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21 search results for: ais ogp


Conference on Exchanging Knowledge and Ideas for Open and Transparent Governance – AIS presents the Justice Access database as an inspiring model for OGP in the Region

Justice Access – The Magistrates’ Registry is the latest database created by the AIS organization promoting open data for Albania. The Data Mining Magistrate’s Register is designed to increase access and public trust in the Critical Reform in the Judicial System. At the invitation of the National Democratic Institute NDI Montenegro, this Civil Society Initiative […]


AIS proposals for the draft Albania’s OGP Action Plan 2016 – 2018

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), an organization that promoted open and transparent data, which is also engaged as a member of the Coalition for Open Governance Partnership (OGP) for Albania, has, for the third time, become part of the consultations with the Government of Albania in drafting an OGP Action Plan. Aiming at contributing […]


Propozime të AIS në kuadër të OGP Albania

Në kuadër të angazhimeve të Shqipërisë për Partneritetin për Qeverisje të Hapur OGP, si dhe thirrjes së Qeverisë Shqiptare për konsultime me shoqërinë civile, Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave ka formuluar disa sugjerime dhe propozime për Grupin Ndërministrorë të Punës. Deklarata e Partneritetit për Qeverisje të Hapur konsideron si tepër të rëndësishëm bashkëpunimin dhe aktivizimin e […]


AIS proposes to the Government the establishment of an Electronic Register for the Magistrates, AKSHI sets up working group for its implementation

A Register of the Magistrates, with data, documents, and information for Albanian judges and prosecutors is required by the law since 2016, the year when the legal package for the justice reform was adopted. This register enables the careful archiving of the documents and information related to the integrity, performance, and image of judges and […]


Register of Magistrates, Proposal of Civil Society Action Plan OGP, Component Open Government for Access to Justice and Digital Governance

The Register of Magistrates is an unfulfilled legal obligation, and the civil society proposes to consider it as a Government commitment in the 2021-2022 Action Plan. AIS as an organization, draws attention to the institutional delays for the creation of the Register of Magistrates for Prosecutors and Judges. This register is both a legal obligation […]


Albanian Institute of Science participates at the OGP Dialogue for Western Balkans

On 10- 11 September AIS participated at the Open Government Partnership Dialogue for Western Balkans. The main purpose of the event was the exchange of experiences and the consolidation of policies on the well-functioning of Open Government Partnership. AIS as a non-profitable and non-governmental organizations through Open Data Albania project has contributed not only to […]


AIS attended the conference: Political Accountability and New Technologies ( POINT 3.0 )

Political Accountability and New Technologies ( POINT 3.0 ) conference took place in Art Cinema Kriterion in Sarajevo from May 22nd to May 24th. This year’s program offered a variety of great speakers, panels, exhibitions, workshops and screenings. Among other great speakers, there appeared Michael Slaby, the CTO of the Obama 2008 campaign; Chris Albon from Ushahidi; Sultan […]