USAID / Albania and Assist Impact are supporting eight civil society projects to empower democracy. In a special ceremony held on 16 of April, was the signing of grant support agreements. One of the wining projects was that of our organization, called: Money, Government and Politics. The Executive Director Ms, Aranita BRAHAJ signed the agreement […] 08:59:362015-08-03 13:10:02USAID/Albania through Assist Impact supports AIS project: Money, Government & Politics
Albanian Institute of Science became part of one of the most important events in Europe dedicated to Technology for Democracy and Active Citizenship. Personal Democracy Forum took place in Poland between 16 and 17 of April. The topic of this year My Country: Open, Digital, Civic, reflected the interest of exploring how society in different […] Hysa Hysa2015-04-16 11:19:022015-08-04 10:49:14AIS participated at Personal Democracy Forum for Central and Eastern Europe
On 24-25 March 2015, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the ECSI organized in Istanbul, Turkey an Open Data Workshop for NGOs in Euro-Asia called WeLoveData. The workshop was designed to address the needs and challenges that the growing open data community is facing in Europe and Central Asia. The workshop brought together 30 journalists, civic activists, and […] Hysa Hysa2015-03-26 09:25:482015-08-03 12:39:15AIS at WeLoveData event
As part of #GOW15 activities in Albania, AIS organized two meetings with young people from high school “Ismail Qemali” in Tirana to encourage young people to choose to study in fields where the labor market has more demand. Hysa Hysa2015-03-26 08:30:392015-08-03 12:40:48GOW15 at "Ismail Qemali" High School
23-29 Marsi është Java e Internetit / Get Online Week 2015. Për të katërtin vit rresht Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS) është pjesë e kesaj fushate për fuqizimin dixhital organizuar nga Telecentre Europe nën moton Fuqizohu; Punësohu.Në kuadër të kësaj jave ju lutemi të gjeni pak sekonda kohe të plotesoni këtë pyetësor.
Fuqizohu; Punësohu AIS si pjesë e network Telecentre Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatënGet Online Week. Ky event mbahet ne datat 23 deri 29 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet.Në Europë tregu i punës kërkon çdo ditë me mijëra profesionist që njohin internetin dhe teknologjinë. Por ndërsa kërkesa për punë me […] Hysa Hysa2015-03-23 08:50:002015-12-18 14:20:44Get Online Week 2015 në Shqipëri
AIS is attending the event entitled Open Data Priorities and Engagement , that is taking place on 16 and 17 March in Timisoara, Rumania. The event is organized by Share-PSI 2.0, the Network for Innovation in European Public Sector. Our organization, AIS, as a promoter of Open Data Albania, shall be presented in this event as the initiator […] Hysa Hysa2015-03-16 10:59:142015-08-03 12:41:34AIS is attending Open Data Priorities and Engagement event
ZA’ LART , ICT for Fair Election On 12 of March, AIS organized the training entitled: Real Time Reporting. The training aimed to enhance the capacity of local journalists in monitoring and reporting the problems in the electoral process. Participants were representatives of traditional media (TV and newspapers) from districts of: Korça; Shkodra; Fier; Dibër; […] Hysa Hysa2015-03-13 15:23:492015-08-03 12:44:35Real Time Reporting - Training for local journalists
Në kuadër të aktiviteteve për projektin ZA’LART 2015, më 4 Mars, AIS organizoi një trajnim- workshop me pjesëtarë të redaksisë Ad-Hoc dhe stafin që do të angazhohet në zbatimin e ketij projekti. Synimi i trajnimit ishte rritja e kapaciteteve dhe aftësimi në përdorim të platformës për monitorim dhe verifikim të problematikave zgjedhore në kohë reale. […] Hysa Hysa2015-03-05 11:11:522015-08-03 10:34:57Trajnim në kuadër të projektit ZA'LART - ICT për Zgjedhje të Drejta
Albanian Institute of Science has organized on 21st of February 2015 the workshop “Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of International Open Data Day. Different journalist, economists and IT engineers discussed at Protik ICT Resources, Tirana, about the benefits and challenges of the Open Corporates Database. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness about […] Hysa Hysa2015-02-21 10:36:412015-08-03 12:46:26“Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of the International Open Data Day
USAID/Albania through Assist Impact supports AIS project: Money, Government & Politics
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminUSAID / Albania and Assist Impact are supporting eight civil society projects to empower democracy. In a special ceremony held on 16 of April, was the signing of grant support agreements. One of the wining projects was that of our organization, called: Money, Government and Politics. The Executive Director Ms, Aranita BRAHAJ signed the agreement […]
AIS participated at Personal Democracy Forum for Central and Eastern Europe
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by Besi HysaAlbanian Institute of Science became part of one of the most important events in Europe dedicated to Technology for Democracy and Active Citizenship. Personal Democracy Forum took place in Poland between 16 and 17 of April. The topic of this year My Country: Open, Digital, Civic, reflected the interest of exploring how society in different […]
AIS at WeLoveData event
/in Events, Homeposts /by Besi HysaOn 24-25 March 2015, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the ECSI organized in Istanbul, Turkey an Open Data Workshop for NGOs in Euro-Asia called WeLoveData. The workshop was designed to address the needs and challenges that the growing open data community is facing in Europe and Central Asia. The workshop brought together 30 journalists, civic activists, and […]
GOW15 at “Ismail Qemali” High School
/in Events, Homeposts /by Besi HysaAs part of #GOW15 activities in Albania, AIS organized two meetings with young people from high school “Ismail Qemali” in Tirana to encourage young people to choose to study in fields where the labor market has more demand.
Get Online Week 2015 – Anketë
/in Events, Homeposts /by Besi Hysa23-29 Marsi është Java e Internetit / Get Online Week 2015. Për të katërtin vit rresht Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS) është pjesë e kesaj fushate për fuqizimin dixhital organizuar nga Telecentre Europe nën moton Fuqizohu; Punësohu.Në kuadër të kësaj jave ju lutemi të gjeni pak sekonda kohe të plotesoni këtë pyetësor.
Get Online Week 2015 në Shqipëri
/in Events, Projects /by Besi HysaFuqizohu; Punësohu AIS si pjesë e network Telecentre Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatënGet Online Week. Ky event mbahet ne datat 23 deri 29 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet.Në Europë tregu i punës kërkon çdo ditë me mijëra profesionist që njohin internetin dhe teknologjinë. Por ndërsa kërkesa për punë me […]
AIS is attending Open Data Priorities and Engagement event
/in Events, Homeposts /by Besi HysaAIS is attending the event entitled Open Data Priorities and Engagement , that is taking place on 16 and 17 March in Timisoara, Rumania. The event is organized by Share-PSI 2.0, the Network for Innovation in European Public Sector. Our organization, AIS, as a promoter of Open Data Albania, shall be presented in this event as the initiator […]
Real Time Reporting – Training for local journalists
/in Events, Homeposts /by Besi HysaZA’ LART , ICT for Fair Election On 12 of March, AIS organized the training entitled: Real Time Reporting. The training aimed to enhance the capacity of local journalists in monitoring and reporting the problems in the electoral process. Participants were representatives of traditional media (TV and newspapers) from districts of: Korça; Shkodra; Fier; Dibër; […]
Trajnim në kuadër të projektit ZA’LART – ICT për Zgjedhje të Drejta
/in Events, Homeposts /by Besi HysaNë kuadër të aktiviteteve për projektin ZA’LART 2015, më 4 Mars, AIS organizoi një trajnim- workshop me pjesëtarë të redaksisë Ad-Hoc dhe stafin që do të angazhohet në zbatimin e ketij projekti. Synimi i trajnimit ishte rritja e kapaciteteve dhe aftësimi në përdorim të platformës për monitorim dhe verifikim të problematikave zgjedhore në kohë reale. […]
“Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of the International Open Data Day
/in Events, Press Releases /by Besi HysaAlbanian Institute of Science has organized on 21st of February 2015 the workshop “Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of International Open Data Day. Different journalist, economists and IT engineers discussed at Protik ICT Resources, Tirana, about the benefits and challenges of the Open Corporates Database. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness about […]