The Members of Parliament are going to vote during the state of emergency caused by the natural disaster due to COVID-19, on the April 30th parliamentary session, on a law approving an extension of the concessionary contract for Porto Romano Port in Durres. In our opinion, this political decision of the Council of Ministers is […] 15:25:092021-01-27 15:26:45Parliament is voting on PPP concessionary contracts in the state of Natural Disaster
AIS has carried out several activities under the Improvement of the Integrity of Public Contractors Project, aiming at creating an impact through two components of the project: i. strengthening civic actors, media, and non-governmental organisations ii. Public pressure for improving Public Procurement legislation and practice in the country Regarding the second component, AIS became officially […] 11:20:002020-09-10 11:33:17AIS Recommendations for interventions related to the Public Procurement Sector
Another activity of our project Improve Integrity of Public Contractors was the preparation of two case studies for two large public contracts and procurements. The objects of the first one is the Concessionary Agreement for the financing, design, renovation, supply, reorganization and functioning of the PPP concessionary for providing laboratory services to hospitals, regional and […] 10:51:002021-07-12 14:33:02Case Study – Public Procurement Big Contracting
AIS, an organization promoting Open Data Albania, observes with concern that the Albanian Government has decided, in an anti-constitutional manner, illegally, and without any legitimate need, to consider Secret Contracting and Procedures for purchasing during the emergency created by Covid-19. Through two Decisions of Council of Ministers (DCM), namely: DCM No. 203, dated 26.02.2020 […] 09:02:092020-07-22 09:03:18Purchases for Covid-19 Situation, the Albanian Government applies Secrete Contracts, bypassing Participation and Transparency
Every Treasury Transactions made by our budgetary institutions, be it common or emergency payments. The Treasury Transactions is a well-structured database containing data about every payment made by budgetary institutions. The data catalogue has information on any transaction from 2012 and onwards. In addition, using search engines and communication filters, you may access information about […] 11:50:002020-09-10 11:51:41Treasury transactions; how and how much are being paid by the budgetary institutions for their bills;
Our most useful database in times of quarantine .The ODK and AIS have applied in the last two years an e-Learning platform for enabling young people to develop their digital skills, a program that enables training on skills for an innovative market of Information Technology. The database is designed to assist students in Kosovo and the […] 11:52:002020-09-10, an e-learning platform, in quarantine empowering itself for a well-paid and online labor market.
What are our Health institutions purchasing through negotiations for emergencies or through common purchasing procedures? We have a track record of all the public health sector investments and purchases. In the past two weeks, a few purchases have been recorded for the reinforcement of hygienic protection for health buildings. Link health tendersOther transparent procurements for the […] 11:49:002020-09-10 11:52:05What the Health Sector is procuring includes small purchases for the safety of the regional doctors;
Open Procurement Albania publishes information for procurement procedures worth of 9.4 billion Albanian Lek (76,42 million Euros) for Homes and Schools damaged by the Earthquake. The Government opts for Limited Procedure, avoiding open bidding competition. The 20-days timeframe for submission of requests by interested competitors is not respected. Data, documents, and information on every stage […] 08:14:572020-07-28 08:16:31Tender for the Reconstruction Program for the State-Supported Share
Together for Life (OJF) dhe Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave / Open Data Albania OJF i kanë drejtuar një kërkesë për Informim, mbi masa kapacitete import terapi intensive Covid 19, Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë. Kërkesën e plotë për Informim e gjeni Këtu 07:59:332020-10-09 08:00:49Kërkesë për Informim mbi masa kapacitete import terapi intensive Covid 19
Tender and Procurement in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government has not stopped its usual procurement procedures. The post-earthquake reconstruction program has just begun tendering in March. Open Procurement Albania publishes procurements, worth a total fund limit of 9.4 billion Albanian leks (without VAT) for houses and schools, which were damaged by the earthquake. The […] 11:48:002020-09-10 11:52:24Super tenders in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government allocates 9.4 billion Albanian leks (about 76.42 Million Euros) to Post-Earthquake Reconstruction following the November 2019 Earthquake.
Parliament is voting on PPP concessionary contracts in the state of Natural Disaster
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe Members of Parliament are going to vote during the state of emergency caused by the natural disaster due to COVID-19, on the April 30th parliamentary session, on a law approving an extension of the concessionary contract for Porto Romano Port in Durres. In our opinion, this political decision of the Council of Ministers is […]
AIS Recommendations for interventions related to the Public Procurement Sector
/in Events, Events, Homeposts, Publications /by adminAIS has carried out several activities under the Improvement of the Integrity of Public Contractors Project, aiming at creating an impact through two components of the project: i. strengthening civic actors, media, and non-governmental organisations ii. Public pressure for improving Public Procurement legislation and practice in the country Regarding the second component, AIS became officially […]
Case Study – Public Procurement Big Contracting
/in Events, Homeposts, Publications /by adminAnother activity of our project Improve Integrity of Public Contractors was the preparation of two case studies for two large public contracts and procurements. The objects of the first one is the Concessionary Agreement for the financing, design, renovation, supply, reorganization and functioning of the PPP concessionary for providing laboratory services to hospitals, regional and […]
Purchases for Covid-19 Situation, the Albanian Government applies Secrete Contracts, bypassing Participation and Transparency
/in Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en, Press Releases /by adminAIS, an organization promoting Open Data Albania, observes with concern that the Albanian Government has decided, in an anti-constitutional manner, illegally, and without any legitimate need, to consider Secret Contracting and Procedures for purchasing during the emergency created by Covid-19. Through two Decisions of Council of Ministers (DCM), namely: DCM No. 203, dated 26.02.2020 […]
Treasury transactions; how and how much are being paid by the budgetary institutions for their bills;
/in Events, Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminEvery Treasury Transactions made by our budgetary institutions, be it common or emergency payments. The Treasury Transactions is a well-structured database containing data about every payment made by budgetary institutions. The data catalogue has information on any transaction from 2012 and onwards. In addition, using search engines and communication filters, you may access information about […], an e-learning platform, in quarantine empowering itself for a well-paid and online labor market.
/in Events, Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminOur most useful database in times of quarantine .The ODK and AIS have applied in the last two years an e-Learning platform for enabling young people to develop their digital skills, a program that enables training on skills for an innovative market of Information Technology. The database is designed to assist students in Kosovo and the […]
What the Health Sector is procuring includes small purchases for the safety of the regional doctors;
/in Events, Events, Homeposts, Media Coverage @en /by adminWhat are our Health institutions purchasing through negotiations for emergencies or through common purchasing procedures? We have a track record of all the public health sector investments and purchases. In the past two weeks, a few purchases have been recorded for the reinforcement of hygienic protection for health buildings. Link health tendersOther transparent procurements for the […]
Tender for the Reconstruction Program for the State-Supported Share
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminOpen Procurement Albania publishes information for procurement procedures worth of 9.4 billion Albanian Lek (76,42 million Euros) for Homes and Schools damaged by the Earthquake. The Government opts for Limited Procedure, avoiding open bidding competition. The 20-days timeframe for submission of requests by interested competitors is not respected. Data, documents, and information on every stage […]
Kërkesë për Informim mbi masa kapacitete import terapi intensive Covid 19
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminTogether for Life (OJF) dhe Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave / Open Data Albania OJF i kanë drejtuar një kërkesë për Informim, mbi masa kapacitete import terapi intensive Covid 19, Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë. Kërkesën e plotë për Informim e gjeni Këtu
Super tenders in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government allocates 9.4 billion Albanian leks (about 76.42 Million Euros) to Post-Earthquake Reconstruction following the November 2019 Earthquake.
/in Events, Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminTender and Procurement in times of epidemics. The Albanian Government has not stopped its usual procurement procedures. The post-earthquake reconstruction program has just begun tendering in March. Open Procurement Albania publishes procurements, worth a total fund limit of 9.4 billion Albanian leks (without VAT) for houses and schools, which were damaged by the earthquake. The […]