Entries by admin

On the implementation of the Project: Monitoring Conflict of Interest of Donors for the 2017 Electoral Campaign

In the framework of its Monitoring Conflict of Interest of Donors for the 2017 Electoral Campaign Project, AIS has identified the donors of the electoral contestants for the 2017 general elections. Identification was made taking into consideration their economic interests, benefits from public procurement, and incomes from payments received from the state budget (treasury transactions). […]

Online publication soon to come. International expert ‘wanted’ to assist with overcoming the challenge of public oversight of asset declarations

Following amendments to Law “On the declaration and control of assets and financial obligations of some elected officials and civil servants”, (Law No. 42/2017), Albania is expected to see a very important reforming moment in the process of high officials’ asset declaration and control. This law enables the public to access such declarations online. AIS […]

Learn about state-owned companies through Open Corporates Albania

The Open Corporates Albania portal has updated its information on 220 state-owned (public) business companies in April. These companies are owned by municipalities and ministries. The information provided by the portal through an individual passport for each company includes the name of the owner, its legal form, equity, scope of activity, turnover of the company […]

Workshop with High State Audit officials on Data Usability and Red Flags Algorithm: Instruments for Transparency and Anti-Corruption

Within the framework of the “Transparency in Health Engagement Project” funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by University Research Company, LLC (URC), a two 2-day workshop was delivered by Project partner Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) for the staff of the Albanian Supreme Audit Institution (ALSAI) on Data Usability and […]

Raportet Gjinore në drejtimin e Shoqërive Publike

Open Data Albania prezantoi sot në eventin Leviz Albania për Barazinë Gjinore, Raportet Gjinore në drejtimin e shoqërive publike duke veçuar ato që zotërohen nga Bashkitë. Shoqëri Tregtare, aksione apo kuota të të cilave zotërohen nga një institucion publik dhe buxhetor njihen si shoqëri me zotërim publik, në kontekstin e këtij artikulli shoqëri publike. Në […]

AIS organized a MasterClass with Dutch writer, Joris Luyendijk, for Balkans journalists

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) organized on March 12 a MasterClass with journalists from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro over media role in reporting money, government and politics. The special guest was the Dutch journalist Joris Luyendijk, author of the book “Swimming with the sharks: My journey into the world of the bankers.” In […]

Submitted to AKEP on 26.02.2018 – “Opinions about the Document subject to Public Consultation “On Amendments to Regulation No.2, dated 21. 02. 2008”

Dear members of the Steering Board of AKEP, The non-Government organization Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), registered with the Register of NGOs at Tirana District Court by initial decision No. 3048, dated 28/03/2011, would like to take the opportunity to express its highest considerations for your work and institutions. In response to the Document for […]

Aplikim për trajnimin Qeverisje e Hapur kundër Korrupsionit, qeverisje e hapur për Qeverisje të mirë, Prrenjas 28 Shkurt 2018

Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS), një organizatë promotore e të dhënave të hapura, transparencës dhe llogaridhënies, në kuadër të projektit “Open Government against Corruption – Open Gov for Good Governance”, që mbështetet nga fondi i nën-grantimit “Anti-korrupsioni dhe zhvillimi i kapaciteteve” në kuadër të projektit CIVILISC, financuar nga BE, zbatuar nga IDM në partneritet me […]

Aplikim për trajnimin Qeverisje e Hapur kundër Korrupsionit, qeverisje e hapur për Qeverisje të mirë, Cërrik 22 Shkurt 2018

Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS), një organizatë promotore e të dhënave të hapura, transparencës dhe llogaridhënies, në kuadër të projektit “Open Government against Corruption – Open Gov for Good Governance”, që mbështetet nga fondi i nën-grantimit “Anti-korrupsioni dhe zhvillimi i kapaciteteve” në kuadër të projektit CIVILISC, financuar nga BE, zbatuar nga IDM në partneritet me […]