The public monitors the integrity of the Justice System. Most viewed individuals in the Register of Magistrates, December 2020

The web-based Access to Justice Database is created by AIS organization as a mine of data and documents for the newly established justice institutions and their members. The database contains a Register of Magistrates, which includes information and a passport for each judge , prosecutor , and each member of the justice institutions […]

AIS proposes to the Government the establishment of an Electronic Register for the Magistrates, AKSHI sets up working group for its implementation

A Register of the Magistrates, with data, documents, and information for Albanian judges and prosecutors is required by the law since 2016, the year when the legal package for the justice reform was adopted. This register enables the careful archiving of the documents and information related to the integrity, performance, and image of judges and […]

Anti-Corruption Day – Open Data Albania is awarded the Prize for Civil Society Action

The Integrity Week and the World Anti-Corruption Day were finalized with several awards of appreciation being given to important and active actors in the country. Our organization, known as a promoter of Open Data Albania, was awarded the prize for Civil Society Action. The prize was given in recognition for Strengthening Accountability with respect to […]

Map of Albania Oligarchs (Names of those who have received MILLIONS OF EUROS from Albanians’ taxpayers)

Risk Assessment in Tenders/Municipalities, whose 30% of the contracted value goes to one single company by direct negotiations RED FLAGS – Local Government Units of Albania are ranked on the top when it comes to abusive tenders. As history shows, small and average-value tenders organized by them tend to usually go to family relatives or […]

Register of Magistrates, Proposal of Civil Society Action Plan OGP, Component Open Government for Access to Justice and Digital Governance

The Register of Magistrates is an unfulfilled legal obligation, and the civil society proposes to consider it as a Government commitment in the 2021-2022 Action Plan. AIS as an organization, draws attention to the institutional delays for the creation of the Register of Magistrates for Prosecutors and Judges. This register is both a legal obligation […]

Access to Justice – A public register for the magistrates, created by a Non-Governmental Organisation

Access to Information Database is a data mine into the justice system. A passport of information, documents, and data is created for each individual that is promoted and qualified in the vetting process, enabling public monitoring of individual integrity. This data is restructured, setting a model for the Magistrates’ Register. The Register represents a legal […]

Njoftim Organizata AIS kërkon Përpunues të Dhënash me karakter ekonomik

AIS organizatë jo qeveritare, promotore e të dhënave transparente (open data) në Shqipëri është në kërkim të bashkëpunëtorëve të rinj pjesë e proceseve për përpunim dhe hedhje të dhënash. Individët që kanë interes të bashkëpunojnë apo angazhohen në procese të tilla mund të aplikojnë për një intervistë apo testim. Kriteret për aplikim janë: diplomë universitare […]

Njoftim organizata AIS kërkon financier me kohë të pjesshme pune

AIS organizatë jo qeveritare është në kërkim të një financieri për  mbajtje të librave kontabël dhe dokumentacionit përmbyllës vjetor. Organizata ka llogari vjetore me shpenzime më pak se 30 milion lekë. Kandidati/Kandidatja duhet të jetë i diplomuar në Ekonomi. Me eksperiencë mbi 3 vite në mbajtje kontabiliteti ku pëlqehet eksperiencë pranë subjekteve jofitimprurëse. Kandidati përveç […]

The reconstruction programme after the earthquake of November 26th, tenders and contracts

The Albanian Government continued its tender procedures during March – June for the reconstruction and development of buildings and areas damaged by the November 26th 2019 earthquake. So far, there are two authorities involved: the Albanian Development Fund and the Municipality of Tirana. Open Procurement Albania is preparing passports for every tender and contract procedure […]

Overview of the efforts to demolish National Theatre building

The discussion surrounding the National Theatre began in March 2018 as the Prime Minister Rama presented a construction project for a new theatre. At 3.000 m², the new National Theatre project occupied less than half of the original area, however. The rest was intended for the building of high-rises and a shopping centre. Rama argued […]