Procesi i integrimit në Bashkimin Evropian në tërësi si dhe procesi i negociatave për anëtarësim në veçanti është një përpjekje e përbashkët e shoqërisë shqiptare si një prioritet kombëtar, i cili kërkon vazhdimësi dhe angazhim nga të gjithë faktorët shoqëror. Ideja për të patur një muaj të veçantë, të dedikuar me aktivitete të ndryshme dhe të […] 10:06:522022-02-02 10:06:52SHKURTI 2022: Muaji i Angazhimit të Shoqërisë Civile për Integrimin Evropian!
Open Data Albania has published the list of the 100 tenders with the highest value, carried out by the State Tendering Authorities during 2021 . These tenders are ranked according to their values. The tender with the highest value announced and finalized by the public authorities in the country during 2021 is the Construction of the Llogara […] 15:43:162022-01-31 15:43:16Out of the 100 tenders with the highest value in 2021, 35 are marked as RedFlag for lack of competition
Open Data Albania has published a Ranking of the Economic Operators in the Reconstruction Process based on economic values. In total, there are , Albanian leke 67.6 billion announced as being contracted to business companies. On the top of the list of operators, is a consortium led by a company established by a current mayor. The 10 […] 15:15:592022-01-31 15:15:59Business companies that are constructing after the Earthquake, 10 Economic Operators won 25 % of the entire state fund
Date : 26 Janar, 2022 Në vitin 2021 Bashkitë kanë zhvilluar 29 tendera me vlerë mbi 100 milion lekë dhe me shënimin RedFlag çfarë tregon për rrisk potencial për parregullsi dhe korrupsion në garë Bashki problematike paraqitet Durrësi, për shkak të procedurës së dhënies me negocim (pa garë) e Kontratës me Vlerë 1 148 864 000 Lekë objekt pune […] 16:44:512022-01-26 16:44:51Tendera me Risk për Parregullsi dhe Probleme të Garës Bashki viti 2021
Date: 17 Janar, 2022 The Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court demanding the Suspension and Abrogation of Chapter VI of the Normative Act with the power of Law no. 9/2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”. This law violates the Freedom of Economic Activity as a constitutional freedom. Contracting for the […] 12:47:312022-03-03 09:28:04Constitutional Court must abrogate the Corruptive Law - Democratic Party Supports the Lawsuit prepared by the Civil Society
Organizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 18 Dhjetor për Bashkinë Rrogozhinë një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe […] 14:31:152021-12-30 14:31:41Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Rrogozhinë 18.12.2021
Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI Kamza E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci Kamza Gazetaria advokuese apo investiguese Open Data 29.09.2021 Besi Megi prokurimet 02-10-2021 (ok) Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI – Kavaja E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci – Kavaja Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI – Rrog E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci – Rrog Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI Tirana dhe Vora E Drejta Informimit […] 16:23:052022-01-21 16:33:51Prezantime - Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike
The OSCE Presence in Albania commissioned the Hertie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Science, to research corruption risk in public procurement in two relevant sectors and to propose improvements to the legal and administrative framework for its reduction. Please find HERE an Executive Summary of the research document. 14:30:592021-12-20 14:31:45Corruption Risk in Albania Public Procurement (2017 – 2019) – a Document prepared by Heritie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Sciences AIS, May 2021.
The risk of misuse of public money in elections is high. AIS denunciation of the misuse of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program in the April 25th Elections was rejected by the Administrative Investigation Institutions. They did not provide solutions for the violations found in the zone where Prime Minister Rama won. AIS reported that in violation […] 08:58:082021-12-08 08:58:08AIS alarm: Reconstruction Fund, medium-term budget program can be used in the upcoming Elections (2022-2025) to compromise voters through individual grants a few hours before voting.
C1-EU-NPA, Improving Policy Debate and Accountability in Fulfilling the First Group of Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1) through the Establishment of an EU-Albania Negotiation Platform. This is [1] in partnership with ISP and the [1] 12:12:522021-12-02 12:12:52AIS partner in the C1-EU-NPA Project, in Fulfilling the Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1), and in Establishing the EU-Albania Negotiation Platform
SHKURTI 2022: Muaji i Angazhimit të Shoqërisë Civile për Integrimin Evropian!
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminProcesi i integrimit në Bashkimin Evropian në tërësi si dhe procesi i negociatave për anëtarësim në veçanti është një përpjekje e përbashkët e shoqërisë shqiptare si një prioritet kombëtar, i cili kërkon vazhdimësi dhe angazhim nga të gjithë faktorët shoqëror. Ideja për të patur një muaj të veçantë, të dedikuar me aktivitete të ndryshme dhe të […]
Out of the 100 tenders with the highest value in 2021, 35 are marked as RedFlag for lack of competition
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminOpen Data Albania has published the list of the 100 tenders with the highest value, carried out by the State Tendering Authorities during 2021 . These tenders are ranked according to their values. The tender with the highest value announced and finalized by the public authorities in the country during 2021 is the Construction of the Llogara […]
Business companies that are constructing after the Earthquake, 10 Economic Operators won 25 % of the entire state fund
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminOpen Data Albania has published a Ranking of the Economic Operators in the Reconstruction Process based on economic values. In total, there are , Albanian leke 67.6 billion announced as being contracted to business companies. On the top of the list of operators, is a consortium led by a company established by a current mayor. The 10 […]
Tendera me Risk për Parregullsi dhe Probleme të Garës Bashki viti 2021
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminDate : 26 Janar, 2022 Në vitin 2021 Bashkitë kanë zhvilluar 29 tendera me vlerë mbi 100 milion lekë dhe me shënimin RedFlag çfarë tregon për rrisk potencial për parregullsi dhe korrupsion në garë Bashki problematike paraqitet Durrësi, për shkak të procedurës së dhënies me negocim (pa garë) e Kontratës me Vlerë 1 148 864 000 Lekë objekt pune […]
Constitutional Court must abrogate the Corruptive Law – Democratic Party Supports the Lawsuit prepared by the Civil Society
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminDate: 17 Janar, 2022 The Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court demanding the Suspension and Abrogation of Chapter VI of the Normative Act with the power of Law no. 9/2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”. This law violates the Freedom of Economic Activity as a constitutional freedom. Contracting for the […]
Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Rrogozhinë 18.12.2021
/in Events, Homeposts /by adminOrganizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 18 Dhjetor për Bashkinë Rrogozhinë një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe […]
Prezantime – Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike
/in Events /by adminBuxheti Vendor_B GJACI Kamza E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci Kamza Gazetaria advokuese apo investiguese Open Data 29.09.2021 Besi Megi prokurimet 02-10-2021 (ok) Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI – Kavaja E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci – Kavaja Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI – Rrog E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci – Rrog Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI Tirana dhe Vora E Drejta Informimit […]
Corruption Risk in Albania Public Procurement (2017 – 2019) – a Document prepared by Heritie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Sciences AIS, May 2021.
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases, Publications /by adminThe OSCE Presence in Albania commissioned the Hertie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Science, to research corruption risk in public procurement in two relevant sectors and to propose improvements to the legal and administrative framework for its reduction. Please find HERE an Executive Summary of the research document.
AIS alarm: Reconstruction Fund, medium-term budget program can be used in the upcoming Elections (2022-2025) to compromise voters through individual grants a few hours before voting.
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminThe risk of misuse of public money in elections is high. AIS denunciation of the misuse of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program in the April 25th Elections was rejected by the Administrative Investigation Institutions. They did not provide solutions for the violations found in the zone where Prime Minister Rama won. AIS reported that in violation […]
AIS partner in the C1-EU-NPA Project, in Fulfilling the Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1), and in Establishing the EU-Albania Negotiation Platform
/in Events, Homeposts, Press Releases /by adminC1-EU-NPA, Improving Policy Debate and Accountability in Fulfilling the First Group of Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1) through the Establishment of an EU-Albania Negotiation Platform. This is [1] in partnership with ISP and the [1]