Policy Paper “Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32”
The Policy Paper “Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS / Open Data Albania, during the implementation of C1 – EU – NPA
Project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to Fulfill Basic Rights”, through the creation of the Cluster 1 Albania Negotiation Platform.
This project is being implemented by four Albanian organizations: the Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance CSDG, the Institute for Political Studies ISP, the Albanian Helsinki Committee AHC and the Albanian Institute of Science AIS, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana.
See the event agenda HERE
You will find enclosed below the following items:
- Policy Paper “Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32” (PDF link)
- Summary and conclusions Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32 (PDF link)
- ANNEX 1 – Summary of the progress done by Albania based on NPIE 2021 – 2023_Chapter 32 (PDF link)
- ANNEX 2 – Existing legal framework for Financial Control (PDF link)
- ANNEX 3 – Progress Report for Albania – Yearly assessment by EC (PDF link)
- ANNEX 4 – EC Assessments, Opinions and Recommendations for Chapter 32 (PDF link)
- ANNEX 5 – Objectives & priorities defined in the NPEI 2021-2023 Chapter 32 (PDF link)
- ANNEX 6 – Objectives and priorities defined in PIFC 2021-2023 Chapter 32 (PDF link)
- ANNEX 7 – The role of Albanian Institutions in the National Plan for European Integration (PDF link)
- ANNEX 8 – EC Progress Report – Juxtaposition with countries in the region (PDF link)
Findings, Opinions or Recommendations expressed in this event represent the viewpoints of the experts and the AIS organization and do not coincide with the responsibility of the partners or supporters of the C1-EU-NPA Project.

Mr. Eduart Shalsi, Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee Economy and Finance and Mr. Arbi Agalliu member of Parliamentary Committee for Economy and Finance

Mrs. Oriada Tare