Entries by admin

Get Online Week 2017 në Shqipëri.

Fuqizohu; Punësohu Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave – AIS si pjesë e network Telecentre Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatën Get Online Week/ Java e Internetit. Ky event mbahet ne datat 27 Mars deri 2 Prill në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet. Në Europë tregu i punës kërkon çdo ditë me mijëra profesionist që […]

HackaThon Albania 2017

Albanian Institute of Science – AIS together with The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania is hosting HackaThon 2017 on 25th of March. Hackathon is a casual meeting, where we collaborate as a team in writing applications, downloading data, creating visualizations or publishing analysis by using the open data. Representatives from civil society organizations, journalists, […]

Open Data Day 2017, Justice Journalists against the Decision of Tirana Court for non-publication of the Criminal Decisions.

March 4th, 2017 is the OpenDataDay. Actors engaged in opening data in different countries in the world have developed events and presented initiatives promoting Open Data mainly for the public sector. AIS, an organization promoting Open Data for Albania, invited journalists, who cover justice-related issues, to attend a round table on transparency and corruption. The […]

Open Data Day 2017, Gazetarët të Drejtësisë kundër vendimit të Gjykatës së Tiranës për mospublikim të Vendimeve Penale.

Data 4 mars 2017 është Dita Për të Dhëna të Hapura  OpenDataDay. Aktorë të angazhuar në çlirimin e të dhënave në vende të ndryshme të botës kanë zhvilluar evente dhe kanë prezantuar iniciativa në dobi të Open Data kryesisht për sektorin publik. Organizata AIS promotore e Open Data për Shqipërinë ka ftuar gazetar që mbulojnë […]

Open Data and Analysis about Family and Juvenile Criminality

Juvenile and Family Criminality – these topics were in the focus of the publications and analysis of Open Data Albania portal over the last weeks. From 4 up to 10% of the offenders punished for criminal offences and contraventions by the Albanian Court during 2005-2015, are under the age of 18. Crime against property, such as […]

Fact-Based Journalism – MGP, an influential project

Our Money, Government and Politics Program, supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania, in the framework of the MATRA for Rule of Law Program, has significantly contributed to fact-based journalism over the last two years. Upon completion of the first phase of the program, one may see dozens of topics and articles on […]