Entries by admin

Call for Applications to Participate in DataThon 2024

The AIS organization, a promoter of Open Data for Albania, in collaboration with the OSCE Presence in Albania, invites you to apply to be part of the Marathon for Open and Transparent Data, DataThon 2024. This year’s Open Data Marathon is dedicated to young people and will focus on state budget data and public finances. […]

The Media Impact for “Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption” Project. This Week in the Media – corruption in tenders, conflicts of interest and nepotism uncovered. Factual, Evidence and Open Data based Journalism

Dear friends, The organization and the team working at AIS are pleased to note that journalists from pluralist medias in the country have disclosed dozens of corruption stories in the last week, using open #OpenData and linked data #LinkDATA from the databases owned by AIS, otherwise known as OpenDataAlbania. The data used was extracted from: […]

Anti-corruption projects face challenges; in risk of closure due to absence of funds and donors. Help us to work as a Watchdog NGO. Support Open Spending Albania database, disclosing Treasury Transactions

Dear Friends and Partners, The AIS organization, known as OpenDataAlbania, is reaching out to you with a pressing concern. We are facing the imminent closure of OpenSpendingAlbania due to lack of funds and donor support. Our database is vital for transparency, accountability, activism, and anti-corruption efforts. Currently, tracking data through our databases shed light and […]

Event: Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit

AGJENDA Event: Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit Organizator: AIS, promotor i Open Data Albania Projekti dhe Partneriteti: “Rritja e përgjegjshmërisë së Parlamentit ndaj shqetësimeve të qytetarëve” një projekt i mbështetur nga Ambasada Britanike në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga një konsorcium, i drejtuar nga IDM, në partneritet me […]

Workshop: With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations

Workshop: With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations About aspects on participation, monitoring, and dialogue with citizens during the drafting and reporting of public finances. The workshop can also be considered as a follow-up to the previous event held on January 31, 2024, titled “Oversight of Public Finances, on […]

Training: Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget

Training Agenda Malësi e Madhe, March 08rd, 2024 Title: Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget Organized by: AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented […]