Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Rrogozhinë 18.12.2021

Organizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga  Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 18 Dhjetor për Bashkinë Rrogozhinë një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe Fuqizim të aktorëve civil Aktivist në Antikorrupsion.

Prezantime – Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike

Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI Kamza

E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci Kamza

Gazetaria advokuese apo investiguese

Open Data 29.09.2021 Besi Megi

prokurimet 02-10-2021 (ok)

Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI – Kavaja

E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci – Kavaja

Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI – Rrog

E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci – Rrog

Buxheti Vendor_B GJACI Tirana dhe Vora

E Drejta Informimit Ligji Brahaj_Gjaci Tirana Dhe Vora


Corruption Risk in Albania Public Procurement (2017 – 2019) – a Document prepared by Heritie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Sciences AIS, May 2021.

The OSCE Presence in Albania commissioned the Hertie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Science, to research corruption risk in public procurement in two relevant sectors and to propose improvements to the legal and administrative framework for its reduction.

Please find HERE an Executive Summary of the research document.

AIS alarm: Reconstruction Fund, medium-term budget program can be used in the upcoming Elections (2022-2025) to compromise voters through individual grants a few hours before voting.

The risk of misuse of public money in elections is high. AIS denunciation of the misuse of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program in the April 25th Elections was rejected by the Administrative Investigation Institutions.  They did not provide solutions for the violations found in the zone where Prime Minister Rama won. AIS reported that in violation of the Electoral Law, the Council of Ministers Decision dated 25 March and Durrës Municipal Council Decisions 12-24 April, transferred and executed in Durrës 6.1 Million Euro of non-emergency grants with Individual beneficiaries benefitting 1-5 thousand USD. The Commissioner declared himself incompetent and rejected the lawsuit. The CSC, after AIS Appeal, accepted the investigation but ended it with only one hearing where no Experts or challenged parties were heard. Based on the positions of the CSC and those of the Commissioner, the organization raises the alarm that the Reconstruction Fund, a medium-term budget program for 3-5 years, can be used in the next elections to compromise voters by giving individual grants a few hours before voting.

Stages of the AIS Process against the Council of Ministers and the Municipality of Durrës, Denunciation, Decision, Administrative Investigation:

  1. Date 31 May 2021, AIS submits a Denunciation to the State Commissioner for Elections, the Reconstruction Fund was Used in Durrës to Favor the Electoral Entity SP. The respondents include the Council of Ministers and the Municipality of Durrës HERE
  2. Date 16. 07. 2021, State Commissioner Response and Request for Information from Reported Institutions HERE
  • Decision no. 439 dated 2.08.2021 Decision of the State Commissioner for Elections for Extension of the Term of Administrative Review HERE
  1. Rejection by the Commissioner. CEC decision (no. 457, dated 01.10.2021) On the administrative review of a violation provided in decision no. 9, dated 24.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission, in the Central Election Commission, to the Council of Ministers and the Municipal Council of Durrës HERE
  2. October 28th, 2021. AIS Appeal Against Decision no. 457, dated 01.10.2021 of the State Commissioner for Elections HERE

The hearing in the CSC was held on 8 November. The Complaints and Sanctions Commission (CSC) accepted our Request for changes to be made to the Decision of the State Commissioner regarding its lack of competence, but rejected the allegations of irregularities in the acts of the Council of Ministers and the Municipality of Durrës, i.e. the acts that made it possible to pay Individual grants a few hours before the Voting day. The text of the CSC Notice is as follows

The Complaints and Sanctions Commission reviewed  November 8th appeal no. 74, challenging decision no. 457, dated 01.10.2021, of the State Election Commissioner, a complaint by the organization Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS).

The Albanian Institute of Sciences has challenged the acts of the Council of Ministers and those of the municipality of Durrës regarding the funds they have allocated to the subjects affected by the earthquake. The State Election Commissioner had claimed lack of competence over this complaint.

Having heard the appellant and having reviewed the documentation, the CSC found that its review is the competence of the CEC bodies, so by a majority of votes, it decided to accept the request to amend decision no. 457, dated 01.10.2021 of the State Election Commissioner, whereby the latter had declared itself not competent for reviewing the complainant’s claim.

At the end of the administrative investigation, the CSC concluded that the acts challenged by the Albanian Institute of Sciences do not constitute a violation of decision no. 9 dated 24.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission (reformer), because such decisions do not propose, approve, or allocate any new funds, but simply set executive procedures, so by a majority vote it decided to reject the request for an administrative sanction to be imposed for violation of decision no. 9, dated 24.12.2020 of the CEC Regulatory Commission.


This Decision can be challenged in the Administrative Court within 30 days from its Disclosure on the CEC Website.


AIS partner in the C1-EU-NPA Project, in Fulfilling the Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1), and in Establishing the EU-Albania Negotiation Platform

C1-EU-NPA, Improving Policy Debate and Accountability in Fulfilling the First Group of Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1) through the Establishment of an EU-Albania Negotiation Platform. This is AIS‘ newest Project[1] in partnership with CSDG organizations; ISP and the Albanian Helsinki Committee.  The partners aim to Support Albania’s EU accession negotiation process regarding the First Group of Negotiating Chapters (Cluster 1), by improving policy debate, strengthening accountability, and the role of CSOs in the process. The AIS organization will engage with the main focus on the Chapter on Public Procurement, Financial Control, and Statistics. The Financial Supporter of the C1-EU-NPA project is the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana


Reconstruction of about 100 billion ALL worth is being tendered by Clientelist Procedures. Delays with the Review of Complaint and Claims for Law Abrogation by Constitutional Court

The latest progress report of the European Commission for Albania estimates that there is good progress in the adoption of a new Law on Procurement, according to EU Standards. But in the meantime, the Albanian Government avoids and bypasses this Law by using Special Laws for contracting. Typical cases include contracts for post-earthquake Reconstruction, Medium Term Program of the State Budget, planning around 100 billion Albanian Lekë. Contracting is being done by circumventing the Sector Legislation, according to the Normative Act Law 97/2019. Such act, which has the power of law, violates the constitutional right to Economic Freedom and creates ground for clientelism and favoritism. The Constitutional Court was asked by a Lawsuit to repeal Law 97/2019. The lawsuit was filed on September 18, 2021, and there is still no date for reviewing a Law of the Albanian Government with serious financial consequences. So far, the Reconstruction contracts have been made by the Executive and the Main Municipalities. The lawsuit provides arguments as to what negative effects the application of the Special Law has on the Legislation Drafted according to EU Standards.

Misuse of Public Money in Elections, Legislation and Institutions Do Not Guarantee the Process

The risk of misuse of public money in elections is high. AIS denunciation of the misuse of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program in the April 25th Elections was rejected by the Administrative Investigation Institutions.  They did not provide solutions for the violations found in the zone where Prime Minister Rama won. AIS reported that in violation of the Electoral Law, the Council of Ministers Decision dated 25 March and Durrës Municipal Council Decisions 12-24 April, transferred and executed in Durrës 6.1 Million Euro of non-emergency grants[1] with Individual beneficiaries benefitting 1-5 thousand USD. The Commissioner declared himself incompetent and rejected the lawsuit. The CSC, after AIS Appeal, accepted the investigation but ended it[2] with only one hearing where no Experts or challenged parties were heard. Based on the positions of the CSC and those of the Commissioner, the organization raises the alarm that the Reconstruction Fund, a medium-term budget program for 3-5 years, can be used in the next elections to compromise voters by giving individual grants a few hours before voting.

