AIS on the Media: The News Edition on a National TV, Top Channel reported on a Complaint made by AIS against Albania in the European Court of Human Rights.

The News Edition on a National TV, Top Channel, reported on 3 January 2019 on a Complaint made by a Non-Governmental Organization against Albania in the European Court of Human Rights. The Constitutional Court and the High Court in Albania are affected by the Vetting and are therefore not functioning. As a result, dozens of cases are left pending. The Organizations AIS has a legal recourse pending with the High Court. On such basis, the organization addressed the European Court of Human Rights claiming that Albania is violating article 6 of the Convention and human rights to trial in a reasonable time. The European Court is asked to adjudicate the merits of the case as long as it is not yet known when the High Court in Albania will resume its work

To see the TV chronic click here and for the English translation of the Interview click here.

AIS addresses the Court of Strasbourg, in the absence of a High Court and a Constitutional Court in the country asking for an adjudication of the merits of a case in a recourse process

Attached here the letter that AIS has sent to the European Court of Human Rights. The information below relates to the current situation created due to the non-functioning of the High Court and the Constitutional Court, and an earlier appeal to the Court of Strasbourg (AIS vs. Albania) in the European Court of Human Rights.

To download the letter please click here

Monitoring abuse of public funds by state-owned companies during electoral periods

AIS has started working on the implementation of the “Monitoring Abuse of Public Funds by State-Owned Companies during Electoral Periods” project. The project consists of election oversight on monitoring abuse of state resources, and is supported by the USAID program, “Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation”. The goal of this project is to educate and empower citizens through information and transparency about state-owned companies’ potential abuse (misuse) of their money, assets and human resources during 2019 Elections and It will contribute to reducing electoral corruptions, ensure accountability of the public companies and their good governance.


ASAI’s new web applications for better monitoring and increased transparency

The Albanian Supreme Audit Institution organized for the second year in a row, in the period between October 25 – December 14, the “Open Month 2018”. During two open days, ASAI invited the Albanian Institute of Science to present the developed tools, within the framework of “Transparency in Health Engagement” USAID Albania Project.

On November 15th and 21st, in the premises of ASAI, AIS presented the four tools developed for this institution, respectively Red Flags and Open Data the first day and Data Mining and Complaint Mechanism the second day. These tools have been developed aiming to increase the transparency of the Albanian Supreme Audit and to facilitate procedures for identifying issues and publishing the results from audit reports.

These web applications aim to empower and increase the transparency of this independent institution, by giving the latter the opportunity to monitor procurement procedures conducted by public institutions; to receive real time signalling of tenders and contracts with potential exposure or risk for unlawful or unethical business conduct, mainly as regards non-compliance with anti-corruption laws; to communicate more easily and efficiently with the citizens; to publish reports in open data format (easier to read, understand, download and re-use); to create a database with media articles prepared by ASAI employees and articles with topics of interest to ASAI.

On the public’s question regarding the sustainability of these tools, the Director of the Directorate of Communication, Publishing and Foreign Relations, Ms. Islami answered that all the indications that will be received through these instruments will be included in the SAI’s audit plan and the use of mechanisms has become part of the SAI’s internal regulation, starting with the Red Flags mechanism.

AIS addresses the Court of Strasbourg in the absence of both a High Court and a Constitutional Court in the country, asking this court to review the merits of a case, which is now in a process of recourse.

On the 19th of November, AIS addressed the European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, asking this court to consider AIS claim against Albania as a matter of priority and examine the merits of this case for compliance with Article 6, Article 10, and Article 13 of the European Convention for Human Rights.

Such application comes at a time when the High Court, where a recourse is filed, and the Constitutional Court are non-functional.

The arguments for the case, whose merits are to be reviewed by the Court, are presented to the Court of Strasbourg as follows:

Subject:   Request to deal as a matter of priority the application AIS v Albania and to examine the merits of this case for breach of article 6, article 10 and article 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

On 9 June 2015, during the local electoral campaign, the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS)[1]  – an Albanian NGO – sent an official request to the three main electoral subjects, i.e. the Socialist Party (SP), the Democratic Party (DP), and the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) asking them for the following information:

  1. list of donors of non-public funds, from whom they had benefitted since 21 May 2015 amounts above 100 000 (one hundred thousand) ALL or the equivalent value in services or goods;
  2. list of every expense made since 21 May 2015 using the annual funds benefitted from the state budget in 2015.

The above electoral subjects did not respond to our request. Therefore, pursuant to Article 24 of Law no. 119/2014 “On the right (access) to information”, AIS filed a complaint with the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data on 7 July 2015.

The Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data informed us on 25 July 2015 of its decision no. 44, dated 22.07.2015 on “Rejection of complaint”. The Commissioner rejected our request no. 675, dated 9.07.2015, arguing that “the requested information is to be administered by the organizations foreseen by this law and it’s Article 2, which are not defined as public authorities in terms of how they are organized, how they operate, and their regulatory legal framework”

Pursuant to Article 25 of Law no. 119/2014 “On the right to information”, the Albanian Institute of Science filed a lawsuit with the Administrative Court of First Instance of Tirana.

Upon completion of the court hearings, the Administrative Court of First Instance of Tirana delivered the decision no. 5687, dated 10.11.2015 according to which: “The court rejects the lawsuit of the Albanian Institute of Science against the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data, the Socialist Party of Albania, the Democratic Party of Albania, and the Socialist Movement for Integration of Albania, which claims the “Abrogation of decision no. 44, dated 22.07.2015 of the Commissioner of the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data as a lawsuit not based on evidence or law. The court forces the political parties (electoral subjects), i.e. the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party, and the Socialist Movement for Integration to provide the Albanian Institute of Science with the information requested about the financing of their electoral campaigns as per its (AIS’) request dated 9 June 2015.” 

The Albanian Institute of Science complained against the decision of the Administrative Court of First Instance by addressing the Administrative Court of Appeal on 25 November 2015. The Administrative Court of Appeal by decision no 5236, date 22.11.2017 decided to uphold the decision of Tirana First Instance Administrative Court.

The case now is pending before the Supreme Court of Albania.

AIS addressed the European Court of Human Rights on 18 May 2016, asking this Court to express itself on this adjudication process, and whether they constitute a violation of Articles 6 and article 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

As you may know on July 22, 2016, the Parliament of Albania approved 17 constitutional amendments required to reform the justice system, aspiring to change its image by making it more independent, accountable and efficient. These constitutional amendments, inter alia represent the implementation of the Vetting Law, known as the temporary re-evaluation of the judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Albania.

The process of reassessing members of the judiciary system, otherwise known as the vetting process, started in November 2017 and will include over 800 judges and prosecutors, as well as a number of other employees of the justice system.

Up to nowadays the results of the vetting process are for the Supreme Court only 4 judges passed the vetting, and two of them are still under review procedures at the Appeal Chamber.

So far, the Constitutional Court is the institution that has been hit hardest by the vetting process. Out of nine members, only two have successfully passed the verdict and one of them is in the appeal process before the Appeal Chamber.

No one in Albania is able to predict when there will be established and become functional, both the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. Consequently no one in Albania can give an answer when the AIS appeal in the Supreme Court and eventually in the Constitutional Court will be judged. Meanwhile the topic of the request and of the whole thing loses the actuality because the request for the transparency of the finances of the political parties in the elections was made in 2015, still has no final answer from the Administrative College of the Supreme Court/ Constitutional Court and meanwhile there are also next local elections to be held in June 2019.

Furthermore we want to add in the AIS application the legal arguments and request to consider the claim for breach of article 10 of the European Court of Human Rights by Albania.

The European Court of Human Rights in the case Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag v Hungary did recognize that such a right to information or obligation to provide information may arise in two categories of cases: (1) where disclosure of the information has been imposed by an enforceable judicial order, and (2) in circumstances where access to the information is instrumental for an individual’s exercise of their right to freedom of expression, and where its denial constitutes an interference with that right.

The Court went on to set out four principles, drawn from its more recent case law relating to access to information, that could be relied on to determine whether a denial of access falls within the second category of case.

– The purpose of the information request: it is a requirement, before Article 10 can come into play, for the information sought to be necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression. The right to vote can be considered as freedom of expression and knowing in advance before the election date the financing of political parties is a precondition for free and fair election. This can be demonstrated where the denial of the information would hinder or impair and individual’s exercise of the right.

– The nature of the information sought: the information to which access is sought must generally meet a “public-interest test” for the disclosure to be necessary under Article 10.

– The role of the applicant: where the individual is seeking access to the information with a view to informing the public in a capacity as a public or social watchdog, this will be an important consideration in determining whether Article 10 applies.

– Ready and available information: the extent to which the information being sought is ready and available will also be an important criterion when determining whether Article 10 is applicable to a case where an individual has been denied access to information.

Based on these conditions, please consider our request to examine also the merits of the case in the application AIS v Albania at the European Court of Human Rights submitted on 18 May 2016 regarding the breach of article 6, article 10 and article 13 of European Convention, and please consider as well the possibility of expediting the procedure for AIS application examination in Strasbourg, as soon as it is possible.

Hoping that our request will be taken into consideration.

Aranita Brahaj

Executive Director of AIS

Legal representative Viktor Gumi  Attorney at Law

Prior phases of the Court process of AIS vs Political Parties for transparency on electoral financies

[1] Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) is an Albanian registered NGO. Its mission is to promote scientific activity and applied research in Albania to solve socio-economic problems, increase transparency, and strengthen civic engagement and respect for human rights. Financing of political parties during electoral campaigns and informing the public in a capacity as a public or social watchdog has been for many years one of the main activities by AIS. 

Exclusive Program sheds light on MPs declared assets

Vetting and audit of assets, wealth, and economic interests of the representatives of lawmaking politicians. This has been an issue that was discussed and translated into a draft law for the Parliament of Albania. AIS, a promoter of Open Data Albania, and the Institute of Political Studies, have made their own analysis of the representation of people of economic power in the Parliament, conflicts of interests of businessman MPs, and connection between money and politics. “Exclusive”, a TV program on the national Top Channel TV, has investigated the size of this phenomenon and the need for vetting the wealth of the MPs. The title of this investigative is “The Millionaires’ Poverty”. On the 21st of December, the Parliament voted against the draft law proposed by the Democratic Party on Vetting of the Figure of MPs.

Open ICT Education for youth employability

Open Data Kosova (ODK) and the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) are implementing the Open ICT Education for Youth Employability Project. This is an EU-funded IPA cross-border project. Its beneficiaries include Universities and secondary schools in the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Albania. The objective of the project is to foster youth employability providing an open access to critical ICT knowledge and skills, and strengthening cross-border cooperation between the educational institutions. The first online ICT platform is created through this project in the Albanian language.

Transparency in Health Engagement Project

Transparency in Health Engagement Project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of its Contract.

Agreement Number: Contract Number: AID-182-C-17-00001 (USAID/Transparency in Health Engagement Project held by prime recipient University Research Company, LLC (URC) and by sub-recipient Albania Institute of Science (AIS), Tetra Tech, and Boston University.

The Transparency in Health Engagement project is funded and managed by the USAID/Albania.

Notifications and publications related with the engagement in this Project :


Pozicion Pune Programues , Webmaster

AIS është në kërkim të një personi për ta punësuar me kohë të plotë në pozicionin e punës Programues ose Web Developer.

Personi duhet të ketë të paktën tre vite eksperiencë pune në këtë profil, njohuri në PHP/ JS / njohuri të mira në administrim databaz-ash në MYSQL (QUERY).

Preferohen edhe kandidatët që kanë njohuri në gjuhën gjermane, pasi kandidatë të suksesshëm mund të transferohen pas 6 deri 12 muajve në një subjekt të ngjashëm në shtetin Gjerman.

Pagesa neto është 900 USD, me kontribute dhe tatime të paguara. Java e punës është 40 orë.

Nëse jeni të interesuar ju lutem shkruani në [email protected] duke përcjellë një CV tuajën në një email me titull Aplikim Web Developer, deri më 18 Janar 2019.

Kërkohet një specialist përpunim të dhënash Data Enter

AIS është në kërkim të një personi për ta punësuar sistaf për përpunim të dhënash. Procesi i punës është i thjeshtë dhe lidhet me përgatitjen e databazave me të dhëna të shoqërive tregtare. Pozicioni i punë nuk ka lidhje me analizë apo përpunim statistikor.

Personi duhet të jetë i diplomuar (edhe trevjecar) në degët financë, kontabilitet, biznes apo juridik. Të ketë njohuri mbi të dhëna të regjistrit të biznesit (QKB) dhe nëse nuk ka njohuri të jetë i aftë të mësojë shpejt mbi përmbajtjen e një regjistri të tillë.

Ora e punës paguhet neto 250 lekë plus kosto të punësimit apo kontraktimit (tatim mbi të ardhurën personale, kontribute shoqërore dhe shëndetësore të detyrueshme).

Kandidati / Kandidatja do ti nënshtrohet një procesi prove.

Cilësitë: i aftë për të mësuar, nivel të lartë përqëndrimi, modest dhe i motivuar për të punuar, i aftë të punjë 8 orë në ditë.  Nëse jeni të interesuar ju lutem shkruani në [email protected] duke përcjellë një CV tuajën në një email me titull Aplikim specialist përpunim të dhënash Data Enter deri më 18 Janar 2019.