AIS Newsletter March 2016

Open Data Albania portal published this month some research analysis on Public Investments per Capita 2005 – 2016, identifying a decrease in the current year. In addition, the realization of revenues for the last budget year is one of the articles that enables the monitoring and evaluation of the institutional performance in collecting taxes in the country. The Open Corporate Albania Catalogue was enriched this month by about one thousand passports of business companies founded in Albania over the last four months of 2015. The data indicate a significant presence of the joint stock companies and companies with limited responsibilities with foreign partners or shareholders.
Civil Engagement
On 5 March, AIS organized in Tirana the Open Data Day 2016. This day was part of a chain of events organized in various countries of the world aiming at engaging in, and promoting Open Data. This year, AIS empowers the Albanian public with information about Public Contracts and Procurement according to the open data standard. By opening public contracts of the local government, Albania ranks itself among countries, where the civil society has contributed to the process of Open Contracting. Another promotional event for Open Procurement for Local Government was one of the workshops of the Personal Forum Democracy CEE 2016, where Shefiko Hajna and Eva Meqemeja from AIS, presented the Open LGP Albania Program to an audience of European organizations and activists.
Five out of forty nine Mayors in the country declare that they have obtained immovable properties as a result of working as legal or clandestine immigrants. An analysis published on Immovable Properties Owned by Mayors as Individuals or as Part of the Marital Property Regime during their 2015 – 2019 mandate identifies sources of assets as declared by them. Mayors are subject to an obligation to periodically declare their assets to the High Inspectorate for Declaration of Assets and Control of the Conflict of Interest and to the Decriminalization Law, which requires them to voluntarily declare their Criminal Records. These data are assessed based on their Initial Declaration of Properties and their subsequent annual declarations, and they were posted on theMoney and Power section of the Spending Data Albania portal.
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Albanian Institute of Science
“Asim Vokshi”
Nr 13 /25, Kati 3
1001, Tirana