Open Data Albania publishes data about the economic damage audited by The State Supreme Audit Institution during 2018
The Open Data Albania ODA Portal published several investigative articles of open data from the audit reports of Albanian State Supreme Audit Institution (ALSSAI) during 2018. The articles identify the economic damage found in monetary value, the institutions responsible for the highest damages, and the mostly affected sectors and areas. The damage and ineffectiveness identified by the auditing for this year is estimated to two hundred and thirteen billion Albanian Leks, or one point seven billion Euros. The damage consists of two categories, Irregularities and Financial Violations causing economic damage to incomes and expenses, and Violations of the Financial Discipline with a negative impact in the performance of the auditees. The audits were carried out in line with the ALSSAI’s Audit Plan for 2018, covering the institutions’ economic and financial activity for 2014 – 2018. During 2018, ALSSAI audited one hundred and sixty two institutions.
Events with Journalists. Role of Central and Local Authorities during electoral periods, Monitoring Practices
A round table was held on July 26th in Tirana with journalists and civil society representatives on the Role of Central and Local Authorities during electoral periods, and Monitoring Practices. The round table was organized by the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) and the Institute for Political Studies ISP with the support of the USAID Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation Project. AIS is implementing the project “Monitoring Abuse of Public Funds by State-Owned Companies during electoral year”. Two databases were presented as results of this project. One of them contains comprehensive records and information about every tender procedure by State-Owned Companies over the two last years, covering as well the electoral year. The other database provides the public with information and knowledge on the management and performance of State-Owned Companies since their establishment up to date. The database is available on the Open Corporate Albania portal, under the State-Owned Companies section.
AIS starts the Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractors Project, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The newest project started by AIS is named Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractor, Legislation, Practice and Role of Civic Actors. The project is supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as one of the MATRA Program in Albania. On July 18th, the Dutch Ambassador Ms. Guusje Korthals Altes and Director of AIS Ms Aranita Brahaj signed an agreement for the launching of the project activities. The project shall make an assessment of the national legislation, comparing it with EU member states regarding the selection and evaluation of the private companies competing for public contracts. The findings shall conclude and recommend improvements for the national legislation and practice. Empowering investigative media and civil actors monitoring public contracting processes is going to be one of the components of the project, focusing on issues related with the integrity of private contractors.

AIS Newsletter
Integrimi i algoritmit Red Flag në procesin e vlerësimit të riskut në Kontrollin e Lartë të Shtetit
instrumenti redflag është publikuar online. Algoritmi Red Flags është përfshirë në bazën e mirë-strukturuar të të dhënave që përmban procedurat e tenderave të realizuara nga institucionet e sektorit të shëndetësisë prej 1 Janarit 2016.
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Albanian Institute of Science
“Asim Vokshi”
Nr 13 /25, Kati 3
1001, Tirana