Open Local Government Procurement and Red Flag Index
Following Open Local Government Procurement Program OpenLGP, that started its implementation in November 2015, this project is opening data for each procedure of public procurement of the 61 municipalities for one more year (in total, the database will be enriched with data for the two first years of the 61 municipalities, i.e. 2015 – 2017) and update procurement data already registered.
Public Health Sector Procurements
This Project has enabled the creation, promotion, and use of a well-structured database, which serves as an instrument (tool) for transparency, information, citizens’ monitoring about procurement processes of the Public Health Sector for 2016. The database contains well-structured data, updated in real time and filters for ensuring user friendly information. It serves as an instrument for anti-corruption.
Money, Government & Politics
This project and its activities address issues of abuse, corruption, and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in Albania. The program opens up and well-structures data about the wealth of high state officials, and expenditures of state institutions, concessionary corporates, and electoral spending.This process enables to track cases of nepotism, embezzlement, and conflict of interest. Access to such data increases transparency, accountability and public pressure in cases of favoritism, and embezzlement of public funds or assets.
Open Data Albania
Promoting Transparency through Data
Since its beginning and continuing in the present year, AIS has successfully executed its most prominent project on transparency through Open Data usability. It has published hundreds of datasets in open data formats, deliver more than 300 analyses and studies on socio-economic topics, and launch numerous activities with the goal of creating an Open Data Movement.
Open Spending Albania
Where does our Money go?
This project provides the public with the Open Spending Albania platform, novel tools and a set of activities that aim to improve the access to transparency data and knowledge on public procurements in the country.
Spending Transparency for Municipalities
Open Governance – Good Governance
PLGP, in collaboration with the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), has launched an “Open Governance as Good Governance” initiative. This initiative will draw upon the AIS project experience to make model municipalities’ budgets more transparent by publishing municipal finance information using an Open Data format.
Network of Researchers
This project establishes a network of Albanian scientific and academic researchers. The objective is to increasing the visibility of our scientific research. The project marked satisfactory results in different scientific disciplines. It’s long-term aim is the application of open science in presenting the Albanian scientific research and enhancing its effectiveness.
Kërkohet një specialist përpunim të dhënash Data Enter
/in Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminAIS është në kërkim të një personi për ta punësuar sistaf për përpunim të dhënash. Procesi i punës është i thjeshtë dhe lidhet me përgatitjen e databazave me të dhëna të shoqërive tregtare. Pozicioni i punë nuk ka lidhje me analizë apo përpunim statistikor. Personi duhet të jetë i diplomuar (edhe trevjecar) në degët financë, […]
Workshop on “Electronic Asset Declaration Systems to Maximize Transparency”
/in Events, Homeposts /by adminIn the framework of the USAID Albania project, Transparency in the Health System THE, AIS, as a local partner in the project, organized a workshop with Inspectors from the High Inspectorate for the Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests. The workshop on Models of Best Practices of Electronic Systems of Assets Declaration […]
Kërkohet një specialist përpunim të dhënash Data Enter
/in Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminAIS është duke këkruar 1 ose 2 persona staf për përpunim të dhënash. Procesi i punës është i thjeshtë dhe lidhet me përgatitjen e databazave me të dhëna të shoqërive tregtare. Pozicioni i punë nuk ka lidhje me analizë apo përpunim statistikor. Personi duhet të jetë i diplomuar (edhe trevjecar) në degët financë, kontabilitet, biznes […]
AIS conference on presenting red flag index for private contractors of public companies
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminIn the framework of its Promoting Transparency in Public Spending – Open Local Government Procurements Project , AIS organized a press conference on 29 October in Voskopoja presenting are open procurement data of the Albanian Development Fund and red flag index for private contractors of public companies For Journalist working on the field in Albania. […]
DataThon 2018 – Si shpenzon Bashkia ku unë paguaj Taksa ?
/in Events, Homeposts /by adminAIS, organizatë promotore për të dhëna të hapura dhe grant marrëse e programit Lëviz Albania organizon eventin DataThon 2018. Slogan i eventit: Si shpenzon Bashkia ku unë paguaj Taksa. DataThon është një marathon dy ditore për të gjetur, analizuar, vizualizuar dhe shpjeguar me fakte të thjeshta, procese të buxhetimit, kontraktimit, prokurimit dhe të tjera, që […]
Integrating the Red Flags algorithm into the risk evaluation process of the Albanian Supreme Audit Institution
/in Events, Homeposts /by adminThe integration of a Red Flags algorithm into Albanian Supreme Audit Institution’s (ASAI’s) risk evaluation process is one of the pillars of the “Transparency in Health Engagement” project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by University Research Company, LLC (URC). Following several meetings with ASAI staff, in order to include […]
Albanian Development Fund Procurement on an Online Database since January 2015 by Open Contracting standards
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe Albanian Development Fund (ADF) is one of the most important public institutions. Its projects are covered by the State Budget and credits from important international institutions. The monitoring of ADF’s procurement of public works is particularly important given the high value and impact they are expected to have on the public sector. AIS has […]