AIS organized a MasterClass with Dutch writer, Joris Luyendijk, for Balkans journalists

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) organized on March 12 a MasterClass with journalists from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro over media role in reporting money, government and politics. The special guest was the Dutch journalist Joris Luyendijk, author of the book “Swimming with the sharks: My journey into the world of the bankers.” In […]

Submitted to AKEP on 26.02.2018 – “Opinions about the Document subject to Public Consultation “On Amendments to Regulation No.2, dated 21. 02. 2008”

Dear members of the Steering Board of AKEP, The non-Government organization Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), registered with the Register of NGOs at Tirana District Court by initial decision No. 3048, dated 28/03/2011, would like to take the opportunity to express its highest considerations for your work and institutions. In response to the Document for […]

Regress made with judicial statistical data. Ministry of Justice does not compile its annual statistics for 2016

Even on the ninth month of 2017, the Ministry of Justice has not yet managed to meet its obligation to Monitor, Process, Analyze, and Publish Statistical Data about the Judicial System for the previous year, i.e. 2016. Every first quarter of the year, this institution presents its Annual Statistical Report to the public. Such report contains statistical […]

Raportime Za’Lart 2017 Shpërndahen ndihma 2 ditë para zgjedhjeve

Në platformën tonë për raportime të shkeljeve zgjedhore sapo janë postuar videot e para me shpërndarje të dhuratave dhe pakove për njerëz në nevojë. Pamjet vinë nga qyteti i Shkodrës ku prej orësh komuniteti egjiptian dhe persona në nevojë, janë në radhë për të marrë pakot me ushqime.

Money and Power, high incomes from selling immovable properties

High incomes made by selling immovable properties and pieces of art, several times more than the money made through salaries. This is what characterizes self-declarations of the high state officials for 2016. Their declarations are being published online and are accessible for journalists and the public at large under the Power and Money Section of […]

Watchdog Program for Citizens to Report on 2017 elections in search of funds

Vote buying, violation of the right to vote, people with criminal records leading electoral teams, and misuse of public institutions. These phenomena are common in the electoral processes in Albania already signaled and reported in the 2013 and 2015 elections in the Citizen Monitoring Platform Za’Lart Albania. Such phenomena are also expected to occur in […]

Money and Power, what are the economic interests of District Chief Prosecutors

Data regarding assets and annual incomes of 22 District Chief Prosecutors were analyzed to identify their potential interests and economic connections. The prosecutors’ self-declarations are published under the Money and Power section, and the analysis is published as a separate article on Open Data AlbaniaSimilar analysis is done earlier for high-level judges, MPs andMayors The […]

Money and Power, what are the economic interests of District Chief Prosecutors

Data regarding assets and annual incomes of 22 District Chief Prosecutors were analyzed to identify their potential interests and economic connections. The prosecutors’ self-declarations are published under the Money and Power section, and the analysis is published as a separate article on Open Data AlbaniaSimilar analysis is done earlier for high-level judges, MPs andMayors The […]

Municipality of Divjaka cooperates with AIS on its transparency program for 2017

The Municipality of Divjaka in cooperation with AIS established Open Spending and Open Budget instruments. The budget tables for 2017 were visualized in an open data format, making it easier for everyone to trace, understand, and reuse information. In addition to its table of incomes and expenditures, the municipality visualised also its budget by its […]