Trajner për Sistem Administrim WebServices

ToR-s Trajner për të rritur Kapacitete Stafi në Procese Pune si: Sistem Administrim WebServices Linux Administration Konfigurime PHP Konfigurim DataBaze Angazhimi si më poshtë: Kurikul Trajnimi SistemeAdministrimi Web Services. (2 ditë pune) Leksion dhe Ushtrim Praktik. (4 ditë pune) Përgatitje dhe prezantim Listë Referenca të Tutorialeve OnLine për Trajnim autodidakt në vijimësi. (2 ditë pune) […]

[Week 04.10.2021- 10.10.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 04.10.2021- 10.10.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: –           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 828 940 Persons –           Vaccination with the First […]

AIS/OpenData files Lawsuit with the Constitutional Court Challenging Law 97.2019, claiming its section on Procurement Reconstruction Program violates Economic Freedom, potentially leaving room for inequality, clientelism, and corruption

AIS organization, known as Open Data Albania, has filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court, demanding partial abrogation of a Normative Act, which has the power of the law, namely Act no. 9, dated 16.12.2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”, approved by the Assembly of Albania by law no. 97, dated 18.12.2019, specifically the […]


Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Kamëz 01- 02.10.2021

Organizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga  Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 01-02 Tetor në Bashkinë Kamëz një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe […]

[Month 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the month 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: –           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 788 538 Persons –           Vaccination with […]

[Week 27.09.2021- 03.10.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 27.09.2021- 03.10.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: –           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 805 420 Persons –           Vaccination with […]

[Week 20.09.2021- 26.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 20.09.2021 – 26.09.2021 , which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at   As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is: –           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 760 960 Persons […]

Website for Transparent Procurement Consolidated in Clicks. The Culture of Citizen Monitoring through Data is strengthened

Author : Open Data AlbaniaDate : September 13, 2021 Google Analytics announces through monthly reports that site has reached 21.3% more Unique Visitors (Users) in August; 24.5% more Sessions attended. And this is only for the month of August, when the site has not undertaken any visibility campaign, and when even the current updates have been […]

Register of Magistrates. Appointments to the Supreme Court, Career Judges Promoted.

The Register of Magistrates, a database created by AIS/Open Data Albania has created profiles with data, documents and information on the performance, professionalism and integrity of Individuals promoted in the Reformed Justice System. The last two judges appointed to the Supreme Court are Mr. Asim Vokshi and Mr. Artur Kalaja. Magistrate Asim Vokshi was appointed in July and he takes up his […]