Tracing of tenders related to the Natural Disaster of Covid -19, AIS database as an independent monitoring mechanism

AIS has traced tenders carried out by health institutions in the country, creating a database with information on tenders’ procedures, purchases, performance, and status. The database enables transparency and tracing of contracts signed for: Medications –  Equipment – Protective Gears – Medical Oxygen – or Purchases of Vaccines – The data are listed by […]

Harta e Parregullsive Zgjedhore dhe Blerjes së Votës,

Shkodra, Dibra, Durrësi, Elbasani janë nga zonat me më shumë raste të raportimeve qytetare për blerje vote në 2015 dhe 2017. Projekti Za’Lart ka një arkivë të krijuar në fushatat zgjedhore 2015 dhe 2017. Në këto fushata janë ftuar qytetarët të raportojnë përmes një aplikacioni me të njëjtin emër Za’Lar Raised Voise-ICT for fair Elections. […]

2021 Budget, Public Costs envisioned for Private Public Partnership (PPP) Concessions

Open Data Albania is investigating the costs envisioned to be paid for Private Public Partnerships (PPP) or concessions, covered by the 2021 state budget. The article conducts an analysis of the concessionary PPP contracts that are active in 2021 and the costs envisioned for each of these contracts for the period 2018-2023. In 2021, according […]

The register of Magistrates, new Profiles of prosecutors and judges introduced to AksesInfoDrejtësi

The Register of Magistrates, a public database created by AIS, is enriched during December-January 2021 by the passport profile of 17 judges and prosecutors (magistrates) who passed the vetting process in recent months or weeks.  Every created passport contains information like the CV, self-declarations, qualifications, scientific research, promotions, disciplinary measures, asset declarations for each individual […]

The Register of Magistrates and their Scientific Contribution, Publication and Views

  Magistrates that are appreciated (viewed) for their scientific research, publications and contribution to the doctrine of law The Register of Magistrates, created by the organization AIS, promotor of Open Data for Albania, ranks the most favorite Judges and Prosecutors according to Google Analytics and Google Search Console shows in terms of their contribution to the Doctrine of Law […]

Health Budget for 2020, Small Increase, Failure to Implement Investment, Lack of Attention to Primary Health Care Service

The Health Budget for 2020, the year the country had to cope with a Pandemic, reached 39.625 billion Albanian Lekë or 320.85 Million Euro. This final figure was reached after revisions made to the Planned Budget, including an additional 2.1 billion Albanian Lekë as part of the effort to cope with Covid-19. While the total […]

Public Contracting Reform, AIS recommendations for programs of the electoral subject 2021

Following years of monitoring and risk assessment in public procurement in the areas of public health, local government, and national infrastructure, AIS has drafted 7 proposals for the reform of public procurement and contracting. These recommendations will be proposed to the main parties in elections, suggesting their involvement in their electoral program and promises. The […]

PPP concessionary costs for public taxpayers 2018 – 2023 Planning

Open Data Albania is looking into the state budget costs for Private Public Partnership  concessions (PPP) covered by public funds for the period 2018-2023. The article identifies the planned payments year after year; and provides an overview of progress made through the years by concessionary companies. This investigation is based on the Budget Report accompanying […]

Regjistri i Magjistratëve dhe Kontributi Shkencor, Publikime dhe Klikime

Magjistrat vs Kontribut në Doktrinë Evelina Qirjako Valbona Bala dhe Rezarta Mataj janë 3 Magjistrate që megjithëse jashtë apo të pezulluara në Institucionet e drejtësisë vlerësohen për kontribut në Doktrinën Juridike. Doktoraturat e tyre në sektorët E Drejtë Pronësi; Konstitucionalizëm dhe Dëme Jashtë Kontraktore janë tre dokumentat më të klikuar në Muajin Janar 2021 në […]

Tendera për Kite dhe Teste situate Covid – 19, Spitalet Rajonale pritet Buxheti 2021

Në faqen Open Procurement Albania, sektori Shëndetësi janë të gjitha tenderat e institucioneve që punojnë në sektorin publik. Për të kuptuar sa po shpenzohet në blerjen e Kiteve dhe Testeve për Covid19, kush janë furnitorët, cilën tipologji testi po kërkon Instituti i Shëndetit Publik dhe Qendrat Spitalore mund të shikohen me kujdes  si Vijon: Me […]