Para dhe Pushtet, Media zbardh Interesa Ekonomik të Ministrave dhe Familjarëve Kabineti Ministrorë Rama 3

Kontrolli Publik i interesave ekonomike dhe personale të Shtetarëve, është proces i rëndësishëm sa i takon Integritetit. AIS ka krijuar databazën online Para dhe Pushtet, me të dhëna të Integruara, ku publikohen pasuri dhe interesa të Individëve Drejtues në Pozicione të larta. NewsBomb revistë e printuar çdo muaj, i ka kushtuar një Shkrim në Kopertinë Deklarimit të Aseteve Pasurore të Kryeministrit dhe Ministrave, Deklarime Kabineti Rama 3. Institucioni Shtetëror për Deklarim dhe Kontroll ILDKPKI, ende nuk ka startuar procesin e publikimit online të Deklarim Asete. Ky publikim online bëhet nga Portali ynë Spending Data Albania, Para dhe Pushtet, duke krijuar mundësi për kontroll publik të interesave të Ministrave, Deputetëve dhe Familjarëve të tyre.


AIS part of the agreement with The High Inspector Of Justice. The cooperation agreement with 6 Civil Society organizations is signed.

The establishment of a continuous communication between the civil society and the Office of HIJ, was formalized today by signing a cooperation agreement between the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani and six civil society organizations (CSOs), that are engaged in monitoring justice reform, human rights, transparency, accountability and good governance.

The cooperation initiated earlier with the civil society, through the consultation for the Strategic Plan and Action Plan of HIJ 2020-2022, materializes with this agreement, which aims to increase the performance and capacity building of the Office of High Inspector of Justice, through the increase of communication and development of joint activities, in the framework of monitoring, analysing, accountability and awareness-raising on the activity of the Office of High Inspector of Justice, through the exchange of data, organization of periodic meetings, providing relevant expertise of specialized CSOs.

Institute for Policy and Legal Studies (IPLS), represented by Mr. Ardian Dhima; Institute for Political Studies (ISP), represented by Mr. Afrim Krasniqi; Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), represented by Ms. Krisela Hackaj, Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), represented by Ms. Erida Skëndaj, European Centre (EC), represented by Ms. Klara Kodra and Albanian Institute of Science/Open Data Albania, represented by Ms. Aranita Brahaj.

During the ceremony of signing the agreement, the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Metani praised the important role of civil society organizations in strengthening democratic processes and underlined that this institutional cooperation mechanism will serve to improve the work of HIJ, and in addition the whole system for the functioning of a professional, responsible, accountable and transparent justice.

The organization has a database in support of Justice Reform.

You can find the Cooperation Agreement Between High Inspector Of Justice And Civil Society Organizations: HERE


Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration”

The Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS / Open Data Albania, during the implementation of C1 – EU – NPA

Project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to Fulfill Basic Rights”, through the creation of the Cluster 1 Albania Negotiation Platform.

This project is being implemented by four Albanian organizations: the Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance CSDG, the Institute for Political Studies ISP, the Albanian Helsinki Committee AHC and the Albanian Institute of Science AIS, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana.

The Policy Paper was presented on February 28th, at a Roundtable with the participation of organizations and institutions ingaged in the european integration and public procurement processes.

You will find enclosed below the following items:

  • Public Procurement “Policy Paper through the lens of European Integration” (PDF link)
  • Summary and Conclusions of the Policy Paper, Procurement “Policy Paper through the lens of European Integration” (PDF Link)
  • Event Agenda of the Policy Paper Presentation (PDF LINK)

Photos from the Event:

Panelistët: Znj. Aranita Brahaj - Drejtore Ekzekutive e AIS/Open Data Albania; Z. Viktor Gumi - Ekspert Juridik, Autori i Dokumentit (AIS); Znj. Jorida Tabaku - Kryetare, Komisioni për Integrimin Evropian, Parlamenti; Z. Eduart Shalsi - Kryetar, Komisioni për Ekonominë dhe Financat, Parlamenti; Znj. Reida Kashta - Drejtore e Përgjithshme, Agjencia e Prokurimit Publik (APP)

Panelists: Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS/Open Data Albania; Mr. Viktor Gumi – Legal Expert AIS, Author of the Paper; Mrs. Jorida Tabaku – Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee for European Integration, Parliament; Mr. Eduart Shalsi – Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee for Economy and Finance, Parliament; Mrs. Reida Kashta – General Director, Public Procurement Agency (PPA)

H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania

Mr. Alexis Hupin – Head of the Political and EU integration section EU Delegation


Mr. Muharrem Cakaj – Procurement Expert


Mrs. Ledia Muço- Policy Officer EU Delegation;

Mrs. Kristina Voko – Director, BIRN Albania

Mr. Neritan Sejamini – Editor-in-Chief of and Director of the EuroNews Albania Information Department;

Mrs. Valia Pentarvani – First Counsellor & DHoM of the Embassy of Greece to Albania; Mr. Alexis Hupin – Head of the Political and EU integration section EU Delegation; H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania;

Mrs. Krisela Hackaj – Expert and Executive Director of CDI Albania


The findings, Opinions or Recommendations expressed at this event represent the views of experts and the AIS organization and do not necessarily reflect the responsibilities of the partners or supporters of the C1-EU-NPA


The document has been forwarded in the Official Form to the institutions engaged in the process and interested parties.

AIS/Open Data Albania is a local non-governmental organization established in 2011. The organization has created a database with open data on Public Procurement in the Health sectors; Concessions; Local Government; Road Infrastructure; Publicly Owned Enterprises; Development Fund. The organization also applies RedFlag real-time risk assessment instruments and is the author of several case studies on Public Procurement and Contracting issues.