Datathon Albania 2023


DataThon Albania, a data marathon, took place on April 3rd and 4th, 2023. Over two days, young participants collaborate to create a dataset, analyze, visualize, and present the data.

AIS has previously organized events such as Hackathons, DataThons, or DiploHacks. This year, participants in the data marathon were young members of the OpenDataFellowship Network. The event aimed at Civic Education and empowering young people in data gathering and analysis, as well as presenting their finding to the public.


Monday and Tuesday, From 3 April, 09:00 to 16:30 and 4 April, from 17:00 to 18:30

Rogner Hotel, Antigonea Meeting Room

Topic of DataThon: Party Financing Data, Charts, Visualizations and Recommendations

The participants of DataThon Albania this year are young people from the OpenDataFellowship Network


Datathon Albania 2023 is organized by AIS, promoter of Open Data in Albania

This year, DataThon is held as part of the Open Data Access and Transparency Project activities

in sectors exposed to the risk of corruption, a project financially supported by

Sida – Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency

First Day of Marathon, April 3rd, from 09:00 to 16:30

Phase 1: Ideation from 10:30 to 12:00

Welcome Participants to the Marathon


What is a DataThon?

How can data be collected for the Finances of Political Parties over the years

Working Teams are created for Lawyers: Statisticians; Economists; and Designers

Moderator: Aranita Brahaj & Fatjona Mejdini


Lunch 12:00 – 13:00

Phase 2: Prototyping 13:00 to 15:00

Phase 3: Preparing an elevator pitch from 15:00 to 16:30

Prepare an elevator pitch of Max 3 minutes on the idea MAX 1 visual




Second Day of the Marathon, April 4rth, from 17:00 to 18.30

DataThon Albania Award Ceremony

Tuesday, April 4th, 17:00 – 18:30

Rogner Hotel, Antigonea Meeting Room


Follow us

On the website of AIS

On twitter @AIScience

on Facebook

Where the Graph, Data and Visualizations of this Marathon are published

On the Open Data Albania web page

DataThon Albania 2023 is organized by @AIS, promoter of Open Data in Albania

Supported by Sida – Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency




Some Data-Sets, Graf and Data prepared in the frame of the DataThon Albania 2023 event:

AIS concerned: Central Election Commission has limited access to Documents and Information on previous Election Periods.

For many weeks now (February 2023), the CEC official website lost touch with its database before 2020. This database contains Documents, Acts, Reports, Minutes and Decisions that represent the backbone of CEC activity and electoral campaigns developments. Similarly, while Albania gears up for the local elections, the previous 2019 campaign is darkened by a total lack of acts and information on the CEC website.

Although public access to these documents is a legal obligation, those are no longer accessible online for use by interested stakeholders. Specifically, missing from the pre-2020 campaigns are all:

  • Audit Reports and Financial Reports of electoral subjects and political parties;
  • Voter Turnover in each electoral zone;
  • De-criminalization Forms filled out by individuals running in the 2019 campaign;
  • Decisions of the Central Election Commission;
  • Complaints/Appeals and Minutes of institutional sessions;
  • Acts and Documents.

While CEC proclaimed initiatives to apply information technology, digitalization, and online reporting during 2023, it seems that website hosting and interoperability with the earlier database is a challenge that puts a big question mark on CEC’s capacities and will.

AIS is an organization that promotes access, transparency, and information. AIS holds that Data is Power and data must be made available to all stakeholders.

AIS filed a complaint on this denied access in the section Report of CEC website, and finds really concerning this shrank access to information on previous electoral campaigns and developments.

Truncated access, missing transparency, and irresponsibility in managing official documents represent a very risky aspect of how access to information may be used unilaterally.

DataThon Albania 2023 – Topic Party Financing Data, Charts, Visualizations and Recommendations

Make Data Great Again


What is DataThon Albania 2023

DataThon is a marathon event where citizens work together to collect, analyze data and raise awareness about a specific topic. The word DataThon is a combination of Data plus Marathon. The work consists of data collection, analysis, comparison, structuring and visualization of information.

Usually, a specific topic or field is chosen and the engaged group focuses and has an interest in working in that field.

Instruments or apps are often developed in datathons to make the information as useful as possible. DataThon are events where citizens, activists, journalists, economists, lawyers, architects, and various professionals may participate as long as they have a passion and desire to work with data.

An inspiring event for DataThon Albania 2023 is also the EU DataThon


Who Organizes DataThon Albania 2023

Datathon Albania 2023 is organized by AIS, promoter of Open Data in Albania. AIS has previously brought events like DiploHack Tirana, Hackathon and DataThon.

This year, DataThon is held as part of the Activities of the Project Open Data Access and Transparency in the sector at risk of corruption, a project financially supported by Sida – Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency.


Where and when it will be held

April 3 and 4, 2023 at Antigonea Meeting Room, Rogner Hotel


Who will work on the data? What about the audience

This year, participants of DataThon Albania are young people from the OpenDataFellowship Network. This Youth Network was created to increase the capacities and skills of young people in matters related to anti-corruption . At the end of the Marathon, in the final presentation session, you are invited to participate and listen to the presentations of the young people with Data, Charts, Visualizations and Recommendations.

Featured Topic

This year, the Marathon will focus on Political Party Financing. The selected topic sheds light on the integrity of subjects very important for the democratic and pluralistic life of the country. The young people participating in the marathon will work to gather data on the expenses declared by the political subjects in the last ten years, the structure of their income, the types of expenses, the weight of the electoral expenses versus the total expenses, the issues related to transparency, difficulties with access, and party financing issues that require practices with more integrity.


Event Contribution and Output

Data, Charts, and Visualizations will be presented in the final stage. Young people will also submit recommendations, their perspectives on how to improve the rules and models of control or reporting of the Finances of Political Parties with a view to ensuring Integrity.


Where can we be informed?

On the website of

On twitter @AIScience

On Facebook 

On the FollowTheMoney platform


Where the Graph, Dates and Visualizations of this Marathon are published

On the Open Data Albania web page


Not only DataThon

At this event, Certificates will also be distributed to the team of young people who have attended the first cycle of activities for capacity building as part of the OpenData Youth Network



Thirrje Anëtarësime te reja OpenData Fellowship Youth Network

Rihapet Thirrja, Aplikoni deri ne datën 20 Prill


Bëhu Pjesë e OpenData Felloship Youth #Network

AIS për të dytin vit radhazi, hap aplikimet për të rinj që duan të punojnë dhe angazhohen me OpenData Youth Network, të rinj me përgatitje universitare të moshës 20 deri 30 vjeç janë të mirëpritur. Ky grup network do të trajnohet, aftësohet, bëhet pjesë e një program intensiv me qëllim aftësimin në analizë dhe artikulim ku të dhënat e hapura nxisin transparencën, mirëqeverisjen dhe antikorrupsionin. Gjatë një viti, është punuar me një network dhe disa nga eventet janë publikuar në web faqen tonë  Link

Lexo si vijon:

Mundësi për të punuar me ekipin #OpenDataAlbania
Je një Djalë apo Vajze e re, #Gazetar, #Student, #Ekonomist, #Fiskalist, #Politikan i Ardhshëm, #Analist, #Sociolog apo #Kërkues në një Disiplinë të caktuar
• Nëse ke dëshirë të Publikosh një apo disa artikuj në portalin Open Data Albania
• Nëse planet për Karrierën tuaj të ardhshme lidhen me sa më lart, një Rrjet Rinor të mirëpret për një program Afatshkurtër.
Ajo çka i duhet formimit tuaj profesional është edhe pak aftësim mbi përdorimin e të dhënave në artikulimin publik, vendimmarrjen, planifikimin dhe debatin.
Ne të ftojmë të Bëhesh Pjesë e OpenData Fellowship Youth Network
• Ju thjesht duhet të shpenzoni me Ne disa orë Praktikë çdo muaj për 4 muaj radhazi.
• Qëllimi final i procesit është forcimi i kapaciteteve dhe njohurive të një grupi rinor elitë që ka vokacion, talent dhe vullnet për tu angazhuar në artikulim publik.
• Procesi do të finalizohet edhe me publikimin e artikujve hulumtues në portalin Open Data Albania nga vetë të rinjtë duke u dhënë mundësinë të ndajnë me publikun fakte, analiza dhe parashtrime.

Mirëpresim të aplikojnë për angazhim të rinj mosha 20 deri 30 vjeç, në proces studimi universitarë apo të sapo diplomuar. Kusht është dëshira për tu fuqizuar përmes të dhënave, informacionit dhe njohurive.
Të rinjtë duhet të kenë dëshirë të përmirësojnë aftësinë e tyre artikuluese dhe aftësinë për tu përfshirë në diskutime të bazuara në argument dhe të dhëna.
Për aplikim dërgo email me titull Aplikim OpenData Felloship ne adresën [email protected] Ne aplikim duhet tekst ku njoftohen te dhëna si gjeneralitete, mosha, studimet, aftësitë, arsyet pse dëshiron te aplikosh.
Procesi ju Garanton:
• Rrjetëzim me Kolegë dhe Moshatar
• Puno dhe behu Autor Artikuj në Open Data Albania
• Referencë dhe Certifikatë për Eventin
• Fuqizohu duke njohur BigData
• Pagesë për çdo Artikuj të realizuar nga Ju dhe të Publikuar te OpenDataAlbania

Afati për Regjistrim data 20 Prill 2023.
Më të mirët do të ftohen për Intervistë pranë nesh,
Ky Network po krijohet në kuadër të Projektit Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors esposed to risk of Corruption mbështetur nga SIDA përmes Ambasadës Suedeze në Shqipëri.

Për pyetje ju lutem na kontaktoni në [email protected].