The Register of Magistrates and their Scientific Contribution, Publication and Views


Magistrates that are appreciated (viewed) for their scientific research, publications and contribution to the doctrine of law

The Register of Magistrates, created by the organization AIS, promotor of Open Data for Albania, ranks the most favorite Judges and Prosecutors according to Google Analytics and Google Search Console shows in terms of their contribution to the Doctrine of Law and in areas like Constitutional Law, Ownership, Contract Law, etc.

In creating this data mine, containing data and documents for magistrate judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania, in addition to CVs, we have also included decisions, evaluations, self-declarations, and the scientific research done by these magistrates. Below are the most viewed documents on the Access Info Justice database, Register of Magistrates

The most viewed documents for January include:

  1. The PhD Thesis of Ms. Evelina Qirjako is the most viewed document in January. It is entitled “The meaning, importance, and criteria of validity of judicial action in the case of Transfer of Real Estate, its importance, nature and the effect of the registration of a title of ownership in registers of real estate”. This dissertation was defended in 2016 at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Justice. The mentor for this thesis is Professor Ardian Nuni.

Ms. Qirjako has exercised the duty of the Supreme Judge during 2008-2017. Her mandate was terminated by a decision of the Supreme Judicial Council dated 24.04.2019, and her title as a Magistrate is subject for review by the transitory justice institutions. Profile of Ms. Qiriako

  • The second top viewed document in January is a doctoral dissertation in the area of Constitutional Law. The dissertation entitled “The Constitutional Control in Albania, the Role of the Constitutional Court as a guarantor of the Rule of Law and Fundamental Human Rights”. This author of this scientific research in the area of Constitutional Law is Ms. Valbona Bala (Pajo). Mrs. Bala had previously been an Assistant Judge at the High Court. Her re-evaluation process (vetting) was interrupted following a long saga of complaints and decisions by the institutions involved. The dissertation is defended at the University of Tirana with Prof. Aurela Anastasi being the Associate Academic. Document Ms. Bala is an author of scientific publications on issues related with the execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.


  • The third most viewed document written by Magistrates (Magjistrat.AL) is a dissertation for a PhD Degree by a magistrate, whom the temporary Justice Institutions have decided to interrupt the reevaluation process. Ms. Rezarta Mata with her scientific research on “Extra-contractual responsibility of public bodies in Albania” is viewed hundreds of times in January. At the time her reevaluation process was interrupted, Ms. Mata exercised the duty of Judge in the Judicial District Court of Tirana. She has defended her dissertation for a PhD Degree at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, with Professor Ermir Dobjani as her mentor.   Her scientific research is published under the Documents section, in the profile of Magistrate Rrezarta Mata, in the Register of Magistrates.

In the meantime, a good number of views are still marked for the PhD Dissertation of the member of the High Judicial Council, Mr.  Erjon

While the most viewed profiles (not documents) in January are:

Eloida Goxhi

Ardian Dvorani

Olsian Cela

At Access Info Justice ( will find information and documents for the Justice System, institutions and individuals. The database aims to boost public control over integrity, create a model Register of Magistrates, and contribute to ensuring broad access to Sector-related information by boosting public confidence.


Health Budget for 2020, Small Increase, Failure to Implement Investment, Lack of Attention to Primary Health Care Service

  • The Health Budget for 2020, the year the country had to cope with a Pandemic, reached 39.625 billion Albanian Lekë or 320.85 Million Euro.
  • This final figure was reached after revisions made to the Planned Budget, including an additional 2.1 billion Albanian Lekë as part of the effort to cope with Covid-19.
  • While the total Spending for 2020 increased by 30.16 billion Albanian Lekë, the four Health Programs were only allocated an additional amount of 2.1 billion ALL.
  • Programs related directly with Health Care include: Primary Health Care Service; Secondary Health Care Service; Public Health Service, and the National Health Emergency Service.
  • An increase was marked for this year only for the Secondary Health Care Service, i.e., regional hospitals and the University Hospital Centre.
  • The Budget for the Primary Health Care Service, i.e., health care centres in urban and rural areas, was not implemented during 2020.
  • A comparison of the Current Expenditures (salaries and utilities) and Capital Investments and Assets (buildings and equipment) shows that 15.75% of the budget allocated for this purpose was not implemented.

All spendings incurred by the Health Budget Institutions during 2020 and onwards are accessible in the Treasury Transactions Section on the Spending Data Albania portal. Information is provided for each payment, including the date, description, paying institution, and beneficiary client. This, information about spendings by the University Hospital Center Mother Teresa QSUNT Ministry of Health, Shefqet Ndroqi Hospital Center, University Trauma Hospital and each health institution are published and can be accessed by searching, using search filters for Paying Institution, Category, Date, Client, and invoice description.

Capital Purchases and Investments for the Health Sector related to Covid 19 are listed with passports for each contract in the Transparent Procurement Database. For each procedure there is comprehensive information, including calls, deadlines, fund limit value, successful offers, appeals, and implementation.

Open Data (Open DataOpen PorcurementOpen Spending) on spending, payments, tenders, contracting, and other indicators, promote Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance.

Indicators and comprehensive data are published on Open Data Albania: Health Expenditures, State Budget for 2020, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

AIS po kërkon staf pozicioni i punës Përpunues të Dhënash Ekonomist me njohuri mbi Regjistrin Tregtar

Datë Publikimi : Gusht 2022

AIS është në kërkim të një personi Përpunues të Dhënash  – preferohen Ekonomist, Jurist apo një profil tjetër me aftësi për punë sistematike dhe të kujdesshme. Personi do të përditësojë informacionin në një databazë me të dhëna dhe dokumente për Prokurime, Biznese, Shoqëri Tregtare. Pozicioni i punës kërkon njohuri të përgjithshme dhe jo shumë teknike.

Përpunuesi i të Dhënave do të bëjë monitorim të Regjistrave Publik duke grupuar disa kategori njoftimesh dhe aktesh sipas tematikës. Më pas bën kategorizim të kujdesshëm të dokumenteve për publikim. Puna do të bëhet nga zyra e organizatës dhe është parashikuar me kohë të plotë. Paga është e kënaqshme për individ pa eksperienca të mëparshme pune, student nivel master apo të sapodiplomuar.

Aplikanti duhet të njohë mirë programe kompjuterike si Excel dhe Microsoft Word.

Të interesuarit të shkruajnë në [email protected] duke dërguar edhe një CV të thjeshtë në gjuhën shqipe ku të jepen qartë dhe shkurt edukimi, eksperienca, praktika profesionale, mesatarja në studime universitare. Titulli i emailit duhet të jetë Data Entry me njohuri mbi Regjistrin Tregtar.  Afati aplikim data 15 Shtator 2022.


AIS po kërkon staf pozicioni i punës Përpunues të Dhënash me njohuri mbi Sistemin e Drejtësisë

Datë Publikimi : Gusht 20222

AIS është në kërkim të një personi Përpunues të Dhënash  – Jurist ose Individ i Diplomuar me Njohuri mbi Sistemin e Drejtësisë. Personi do të pëditësojë informacionin në një databazë me të dhëna dhe dokumente për Sektorin. Pozicioni i punës kërkon njohuri të përgjithshme dhe jo shumë teknike. Përpunuesi i të Dhënave do të bëjë monitorim të databazave zyrtare të Institucioneve, duke grupuar disa kategori njoftimesh dhe aktesh sipas tematikës. Më pas bën kategorizim të kujdesshëm të dokumenteve për publikim. Puna do të bëhet nga zyra e organizatës dhe është parashikuar me kohë të plotë. Paga është e kënaqshme për individ pa eksperienca të mëparshme pune apo të sapodiplomuar.

Kandidati duhet të jetë i diplomuar në sistemin tre vjeçar të ketë mesatare të mirë dhe dëshirë për të zgjeruar njohuritë mbi: databaza të institucioneve, regjistra publik, mirë-strukturimin e dokumentit zyrtarë, dinamikën dhe vëllimin e fenomeneve që lidhen me të Drejtën Publike dhe të Drejtën Civile, agregimin dhe mirë-strukturimin e informacionit për këtë sektor. Databaza për përditësim është

Aplikanti duhet të njohë mirë programe kompjuterike si Excel dhe Microsoft Word.

Të interesuarit të shkruajnë në [email protected] duke dërguar edhe një CV të thjeshtë në gjuhën shqipe ku të jepen qartë dhe shkurt edukimi, eksperienca, praktika profesionale, mesatarja në studime universitare. Titulli i emailit duhet të jetë Data Entry me njohuri mbi sistemin e Drejtësisë.  Afati aplikim menjëherë deri 10 shtator 2022.

AIS is seeking two full-time and part-time Data Analysts

Position: Open Data Analyst.
Programme: Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of corruption.
Under: Project Director

Salary: Monthly net total salary, plus mandatory share of contributions for employer and employee, plus salary tax, is planned 900 Euros.

Publication Date:  01/03/2021

Deadline for application: 31 March 2021.

AIS, an organization a committed to transparency, accountability, good governance and anticorruption, is implementing programmes in the above-mentioned areas. With a view to preparing data analysis on public spending, national economy performance, tenders and other social economic data, the organization is looking for two Data Analysts.

Job description. The Data Analyst must carefully follow the developments related to public sectors through the organization databases and other institutional databases. Compiles statistical evidence on indicators illustrating the development and performance of the economy and development in the country. Based on evidence, he/she drafts research articles that help the public understand and raise the public awareness of issues of public interest. The articles should be in a simple language and visualized, making information easy to understand.

The commitment can be on part-time full-time basis and depends on the evaluation of his/her productivity and subject to agreement with the selected candidate. In any case, remuneration shall be made according to the number of articles published per month. The project lasts 3 years. The work may also be done remotely, but the selected candidate(s) shall be required to spend at least 20% of their time of engagement in the project office. The Data Group for every article or group of articles will be identified in co-operation with the Project Director and the Public Relations Officer. The analyst will co-operate with the Database Developer to enable the creation of visualizations according to relevance, and with purposes of ensuring the clarity of information.


  • University Diploma, preferably in Economics, and Justice.
  • At least 3 years of previous work experience in a position relevant to economic and statistical management, and research.
  • Good analyzing skills.
  • Knowledge of research and logical evaluation techniques.
  • Good articulation and drafting skills; economic use of words; good use of simple definitions to make articles easy to understand.
  • Knowledgeable about international databases for economic factors and indicators.
  • Eager to get deeper into research and research every day.
  • User of the main computer software.

In addition to meeting the job technical requirements, candidates must be people of integrity and enthusiastic about issues related to information and awareness.

Candidates must submit their CV to [email protected]. The CV should contain information about the university education, professional experience and the requirements for the position. The CV should be accompanied by a paragraph containing references to previous work experience. The candidates selected based on their CV will be invited for an interview. The organization shall have the right to a two-week probation period based on practical tasks before confirmation of appointment.

Terms of Reference:

  • Follow carefully statistical publications in local and international databases.
  • Propose topics for statistical analysis and present arguments about the importance of indicators and assessment methodology.
  • Map tables of aggregated and comparative data.
  • Draft research articles and the final article following comments and notes of the project director or the assigned expert.
  • Carefully check the data source, narrative descriptions, and visualizations.
  • Identifies the impact of the article following its publication, as well as the impact of potential comments.
  • Co-operate with colleagues (designer, website maintainer, Albanian-English translator) for as a good and clear version for publication as possible.
  • Participates regularly in the working group meetings.
  • Meets deadlines and criteria for publication.
  • Is periodically informed about the organization’s activities and their results.
  • Performs his duties by being physically present in the office or remotely. However, he/she is required to spend at least 20% of the time of engagement in the office, and the payment shall be made according to the number of articles finalized into publication.

The CV is required in Albanian, and should be as simple as possible, and not in any certain forms or standards. Candidates are expected to send their CVs to  [email protected] before 31 March 2021, with the subject: CV application for Open Data Analyst.