AIS – 3rd International Summer School on Open and Collaborative Governance, 2015

Albanian Institute of Science will participate at the 3rd International Summer School focusing on Technologies and Applications for Open and Collaborative Governance, organized by the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean taking place in Samos, Greece from 29th June – 3rd July 2015. In this activity AIS /Open Data Albania […]

e – Participation day event in Albania

In the framework of e-Participation Day, Albanian Institute of Science in cooperation with Telecenter-Europe, organized in May 7, 2015 a training with youth from high schools of Tirana, conducted under the Europe for Citizens Program in eleven European countries aiming to educate and involve citizens in policy-making through ICT instruments. Also, during the event took […]

Youth on ICT for Fair Elections

Workshop: in Vlora, Shkodra and Berat AIS in partnership with Vlora Youth Center within the projects ZA’LART and Vlora Youth Vote 2015, funded by the Small Grants Programme of the Commission for Democracy of US Embassy in Albania and OSFA took part in the presentation titled Method/Instruments citizen participation in decision making processes at Young […]

Electoral Situation Room 2015 – Civil Society Initiative

June 2, 2015 Local elections of 21 June for the first time will be monitored and evaluated by a coalition of seven local non-governmental organizations that in one voice will coordinate information and expertise about the performance of the whole electoral process. The initiative of election monitoring is supported by Soros in order to obtain […]

Civil Society Monitoring the Elections in Albania – Keeping it Free and Fair

Point Conference: 20-24 of May 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina Albanian Institute of Science even this year participated at POINT Conference (Political Accountability and New Technologies) a regional conference of civil society organizations from 7 countries of Southeast Europe. POINT 4.0 is being organized since 2012 for POINT by CA Why not (Zašto ne) from BiH, […]

The Right to Information on Electoral Financing and Media

Training for Journalist: The Right to Information on Electoral Financing Entities AIS as a promoter of Open Data Albania, with the wish in enhancing civil society-media partnership, held on May 9, 2015 in Tirana the training entitled: The Right to Information on Election Financing entities. Part of the Money, Governments and Politics project. Journalists and […]

Konkursi “Historia Ime e Pjesëmarrjes Elektronike”

“Kërkohen e-Qytetarë Aktiv!” Konkursi Online “ Historia ime e e-Pjesëmarrjes” kërkon të mbledhi sa më shumë histori personale të qytetarëve të cilët kanë përdorur instrumentat e pjesëmarrjes elektronike të BE ose kombëtare për të influencuar politikë bërjen dhe për të bërë ndryshim në jetën e tyre dhe të të tjerëve. Ne duam të dëgjojmë nga […]

Dita Europiane e Pjesëmarrjes Elektronike / e-Participation Day, 7 Maj 2015

Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS) , më datën 7 maj 2015 , ora 10,në ambjentet e Librarisë Tirana Times (pranë shkollës 11 Janari) , organizon një forum të hapur me të rinj, për Ditën Europiane të Pjesëmarrjes Elektronike /e-Participation Day. Ky event realizohet në kuadër të Programit eUROPA for Citizens në njëmbëdhjetë vende të Europës. […]

USAID/Albania through Assist Impact supports AIS project: Money, Government & Politics

USAID / Albania and Assist Impact are supporting eight civil society projects to empower democracy. In a special ceremony held on 16 of April, was the signing of grant support agreements. One of the wining projects was that of our organization, called: Money, Government and Politics. The Executive Director Ms, Aranita BRAHAJ signed the agreement […]