All Digital Study Visit- AIS visits Langas į ateitį in Vilnius

AIS Study visit at LiA Albanian Institute of Science is a small organization based in Tirana, Albania . AIS main focus in to use technologies in profit of the citizens. AIS is promotor of Open Data in Albania and first Hackathon organizer. Two of our members Besjana Hysa, Project Manager and Orsela Droja Youth Participation […]

Open Corporates Albania, kush qëndron pas bizneseve që fitojnë tendera me bashkitë – Workshop në Vlorë është portali i ri prezantuar nga Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave. Portali ka të dhëna transparente për subjekte dhe shoqëri biznesi që kanë fituar kontrata publike dhe ankande me njësi të qeverisjes vendore. Databaza mban informacion për mbi 4000 subjekte ekonomike dhe përditësohet çdo ditë me informacion shtesë për shoqëri biznesi që kontraktohen për herë të parë.

Njihu me kontraktor të bashkive në kontrata publike-Prezantimi Databazës në Qytetin e Rrëshenit

Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave ne kuadër të projektit Monitoro Klientë të Bashkive në Kontrata Publike, i mbështetur nga Leviz Albania, prezantoi, në date 16 Shtator 2017, në qytetin e Rrëshenit platformën #OpenCorporates #Albania 

Money and Power, high incomes from selling immovable properties

High incomes made by selling immovable properties and pieces of art, several times more than the money made through salaries. This is what characterizes self-declarations of the high state officials for 2016. Their declarations are being published online and are accessible for journalists and the public at large under the Power and Money Section of […]

More municipality tender procedures exposed to misuse of funds

Tenders without any competition, lack of competition, deadlines favoring clientelism, and unjustified increased contract values. Monitoring of public procurement in the 61 municipalities of the country shows risk of corruption in 655 tenders, equivalent of 10% of the contracts. More than 60 procurement procedures were marked by a RedFlag in April only. AIS will soon […]

Money and Power, what are the economic interests of District Chief Prosecutors

Data regarding assets and annual incomes of 22 District Chief Prosecutors were analyzed to identify their potential interests and economic connections. The prosecutors’ self-declarations are published under the Money and Power section, and the analysis is published as a separate article on Open Data AlbaniaSimilar analysis is done earlier for high-level judges, MPs andMayors The […]

Municipality of Divjaka cooperates with AIS on its transparency program for 2017

The Municipality of Divjaka in cooperation with AIS established Open Spending and Open Budget instruments. The budget tables for 2017 were visualized in an open data format, making it easier for everyone to trace, understand, and reuse information. In addition to its table of incomes and expenditures, the municipality visualised also its budget by its […]

Get Online Week 2017 në Shqipëri.

Fuqizohu; Punësohu Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave – AIS si pjesë e network Telecentre Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatën Get Online Week/ Java e Internetit. Ky event mbahet ne datat 27 Mars deri 2 Prill në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet. Në Europë tregu i punës kërkon çdo ditë me mijëra profesionist që […]