Open Data Day 2017, Justice Journalists against the Decision of Tirana Court for non-publication of the Criminal Decisions.

March 4th, 2017 is the OpenDataDay. Actors engaged in opening data in different countries in the world have developed events and presented initiatives promoting Open Data mainly for the public sector. AIS, an organization promoting Open Data for Albania, invited journalists, who cover justice-related issues, to attend a round table on transparency and corruption. The […]

Open Data Day 2017, Gazetarët të Drejtësisë kundër vendimit të Gjykatës së Tiranës për mospublikim të Vendimeve Penale.

Data 4 mars 2017 është Dita Për të Dhëna të Hapura  OpenDataDay. Aktorë të angazhuar në çlirimin e të dhënave në vende të ndryshme të botës kanë zhvilluar evente dhe kanë prezantuar iniciativa në dobi të Open Data kryesisht për sektorin publik. Organizata AIS promotore e Open Data për Shqipërinë ka ftuar gazetar që mbulojnë […]

Follow the Money – Financing of Electoral Subjects and Electoral Corruption

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), a non-Governmental organization known as a promoter of Open Data Albania, is organizing a series of Roundtables, Workshops, and Fora on “Follow the Money”. The first meeting of this cycle was held on 26 October on Public Procurement, Tenders, and Contracts in the Health Sector. In order to strengthen […]

Public Health Sector Procurement 2016, an anticorruption and Transparency Program

AIS, a promoter of Open Data Albania, presented to the media representatives today (26 October) a database containing information regarding procurement and contracts from the Public Health Sector. The data covers the period starting from 1 January 2016, and are updated on a daily basis. They are well-structured and presented in an Open Contracting Data […]

Follow the Money – Series of Workshops

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), a non-governmental organization known as a promoter of Open Data in Albania, is planning to hold a series of Round Tables, Workshops, and Forums on the topic ‘Follow the Money’. The events intend to present instruments and databases that ensure data and facts about public expenditures, procurement, contracts, contractors, […]

Training on the use of ICT tools to increase transparency over the budgets and expenditures of the local government units.

The training took place on 13 September, at Doro City Hotel. It aimed at enhancing the capacities of the local government unit employees in independently using transparency instruments over their budgets and expenses: Budget by the Economic Classification of the Actual Expenses (Money Map); Monitoring of Transactions for Local Government (Monitoring Treasury).

10 organizations meet in Tirana on the Perspective of Open Contracting Standards in the Regio

Open Data against abuse and corruption using public money. Ten regional organizations met in Tirana on 28-29 July at a workshop organized by AIS: Civil Monitoring of Public Procurement. The participants analyzed how transparent the data from different phases of public contracting are and presented some CSO initiatives for citizens’ monitoring of public procurement in Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Macedonia, […]