Round table: Institutional Risk Assessment in Tendering and the need for intervention.

Round table: Institutional Risk Assessment in Tendering and the need for intervention.

A meeting was held with the head of the Public Procurement Agency and investigative journalists discussing the Institutional Risk Assessment in Tendering and the need for intervention.

While the Government aims to initiate a Reform and Initiative for Legal and Sectoral Changes regarding Public Procurement, the applying organization has contested several aspects of these Legal Changes within the realm of public procurement. These contested aspects pose risks of limiting access for civil actors, media, citizens, and representatives of watchdog associations.

The concerns stem from the creation of a new electronic system for Tender Notification and its development, which is expected to be accompanied by tendering services from a private Operator requiring payment. This development raises concerns about potential barriers to information and participation, potentially limiting transparency and inclusivity in the public procurement.

Call for Applications to Participate in DataThon 2024

The AIS organization, a promoter of Open Data for Albania, in collaboration with the OSCE Presence in Albania, invites you to apply to be part of the Marathon for Open and Transparent Data, DataThon 2024.

This year’s Open Data Marathon is dedicated to young people and will focus on state budget data and public finances.

The event will be held in Tirana in the early days of July.

We invite and welcome applications from young people who wish to empower themselves in financial education with principles and models of open budget and participatory budgeting.

Who can apply:

  • Young people aged 20 to 30 years old
  • Students, professionals, economists, lawyers, activists, researchers, or data enthusiasts
  • Young people who wish to participate and contribute to awareness and civic activism

How to apply: Fill out the Application Form with information related to your identity, education, profession, and engagement. Don’t forget to provide your contact details and a reason why you wish to be part of DataThon Albania 2024.

How much time do I need to commit? In the upcoming weeks, successful candidates will be invited to a kick-off event, and two workshops or info sessions. During these Startup-style events, the topic selection, group division, monitoring, database presentation, data collection, and analysis will take place.

In a final DataThon event, each participant will present graphs, visualizations, analyses, and civic viewpoints on a topic related to Transparent and Participatory Budgeting.

What happens after the Marathon?

  • The best works will be published on the AIS project page ‘’
  • The most outstanding participant will be engaged at AIS/OpenDataAlbania as an analyst staff with a 3 to 6-month contract
  • Promotion and Creativity for participants
  • Networking with young data enthusiasts


DataThons are open, creative, motivating, useful, and awareness-raising events. The word DataThon comes from Data+Marathon. DataThons can be organized anytime by groups with a desire and passion for data and interest in a topic or sector. In Albania, the first DataThon was held in December 2011 by the AIS, promoter of OpenDataAlbania. Since then, AIS has organized open marathons every year, such as DiploHack, DataThon, and Hackathon with the most recent one was in April 2023.

For questions, email [email protected]

Join the most Creative and Intelligent Marathon!!







Event: Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit


Media dhe Parlamenti: Mbikëqyrja e Financave Publike dhe Raportimi i Buxhetit të Shtetit

AIS, promotor i Open Data Albania

Projekti dhe Partneriteti:
“Rritja e përgjegjshmërisë së Parlamentit ndaj shqetësimeve të qytetarëve” një projekt i mbështetur nga Ambasada Britanike në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga një konsorcium, i drejtuar nga IDM, në partneritet me Citizens Channel dhe AIS

Salla Praga, Hotel Rogner Tirana

Mars 29, 2024



Kliko këtu


Workshop: With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations

With the participation of representatives from the Parliament and Supreme State Audit Administrations

About aspects on participation, monitoring, and dialogue with citizens during the drafting and reporting of public finances.

The workshop can also be considered as a follow-up to the previous event held on January 31, 2024, titled “Oversight of Public Finances, on the Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society”.

AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania

Project and Partnership:
Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS

Hotel Tirana Marriott, Vjosa Hall, 3rd Floor

March 1, 2024


Download here


Training: Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget

Training Agenda
Malësi e Madhe, March 08rd, 2024

Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget

Organized by:
AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania

Project and Partnership:
Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS.

Building the capacities of CSOs, activists and local media to contribute in the planning of the state budget and public spending policies

Districts of Lezhë; Dibër; Shkodër; Kamzë; Kukës; Tiranë; Malësi e Madhe

Target group:
Representatives of Civil Society; Activists and Local Journalists

Project Preview
With the support of the British Embassy in Tirana, the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) in partnership with Citizens Channel and the Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS), will implement the project “Increasing the responsiveness of the Parliament to citizens’ concerns”. This project aims to strengthen the Parliament’s efforts to foster an enabling environment for inherent engagement of citizens in the policy and legislative processes in the country, as a means of promoting public interest and building trust in the institution.

Activity Preview
The Training, aims two of the targeted districts, aims to increase the capacities of civil society, allowing them to improve their understanding of the Budgeting process and enable their participation in the Budgeting cycle in the Parliament. The training aims to strengthen comprehension and monitoring skills in regards to the Drafting, Approval and Reporting Process of the State Budget in the Parliament, as well as raise responsiveness and participation capabilities during the phases of Planning and Approval of the State Budget and policies concerning Public Finances. Another aims of the training is to inform about the existing legal instruments who allow for participation, proposals or hearings in the Parliamentary Committees.

Target group:
Representatives of Civil Society; Activists and Local Journalists.

Agenda: Download here

Event: Oversight of Public Finances. On the Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society

Organizer: AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania

Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS

Agenda: Download here

Opening and Welcoming Speech

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  • Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS’ Executive Director
  • Mr. Sam Goldbart, First Secretary, Justice, Political and Homme Affairs British Embassy Tirana
  • Mr. Gjergji Vurmo, IDM Representative
  • Moderator: Mrs. Matilda Duri
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Panel no. 1

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Parliamentary Oversight of Public Finances and the Supreme State Audit Institution 

  • Expert – Prof. Lindita Lati Milo
  • Presentation of the Policy Paper: Findings and Recommendations
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Positions over the PP’s Findings and Recommendations

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Mr. Eduard Shalsi  
Chairman of the Committee for Economy and Finance

  • Mrs. Jorida Tabaku
  • Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs and Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
  • Mr. Gjovalin Preci
  • Director of State Budget Audit Department, Supreme State Audit
  • Questions and Discussion

Panel no. 2

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Parliament and its Role in the Oversight of the Fiscal Policy. State Budget Drafting, Supervision and Reporting Processes

  • Expert – Prof. Petraq Milo
  • Presentation of the Report: Oversight Role of the Parliament. Findings and Recommendations
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Positions over the Report’s Findings and Recommendations 

  • Mrs. Pranvera Resulaj
  • Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
  • Ms. Emilja Koliqi
  • Member of the Committee for Economy and Finance
  • Questions and Discussion 

The document part of the activities of the AIS organization for the Oversight of Public Finances – The Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society LINK

Objective: In this event, through the presentation of the Policy Papers and Report, we aim to bring to attention findings and recommendations on aspects related to the role of the Parliament, its cooperation with institutions or other civil actors to ensure better processes for drafting, consultation and monitoring of the State Budget and Public Finances.

Likewise, during the discussions, we would like to create space for debate and exchange of arguments between high-level representatives from the Parliament, Constitutional Institutions, Ministry of Finance, Civil Society, and the Media.

Venue: Hotel Tirana Marriott, Bylis Hall, 3rd Floor

Day: January 31, 2024

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Supporting Public Procurement Best Practice and Instil a Watchdog Culture, Open Contracting in Albania

The Public Procurement sector represents risk number “One” for government corruption, with 30% of public expenditures allocated through tenders. AIS plays a crucial role in advancing Open Tendering Standards and strengthening the Watchdog model. The Open Procurement Database serves as a transparency and accountability instrument in tendering process. Passports containing information on all tendering phases are accessible for the Local Governments LGUHealth sector, Albanian Road Authority ARRSH, Albanian Development Fund and Public Companies. Simultaneously, a risk assessment algorithm and RedFlag marking scan and publish in real-time tenders with problematic competition and bids. Similarly, data on contract concentration in a few businesses or the application of the Limited Procedure in over 25% of annual public tender values are readily available in published articles. AIS has litigated in court against Special Legislation for emergencies in cases of Natural Disasters beyond the deadlines of the State of Emergency. AIS is recently participating in Public Consultation for Legal Changes aimed at sector digitization. Initiated by the Albanian Government in June 2023, the initial draft potentially addressed the necessity for interventions and the assurance of equality and transparency principles. AIS will persist in its participation in the Consultation, now in the parliamentary process of the Law. The ongoing objectives include supporting Best Practices, strengthening the Watchdog Culture in tendering, and promoting Open Contracting Partnership standards and principles.

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Media Businesses – Increased Profits in Election Years. Economic Power of Media Owners, Interests in licensed sectors, and state contracting

Open Data Albania has published an analytical article providing information on annual revenue and profits of Television Media Businesses. The data reveals higher profits and revenues in the electoral year of 2021 compared to preceding or subsequent years. Earlier, ODA released a report on the Economic Power of Audiovisual Media Owners, emphasizing that individual owners in TV companies own 10 to 39 other companies. Their connections and interests revolve around Building Permits, Public Licenses, PPP Concession Contracts, Strategic Investor Status, or Benefits from the Albania 1- Euro Program. Involvement in sectors with significant economic returns, which include licenses, subsidies, permits, or contracts with authorities, exposes the media sector to conflicts of interest and dependency, including political parties, thereby, posing a risk to media freedom and editorial independence. Analytical articles covering the Media Sector, economic power, revenues, profits, and ownership structures are integral components of the project titled “Open Data Project, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption 2021-2023, a project supported financially by the Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency.

Registry of Magistrates – Improve Access and Public Trust in Justice, Integrity after Vetting

The organization AIS presented the project “Access to Justice – Albanian Register of Magistrates” at a regional event in December with a focus on Knowledge and Idea Exchange for Open Governance. Alongside NDI Montenegro, activists and officials gathered in Budva to delve into various models and initiatives related to Open Governance. The Mine of Data, the Registry of Magistrates, showcases Passports containing information and documents for each judge and prosecutor, encompassing even those associated with the new Justice Institutions. Owners of the database have noted a substantial interest from citizens accessing profiles of judges and prosecutors who are involved in investigations related to corrupt activities among high officials, some already under investigation or facing accusation. The Registry of Magistrates is a project activity implemented with the financial support of the Commission for Democracy’s Small Grants Program at the US Embassy in Tirana. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this project are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the State Department. Project activities encompass the creation of a Policy Paper on Legal Regulations and Practices for Access to Information within the new Justice Institutions.

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Conference on Exchanging Knowledge and Ideas for Open and Transparent Governance – AIS presents the Justice Access database as an inspiring model for OGP in the Region

Justice Access – The Magistrates’ Registry is the latest database created by the AIS organization promoting open data for Albania.

The Data Mining Magistrate’s Register is designed to increase access and public trust in the Critical Reform in the Judicial System.

At the invitation of the National Democratic Institute NDI Montenegro, this Civil Society Initiative for Improving Access, Control, and Public Trust in Justice was presented on December 8 at an International Learning Event focusing on the exchange of knowledge and experiences regarding the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Project Director Aranita Brahaj explained how AIS has contributed by creating this essential instrument to improve public access, control, and trust in the Justice Reform and Justice Institutions, probing into the integrity of Magistrates after the Reform.

The Magistrates’ Registry involves creating a Passport with data and documents for each judge, prosecutor and justice official.

The information provides public access to familiarize themselves with the profile, integrity, career, performance, and aspects of professionalism, ensuring control over the integrity of the Magistrates.

Similarly, profiles have been established for the new institutions of justice, where the catalogue displays all decisions and documents related to the institution and decision-making.

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Every day, citizens click on the Passports of judges and prosecutors investigating corrupt affairs of high-ranking officials already under accusation. Beneficiaries of Enhanced Access to Magistrates’ and Justice Institutions’ Data and Documents include media representatives, justice system employees, academics, organizations, and the general public.

As part of the activities of this project, AIS has prepared a Policy Paper on Legal Regulations and Practices that the new institutions of justice have established regarding access. This policy document reviews current practices and provides conclusions and recommendations for the future.

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The Magistrates’ Registry is an activity of the project with the financial support of the Commission for Democracy’s Small Grants Program in the US Embassy in Tirana. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the State Department.