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113 search results for: election


Public Contracting Reform, AIS recommendations for programs of the electoral subject 2021

Following years of monitoring and risk assessment in public procurement in the areas of public health, local government, and national infrastructure, AIS has drafted 7 proposals for the reform of public procurement and contracting. These recommendations will be proposed to the main parties in elections, suggesting their involvement in their electoral program and promises. The […]


Map of Albania Oligarchs (Names of those who have received MILLIONS OF EUROS from Albanians’ taxpayers)

Risk Assessment in Tenders/Municipalities, whose 30% of the contracted value goes to one single company by direct negotiations RED FLAGS – Local Government Units of Albania are ranked on the top when it comes to abusive tenders. As history shows, small and average-value tenders organized by them tend to usually go to family relatives or […]


Case Study – Public Procurement Big Contracting

Another activity of our project Improve Integrity of Public Contractors was the preparation of two case studies for two large public contracts and procurements. The objects of the first one is the Concessionary Agreement for the financing, design, renovation, supply, reorganization and functioning of the PPP concessionary for providing laboratory services to hospitals, regional and […]


Tender for the Reconstruction Program for the State-Supported Share

Open Procurement Albania publishes information for procurement procedures worth of 9.4 billion Albanian Lek (76,42 million Euros) for Homes and Schools damaged by the Earthquake. The Government opts for Limited Procedure, avoiding open bidding competition. The 20-days timeframe for submission of requests by interested competitors is not respected. Data, documents, and information on every stage […]


Our Project Open Contracting Albania and Red Flag Index Impact, media coverage, and public pressure

There have been dozens of media articles published every month based on the data provided by the system for Transparent Procurement and Red Flag algorithm. The articles are generally of a reporting nature and quite discrete usually in the arguments they provide. The information available has helped especially fact based journalism. There have never been […]


AIS starts the Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractors Project, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The newest project started by AIS is named Improvement of Integrity of the Public Contractor, Legislation, Practice and Role of Civic Actors. The project is supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as one of the MATRA Program in Albania. On July 18th, the Dutch Ambassador Ms. Guusje Korthals Altes and Director of AIS […]


Roundtable with representatives from the media, civil society, and institutions – Transparency, Monitoring and Evaluation of Procurement of Central Purchasing Agency (CPA)

A round table was heldon 11.06.2019, with representatives from the media, civil society, and institutions. The purpose of this round table was: to present the volume and dynamics of the institution’s work over the last 15 months; analyze the context in which the institution was established; assess the impact of the Agency on the efficiency […]