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77 search results for: elections


Electoral Campaign Period and Reconstruction Fund, Additional Budget as Unconditional Transfer to 11 Municipalities

Open Data Albania has researched additional Unconditional Transfers for eleven municipalities benefiting from the Reconstruction Fund.  The focus is on the transfers adopted by Decisions of the Council of Ministers (DCM) during the Electoral Campaign Period, 25 March to 25 April 2021. The analysis looks also at the pre-electoral dates, from January 1 to April 25. […]


Covid-19 vaccination, first payment of 10 million USD about to be made for the Chinese vaccine

10 million USD, the Albanian Government approves the first payment for the Turkish distributor of Sinovax, made by the People’s Republic of China. Turkish Distributor announces lack of supply of Chinese made and packaged vaccines. Purchase Agreement changed. The Albanian Government agrees to the Chinese Vaccine packaged in Turkey, Coronavac 600SU/IM- Suspension. 14 April 2021, the […]


Harta e Parregullsive Zgjedhore dhe Blerjes së Votës,

Shkodra, Dibra, Durrësi, Elbasani janë nga zonat me më shumë raste të raportimeve qytetare për blerje vote në 2015 dhe 2017. Projekti Za’Lart ka një arkivë të krijuar në fushatat zgjedhore 2015 dhe 2017. Në këto fushata janë ftuar qytetarët të raportojnë përmes një aplikacioni me të njëjtin emër Za’Lar Raised Voise-ICT for fair Elections. […]


Public Contracting Reform, AIS recommendations for programs of the electoral subject 2021

Following years of monitoring and risk assessment in public procurement in the areas of public health, local government, and national infrastructure, AIS has drafted 7 proposals for the reform of public procurement and contracting. These recommendations will be proposed to the main parties in elections, suggesting their involvement in their electoral program and promises. The […]


Map of Albania Oligarchs (Names of those who have received MILLIONS OF EUROS from Albanians’ taxpayers)

Risk Assessment in Tenders/Municipalities, whose 30% of the contracted value goes to one single company by direct negotiations RED FLAGS – Local Government Units of Albania are ranked on the top when it comes to abusive tenders. As history shows, small and average-value tenders organized by them tend to usually go to family relatives or […]


Our Project Open Contracting Albania and Red Flag Index Impact, media coverage, and public pressure

There have been dozens of media articles published every month based on the data provided by the system for Transparent Procurement and Red Flag algorithm. The articles are generally of a reporting nature and quite discrete usually in the arguments they provide. The information available has helped especially fact based journalism. There have never been […]


Monitoring abuse of public funds by state-owned companies during electoral periods

AIS has started working on the implementation of the “Monitoring Abuse of Public Funds by State-Owned Companies during Electoral Periods” project. The project consists of election oversight on monitoring abuse of state resources, and is supported by the USAID program, “Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation”. The goal of this project is to educate and empower […]