and misuse of public contracts and funds. Through its Transparent Procurement Program, AIS has found that 18% of the total number of tenders carried out by municipalities involve at least one risk in this process. The […]
The TV program “31 Minutes” – an attempt to qualitative journalism.
/in Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe TV program “31 Minutes ” is one of the attempts to qualitative journalism. The program is being broadcast for the last few months on the public television thanks to cooperation between the Albanian Radio and Television and the Albanian Center for Quality Journalism. The Albanian Institute of Science AIS joined the program supporters by […]
Europe Day in Tirana, the, a learning Platform for Youth Employability in Albania and Kosova, was presented.
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe Platform was presented in the framework of May the 9th, Europe Day in TiranaThis instrument in the Albanian language is developed as part of a project implemented by ODK and AIS on Open ICT Education for Youth Employability. The project offers free vocational training courses on Information Technology to “Kolin Gjoka” Vocational School […]
Ftesë për Praktikë Studentore, Student në Informatikë Ekonomike
/in Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminInstituti Shqiptar i Shkencave promotor i standardit Open Data, fton studentët e Degës së Informatikës Ekonomike (Master), të interesuar për të bërë praktikë pune të konsiderojnë mundësinë e aplikimit pranë organizatës sonë. Kjo praktikë mësimore ju jep mundësinë të praktikoni dhe forconi njohuri më të mira në përdorimin e databazave në MYSQL (dhe QUERY), gjithashtu […]