DiploHack Tirana 29 – 30th January
The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and the Albanian Institute of Science will host DiploHack Tirana, “A Voice for Civil Society: Using Open Data to Strengthen Civil Society Advocacy” on January 29 and 30. This Hackathon event will bring together civil society representatives, diplomats, and programmers in a day-long session to work together towards creative ways for using open data to give civil society a stronger voice.
As the current holder of the Presidency of the European Union, the Netherlands has as one of its principles to promote dialogue between citizens and governments. Transparency plays a crucial role in a meaningful public debate, and using technology and open data can contribute significantly to empowering civil society, journalists and academia.
Mixed networks and collaborations are becoming increasingly important; the world is changing, and so is diplomacy. The rapid evolution of new technology offers both challenges and great opportunities. To meet these challenges, diplomats regularly collaborate with other actors to set up co-creative events that can approach issues of global relevance through ideation and design processes.
A #DiploHack combines the specific know-how and skill sets of NGO’s, social entrepreneurs, tech developers and designers, and those of diplomats, journalists, and academics to ‘hack’ problems and come up with out-of-the-box solutions. Small teams comprised of a civil society representative, a diplomat, and a programmer will work together for 24 hours. The team with the best idea wins the DiploHack Tirana Award.
Date: 29 afternoon and 30 January all the day.
Location: The Public Award Ceremony from 19:00 till 22:00 at 30 January 2016 at Destil
Hashtag: #DiploHack
- Schedule – link
- Results
Diplohack Albania 2016 Award
#Love in Action
Access hack in Tirana: an interactive map of accessibility statuis of public spaces for people with disabilities.
- DiploHack Data Sets
Information on time for public procurement to be improved
Fund your idea:technical assistance, accessibility to data sources capacity building
Helping domestic violence victims
The Pink Team
Common Places, on open digital platform as space of discussion about the creation of common places
Albanian Tulip
Civil Society Platform:Making Albanian NGO’s more effective by improving their visibility
The Pioneers
Balkan Bike, digital platform for cycling mobility
Neighbour tap
See and Act, responsibilities of local governments
Sunshine Pirates
WANA app(We Are Not Alone): helping people who live alone for medical emergency purposes
- Mentors
Nori Spauwen
Nori Spauwen is a junior diplomat who works for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She specializes in Human Rights and Strenghtening Civil Society and is in Albania for a month to help set up a DiploHack. Nori has a background as an advocate for LGBT rights at the UN and holds a Master degree in Political Philosophy. She lives in Amsterdam and works in The Hague.
Rron Nushi

Besjana Hysa
Shefiko Hajna
Erald Hoxha
Ergest Nako Besjana Hysa has been working for almost 4 years on promoting Transparency through Data by monitoring and analyzing the information on everything related to public expenditures in Albania and implementing digital platforms that provide information to citizens. She is currently involved in the following project: “Money, Government and Politics” project for publishing data about assets, incomes and expenditures declared by high level officials in politics and judiciary system, Electoral Spending project that contains data and analyses on electoral campaign expenditures.
Shefiko Hajna is a Software Developer for several projects such as: Open Spending, Open Data and Za’Lart. She holds a Master Degree in System of Information in Economy, Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana.
Erald Hoxhabis an Open Data Journalist working in Albanian Institute of Science projects that have generated substantial results in terms of transparency, information, accountability and good governance. His work consist in providing the public with Transparency and civic participation through the open source platform Raised Voices Albania (Za’Lart), where citizens had the opportunity to denounce cases of vote manipulation, misuse of public administration or children, and other electoral distortions.
Co-founder of Garazh, a newly organization, with the object to help, and acceleration innovation in Albania and in the region. Ergest has an experience of more than 10 years in the technology sector with strong expertise in Project Management, Information security, Business Process Management and IT management. He hold a MSc in software engineer. During the last two year, he is deeply involved in the innovation sector in Tirana, organizing Startup Weekend Tirana for three times in raw and the first HackDay Albania, mentoring different startup and also giving presentation, motivation speech and moderating different events in the innovation sector. He also was recognized for the startup weekend Tirana as Best Innovative Program for 2014 by Infocom Albania.
- Participants list
- Organizers: The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and the Albanian Institute of Science
- Inspiration
- Resource Open Data
- Instruments
- Video Presentations (after the event)
- Photo Gallery