OGP Albania – Ministry of Finances Censures the State Treasure Public Data

In the name of the principles of Journalism for Public Information, I would like to share with you a concern over a recent case of State Treasure Public Data being censured. The Albanian Government is obliged by law and by the respective secondary legislation acts to ensure transparency over every single detail about the way […]

AIS attended the conference: Political Accountability and New Technologies ( POINT 3.0 )

Political Accountability and New Technologies ( POINT 3.0 ) conference took place in Art Cinema Kriterion in Sarajevo from May 22nd to May 24th. This year’s program offered a variety of great speakers, panels, exhibitions, workshops and screenings. Among other great speakers, there appeared Michael Slaby, the CTO of the Obama 2008 campaign; Chris Albon from Ushahidi; Sultan […]

Java e Përdorimit të Internetit – Get Online Week Albania 2012

Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave në partneritet me Telecentre Europe organizon për herë të parë në Shqipëri fushatën: Get Online Week 2012 – Java e Përdorimit të Internetit 2012. Kjo fushatë organizohet prej tre vitesh në vende të Bashkimit Europian. Qëllim i kësaj fushate është nxitja dhe aftësimi i sa më shumë personave në përdorimin e […]

Hackathon Day in Tirana

Open Data Albania organized  its annual Hackathon, “Hackathon Albania 2013” on Saturday, December 7, 2013, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at Tirana’s downtown. This event is a gathering of friends, activists and citizens that want to give their contribution through visualizations or projects, and help the general opinion. Hackathon is a casual meeting, where […]

Action – Cleaning of the Castle of Bashtova

Action for Cleaning the Castle of Bashtova – 01 May 2014. This is the action of a group of volunteers of the “Act Now as a Smart Tourist” project. About 40 volunteers participated in this action for cleaning and promoting the castles along the Albanian coast. The Castle of Bashtova is a monument of the […]

Volunteer Action: “Castles of my coast”

On October 18th, we organized the “Castles of my coast” action in Borshi Castle with the participation of 120 volunteers. This castle is located in a tourist area along the coast, and it is very interesting for its tourist and environmental potential. Its maintenance leaves a lot to be desired. The road to the castle […]

Invitation for Participation at “Hackathon Albania 2013”

Open Data Albania is proud to announce its Annual Hackathon 2013. This event is a gathering of friends, activists and citizens that want to give their contribution through visualizations or projects, and help the general opinion. Hackathon is a casual meeting, where we collaborate as a team in writing applications, downloading data, creating visualizations or […]

Central Election Commission violates the Electoral Code concerning Financing of Electoral Subjects

Legal and administrative irregularities in appointing the Auditing Experts After publishing the data about the electoral expenditures for the two last campaigns, Open Data Albania, in an effort to ensure as much transparency as possible over the official data concerning the 2013 Electoral Campaign, found certain violations of the law in the organization of work […]

Electoral Spending as Open Data

Some countries lack the process of the publication and transparency for Electoral Expenditure. Former communist countries, countries with a new democracy or the ones who do not acknowledge political freedom, have not put into law the obligation to publish the Electoral Expenditures. Even in places where this law exists, there are big difficulties in building […]

Dita e të Dhënave të Hapura 2013

POPULLSIA & CENSUSE 1870 – 2011 Këtë vit në mbarë botën ditët e Open Data finalizohen më 23 shkurt me evente të rëndësishme si Hackathon, Datathon apo me publikime interesante në formatin dhe standardin Open Data. Projekti ynë Open Data Albania po publikon në vigjilje të kësaj date të dhëna të Popullsisë për Shtetin Shqiptar […]