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20 search results for: Fellowship


Master Class on Electoral Integrity and Improvement through Data and Evidence-based Processes – Open Data Youth Fellowship

On July 3rd, an event titled “Master Class: Electoral Integrity and Improvement through Data and Evidence-based Processes” was held. This event served as a platform for data analysts participating in the Open Data Fellowship Network’s Youth Capacity Building Program to present to their younger colleagues and those interested in issues related to electoral integrity. The […]


Thirrje Anëtarësime te reja OpenData Fellowship Youth Network

Rihapet Thirrja, Aplikoni deri ne datën 20 Prill   Bëhu Pjesë e OpenData Felloship Youth #Network AIS për të dytin vit radhazi, hap aplikimet për të rinj që duan të punojnë dhe angazhohen me OpenData Youth Network, të rinj me përgatitje universitare të moshës 20 deri 30 vjeç janë të mirëpritur. Ky grup network do […]


OpenData Youth Fellowship Retreat October 22nd and 23rd, 2022

The organization AIS / Open Data Albania has been working with a group of students and young professionals for a year, creating a Fellowship program for empowering young people in Anti-corruption matters. This includes events held during the year such as work sessions; discussion forums; internships with the organization’s team; training and other networking events. […]


Open Data Fellowship Youth Network: working with young people to increase their capacities

AIS is working with a team of young professionals aiming to educate, increase their capacities in public speaking and evidence-based debating. They come from university auditoriums, important institutions, organizations and civic movements. Strengthening their capacities against corruption through civic education and improving Fact-Checking models are the main goals of the training curriculum,  assistance, and internships. […]


Bëhu Pjesë e #OpenData Fellowship Youth #Network

Mundësi për të punuar me ekipin #OpenDataAlbania Je një Djalë apo Vajze e re, #Gazetar, #Student, #Ekonomist, #Fiskalist, #Politikan i Ardhshëm, #Analist, #Sociolog apo #Kërkues në një Disiplinë të caktuar • Nëse ke dëshirë të Publikosh një apo disa artikuj në portalin Open Data Albania • Nëse planet për Karrierën tuaj të ardhshme lidhen me sa […]


Be Part of the #OpenData Fellowship Youth #Network

Opportunity to work with the #OpenDataAlbania team Are you a Young Boy or Girl, #Journalist, #Student, #Economist, #Fiscal Accountant, #FuturePolitician, #Analyst, #Sociologist or #Student in a Certain Discipline If you want to publish one or several articles on the Open Data Albania portal If your future Career plans are related to the above, a Youth […]