EXIT.AL publikon: 622 Milion Euro pagesa për Koncesionet deri 2023

Portali EXIT.AL në datën 5 Qershor Publikoi Artikullin me Titull: 622 Milion Euro pagesa për Koncesionet deri në 2023. Artikulli bazohet tek informacioni i prezantuar nga organizata jonë mbi vlera të parashikuara për buxhetim nga Financat Publike për disa biznese koncesionare. Në artikull janë prezantuar me hiper link Pasaporta të disa Kompanive të krijuara si pjesë e aktivitetit të Projektit të AIS me Leviz Albania. Më konkretisht pasaporta e shoqërive Integrated Energy BV SPV kontraktor me bashkinë Tiranë; Integrates Thechnology Waste Treatment dhe pasaporta të disa shoqërive të tjera.

Artikulli jep fakte ekonomike për shpenzime publike në shërbime dhe vepra publike të dhëna në PPP Koncesion dhe përdor informacion të mirëstrukturuar duke Listuar kompanitë dhe duke ilustruar listimin me pasaportën e secilës Kompani që është Kontraktor Publik në një Koncesion PPP.

Mbi 662 milionë euro do të shpenzojë qeveria për pagesat e 15 koncesioneve për periudhën 2018- 2023. Kjo e dhënë u publikua nga organizata për transparencën e fondeve publike, Open Data Albania.

Qeveria parashikon të paguajë më shumë këto koncesione në vitin 2022, me rreth 122 milionë euro. Pagesat më të mëdha i takojnë kompanisë Gjoka 97 për koncesionin e rrugës së Arbrit, me vlerë 130 milioën euro, e planifikuar për vitet 2018-2023.

Më pas renditet kompania Sani Servicë, për koncesionin e sterilizimit të mjeteve kirurgjikale, dhe S2 Albanai, koncesioni i skanimit në dogana. Këto dy koncesione përbëjnë 12 % të totalit të buxhetit të parashikuar për pagesa ndaj koncesioneve.

Kontratat e tjera koncesionare të parashikuara për vitet 2018-2023 janë: Integrated Energy BV SPV 50 milionë euro, Laboratory Networks 40 milionë euro; 3P Life Logistic 40 milionë euro; Albania Highway Concession 20 milionë eruo; Dia Vita 30 milionë euro; Integrates Technology Waste Treatment Fier 20 milionë euro; Education Infrastructure Tirana 30 milionë euro; Koncesioni  Orikum Llogara Road 20 milionë euro; Bardh Construction 9 milionë euro; Albatek Energy 10 milionë euro; Devoll Hydropower 25 milionë euro ; G2 Infra për të cilën nuk ka asnjë pagesë të planifikuar.

Transparenca për Kontraktor të Bashkive dhe Kontraktimeve me Impakt për Qeveritë Lokale bëhet përmes aktiviteteve të Projektit “Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transaprencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC.

Link Artikulli Origjinal: https://exit.al/e622-milione-pagesa-per-koncesionet-deri-ne-2023/

Open Data Albania, Media, Week from 2 to 10 May, Reconstruction Fund, its Use in the Electoral Campaign

Data published by Open Data Albania portal and the blog FollowtheMoney.al were referred to in the first week of May as a factual source for several media stories and articles. The main topic in the media is the potential use of the Reconstruction Program Fund after the earthquake of 26 November 2019. During the Election Campaign, March 25 to April 25, was spending 30% of the entire State Reconstruction Fund Program.

Some of the articles based on the facts and data published by ODA are:

Gogo.al : #Electoral Favoritism – How were compensated the affected persons by the earthquake during the Electoral Campaign



Droni.al: Government allocated 120 million Euro in the 4 months before elections to residents affected by the earthquake


Albanian Radio Television: MP Tabaku: €120 Million from the State Budget to buy votes, data published by Open Data Albania


Syri TV: 120 million Euro from the State Budget were used to Buy Votes


Telegraph: The manoeuvre how the earthquake funds were used to buy votes


AZLajme publikon: Kush është Anton Gjini që njihet si “El Chapo” Shqiptar, pastroi paratë në Shqipëri nën hundën e SPAK


AZLajme është portali i ri mediatik në datën 14 prill ku portal publikoi artikullin me titull: Kush është Anton Gjini që Njihet si ELChapo Shqiptar dhe pastron Paratë në Shqipëri nën Hundën e SPAK. Artikulli ka cituar dhe dhënë me imazhe të të plotë informacionin e Pasaportës së kompanisë Alesio 14 me pronar Anton Gjinaj dhe me tendera të fituar me disa nga bashkitë kryesore në vend.

Transparenca për Kontraktor të Bashkive dhe Kontraktimeve me Impakt për Qeveritë Lokale bëhet përmes aktiviteteve të Projektit“Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transaprencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC.

Link Origjinal Artikulli https://azlajme.com/aktualitet/foto-kush-eshte-anton-gjini-qe-njihet-si-el-chapo-shqiptar-pastroi-parate-ne-shqiperi-nen-hunden-e-spak/


Shqiptarja.com publikon: I dënuari për trafikim heroine në Spanjë. Kush është biznesmeni Anton Gjinaj që u prangos në Malin e Zi e vazhdon të fitojë tendera në Shqipëri

Në datën 14 Prill 2021, Gazeta e Përditshme Shqiptarja.Com ne versionin e saj print dhe online ka publikuar artikullin me titull “I dënuar për Trafikim Heroine në Spanjë Kush është Biznesmeni Anton Gjinaj qe u Prangos në Malin e Zi e vazhdon të fitojë tendera në Shqipëri”. Artikulli identifikon personin e arrestuar për trafik ndërkombëtar, i cili në Shqipëri është zotërues i një shoqërie ndërtimi me kontrata publike të lidhura me bashkinë më të madhe në vend. Në artikull përdoret informacioni i mirëstrukturuar në Pasaportën e shoqërisë që zotërohet nga ky individ dhe jepet me imazh lista e tenderave të shoqërisë së Biznesit Alesio 2014.

Në shkrim Identifikohet lista e tenderëve të kësaj shoqërie me Bashkinë Tiranë, Durrës, Krujë. Pasaportat e Shoqërive kontraktore të bashkive dhe Lista e Tenderave sipas bashkive, janë të dhëna të mirë-strukturuara që aksesohen lehtësisht përmes Data Bazës Open Corporates Albania , databazë e krijuar si aktivitet i Projekti “Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC.

Link Artikulli Origjinal: https://shqiptarja.com/lajm/i-denuar-per-trafikim-heroine-ne-spanje-kush-eshte-biznesmeni-anton-gjinaj-qe-u-prangos-ne-malin-e-zi-vazhdon-te-fitoj-tendera-te-kundraligjshem-ne-shqiperi

Bold News publikon: U arrestua për drogë, Anton Gjinaj i “ Alesio 2014” ka marrë 1 mld lekë tendera publikë

Portali për gazetari Investigative Bold News ka shkruar në datën 14 prill 2021 artikullin me titull u arrestua për drogë Anton Gjinaj i Alesio 2014 ka marrë 1 miliard lekë Tendera Publik. Duke e konsideruar një lajm të rëndësishëm sa i takon integritetit të kontraktorit publik në kontrata me palë shtetin (bashkitë), redaksia e Bold News ka realizuar edhe një video mbi informacionin në fjalë. Bold News përdor  informacion të mirë-strukturuar  të listës së pagesave në Thesar, listë që agregohet në pasaportën e kësaj shoqërie kontraktor në tendera me Bashki në databazën Open Corporates Albania.


Link Origjinal Portali https://boldnews.al/2021/04/14/u-arrestua-per-droge-anton-gjinaj-i-alesio-2014-ka-marre-1-mld-leke-tendera-publike/

Link Video Lajm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAquJAKCZwA

Pasaportat e Shoqërive kontraktore të bashkive dhe Lista e Tenderave sipas bashkive janë të dhëna të mirë-strukturuara që aksesohen lehtësisht përmes Data Bazës Open Corporates Albania , databazë e krijuar si aktivitet i Projekti “Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transaprencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC.

Eavesdropping of NDrag’heta involving the Municipality of Tirana and the Health Authorities – What do we know so far?

Exit.al published on 21 January an article entitled: Eavesdropping of Ndrag’heta involving the Municipality of Tirana and Health Authorities.

The article as follows:

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The arrest of tens of members of the Italian mafia group, Ndrangheta, emphasized their connection with officials of Tirana Municipality and Rama Government, and their involvement in corrupt tenders and construction permits. The entire money laundering scheme of the Italian Mafia in Albania is suspected to amount for Euro 250 million.
The full interception file contains more than 1000 pages and more is expected to be published in the coming days.
Exit News presents a summary of what is known so far.

Arrests. On 18 January, the Italian Anti-mafia arrested 50 members of the Italian mafia group ‘Ndrangheta’, following a multi-year operation.

Those arrested include:
Mayor of Rosarno in Calabria, Giuseppe Idà,
A member of the same commune council, Domenico Scriva,
The Calabria Entrepreneur Antonio Gallo, known as the ‘Prince’,
Former subtenant of Guardia di Finanza, Ercole D’Alesandro,
The entrepreneurs Tomaso and Saverio Brutto, who were trying to enter the Albanian market. Tomaso Brutto is also a member of the commune council of Cattanzaros, while Saverio Brutto is a member of the commune council of Simeri Crichi in the province of Katanzaro.
The operation included also the arrest of the following seven Albanian nationals, whose involvement is not yet known:

Edmond Baci, born in Albania, resident in Catanzaro;
Henrik Baci, born in Albania, resident in Albania;
Odeta Hasaj, born in Albania;
Bilar Hoxha, born in Albania, resident in Albania;
Alban Keta, born in Albania, resident in Catanzaro;
Bledar Koçi, born in Tirana, resident in Tirana;
Memlin Voci, born in Albania, resident in Catanzaro.

According to interceptions of those arrested, the arrested Italian entrepreneurs have opened their businesses in Albania, especially in construction and health. Therefore, the mafia representatives have used certain Italian politicians and mediators, who have established contacts with high-0levelpoliticians and officials in Albania.
the interceptions include conversations about meetings with officials of the Municipality of Tirana or ministers, who, in exchange for bribes, would award tenders and construction permits to the Italians.

According to OraNews, which has published some of the interception transcripts, the entrepreneurs Antonio Gallo and Antionio Speziali speak with Lawyer Claudio Larussa, a representative of the entrepreneurs  Tomaso and Saverio Brutto about getting in touch with officials close to Mayor Veliaj. The intention was to get construction permits in the city centre, near the Palace of Culture, where sale prices are high. They also mention health tenders during their conversation, i.e. provision of hospital supplies.

The transcript below dates 28.10.2017.

On the top of page number 618, it says:  “Gallo (Antonio) explains to Speziali, Larussa, and Brutti, how it works in Albania, how one could get tenders in the public sector, implying clearly bribes.
Gallo: He is Albanian, he is the President of this Group there, in Albania.
Speziali: You could work with hospitals, too.
Gallo: I don’t know about that, but he is the President of Sol in Albania, all hospitals, he is close to the Prime Minister, close to the Mayor of Tirana, he is an important person.
Citizens raise their voice to say “No” to the destruction of cultural heritage in Durrës
Speziali:  Claudio (Larussa) went there with the Mayor of Tirana.
Gallo: Yes, he did.
Speziali: Tell me about Albania. I do have the plants ready, but I am a bit sceptical about taking them there. If we get them, and send them there, it’s OK with me, but I don’t want them to cheat me then. We need to send them hedging right person.
(They talk about a person called Nik, an Albanian citizen.)
Gallo: I spoke with this friend of mine, Nik, who told me that the person who got three licences to build in Tirana… has three licenses now, and for the 180 million he will spend, he is expected to give them 10 million.
Speziali: Seriously?
Gallo: He told me they are looking for funders. They find an entrepreneur, who is already OK, and the bank finances him. You can make money out of this, because you can sell them for 4 or 5 million per [square] meter, half of Tirana.
Speziali: Apartments?
Gallo: Apartments. He, this constructor, has three licenses for building skyscrapers.
Speziali: 4000 euro, no… 2700-2800 euro.
Brutto: Oh God …. In the centre of Tirana?
Gallo:  Apartments in the new skyscrapers are sold for 3800-4000 Euro per square meter. And do you know what the actual construction cost is? 510 euro.
Speziali: But if you do something luxurious.
Brutto: Can we talk to this Nik?
Gallo: If you are in Rome, he will be there on November 9th. He is the President of Sol Group in Albania, of oxygen, he is connected to hospitals, to Enel, he is connected with all. He told me clearly. They want 20% for the tenders. So, they (referring to Nik) can pay for it.

Who is Nik – the contact in Albania?

According to MCN TV, ‘Nik’, who is mentioned in the interceptions of the people arrested in Italy, is Besnik Halili. He is known as a person close to mayor Veliaj, and to other Socialist ministers.
Besnik Halili is the sole owner of NCI shpk, and representative of the company GTS-Albanian Technical Gas (Gazra Teknike Shqiptare) shpk, where the sole shareholder is the Italian company Sol s.p.a., which is mentioned in these interceptions.
Besnik Halili is the husband of Luneda Sufali, former director of the Albanian Gambling Supervision Authority (AMLF) during 2013-2015, today Director of the State Social Service.
Tenders won by the company GTS-Albanian Technical Gas shpk
According to Open Data Albania, the company GTS has won 80 tenders in the health sector, amounting to a total of 7.5 million Eur, VAT excluded.
It is striking that GTS has won all the tenders, where it has applied. All the tenders are won for the same fund limit made available from the institutions.
The Open Data Albania Platform had already raised the alarm about the tenders won by GTS shpk without any competition, that is, with GTS being the only company participating in the tender.


The article above refers to open and transparent data provided by databases of the organization AIS. The editorial line, arguments, and facts in this article belong to the media and the author. You may find our database by clicking on opencorporates.al, spendingdata.alopendata.alopenprocurement.al, and aksesdrejtesi.al

Data/ How did Ndragheta’s intercepted company win 80 public tenders in Albania ? “Open Data” raised the red flag, but no one listened to it.

Dosja.al has published on 23 January 2021 an article entitled Data: How Ndragheta’s Company won 80 public tenders in Albania. Open Data raised the red flag, but no one listened to it

Persons involved in the Euro 250 million affair in Italy are being interrogated.The data available shows that Ndragheta’s intercepted company has won 80 public tenders in Albania. All in the health sector! As the document shows, the number of tenders already won is 80.


ITALY – The Guarantor of Ndragheta’s Prince, Antonio Gallos, to corrupt the Albanian Government is suspected to be the President of ‘Sol’ Group in Albania, Besnik Halili! The company, which is known in our country as “GTS-Albanian Technical Gas shpk”, is now under the magnifying glass of the authorities, as it is suspected of being involved in money laundering. According to ‘Open Data’, Ndragheta’s intercepted company has won 80 public tenders in Albania. They are all in the health sector! As the document shows, the number of won tenders is 80.


The tenders are all in the health sector. Dosja.al publishes the scheme of the total number of tenders by tendering authority.

It was Open Data, an open platform serving to catalogue the data from the Government institutions, which had already raised the Red Flag in this case. A document made public showed clearly that ‘GTS.SHPK’ had won a tender from the University Hospital ‘Shefqet Ndroqi’. All the tenders announced by the Ministry of Health and their subordinate structures, including Tirana University Hospital Centre for hospital oxygen, are won by “GTS”.

It took the Italian authorities to carry out a huge operation to find out that there is a company in Albania laundering money, and above all, serving as a bridge between the Albanian Government and elements of mafia groups!

Besnik Halili, together with notorious individuals in the Italian state, were identified by interceptions initiated upon finalization of the Italian mega-operation. Thanks to this Police action, 50 persons were arrested, including businessmen and members of Ndrangheta, who were connected to Government officials and businessmen in Albania. They are all accused of being part of a corrupt affair of Euro 250 million.

The article above refers to open and transparent data provided by databases of the organization AIS. The editorial line, arguments, and facts in this article belong to the media and the author. You may find our database by clicking on opencorporates.alspendingdata.alopendata.al, openprocurement.al, and aksesdrejtesi.al

Albanian Media: Eavesdropping of Italian Anti-Mafia about Influence over Tenders in Tirana. 80 Procurement Processes were already reported by Open Procurement Albania for their risk of Corruption and irregularities

Several news portals have used our databases in January in reporting on corruption and irregularities. Some of them report on alleged connections between eavesdropping made by the 2017 Italian Anti-Mafia (published in Italy in January 2021) and the tenders reported for risk of corruption and irregularities on our database for Transparent Procurement. The Italian Anti-Mafia eavesdropping into persons being investigated as members of the Mafia Organization, Ndrag’heta, sheds light on conversations about pre-arranged tenders and people of suspicious influence over authorities of Official Tirana. The eavesdropping transcripts were published in January 2021 on the Italian media, and were partially republished in Tirana, mainly by media portals or freelance journalists. Certain journalists drew a logical line between the eavesdropping of “people with influence” or “clientelist tenders” and the list of tenders marked by RedFlags for their risk of corruption in our database for Public Procurement.

Our organization has created several databases for some years now, monitoring public contracts in sectors of Health, national Infrastructure, and Municipality. Opening data, using OpenContracting standards, we enable an automatic evaluation of tenders for their risk of lack of competition, and disqualification of all the operators, who submit cost-effective economic bids. These tenders are listed and marked by a Red Flag, as tenders exposed to a high risk of irregularities and procedural issues. The Tender RedFlag Index is an instrument for reporting corruption, an instrument developed by the civil society in the country.

Some excerpts from the media portals:

The article above refers to open and transparent data provided by databases of the organization AIS. The editorial line, arguments, and facts in this article belong to the media and the author, and not necessarily confirmed by OpenDataAlbania. You may find our database by clicking on opencorporates.alspendingdata.al, opendata.alopenprocurement.al, and aksesdrejtesi.al

EXIT.AL Publikon: Kompanitë e Ndërtimit, Klientët më të Paguar të Shtetit për Vitin 2020

Portali EXIT.AL në datën 26 Janar 2021 ka Publikuar artikullin me titull Kompanitë e Ndërtimit Klientët më të Paguar të Shtetit për Vitin  2020. Artikulli liston disa kompani që kanë fituar tendera buxhetor duke evidentuar që një grup prej tyre ka një numër të madh kontratash. Duke përshkruar secilën kompani dhe volumin apo historikun e kontratave të saj, Artikulli përdor Pasaporta të Shoqërive të Biznesit të cilat janë produkt i Aktiviteteve të Projektit të AIS mbi Transparencën për Kontraktor të Bashkive dhe Kontraktimeve me Impakt për Qeveritë Lokale.

Në renditjen e 10 kompanive më të paguara nga qeveria për vitin 2020, 8 prej tyre janë kompani ndërtimi.

Ato kanë përfituar në total 110 milionë euro nga tenderat publikë, për vetëm një vit, sipas të dhënave të publikuara nga Open Data Albania, të martën.

Mes tyre janë kompanitë e ndërtimit të njohura për lidhjen e ngushtë me qeverinë dhe me Bashkinë Tiranë si FushaSalillari Alb-Star, në 8 vitet e fundit.

Sipas të dhënave publikuar nga Open Data Albania, kompanitë të cilat kanë përtifituar më shumë para nga buxheti i shtetit janë:

– Kompania e ndërtimit G.P.G Company ka përfituar rreth 22.61 milionë euro, kryesisht nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit dhe Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar. Ajo ka përfituar tendera për ndërtimin e shesheve të qyteteve si pjesë e Rilindjes Urbane.

Kompania është në pronësi të Paqsor Buzit dhe Gëzim Danit. Në vitin 2019, Buzi u arrestua nga policia si pjesë e një skeme të dyshuar mashtrimi me TVSH-në. Gjykata e ka lënë në arrest shtëpie, ndërsa çështja është ende në gjykim.

– Kompania Gjoka 87 ka përfituar rreth 20,5 milionë euro, si pagesa për kontratën koncesionare të Rrugës së Arbrit, ende në ndërtim.

– Kompania Fusha ka përfituar 14,7 milionë euro, si fituese e tenderave të ndryshëm publikë, pjesa më e madhe dhënë nga Bashkia e Tiranës. Fusha shpk njihet si një prej kompanive të preferuara të qeverisë Rama dhe bashkisë Tiranë në tenderat e ndërtimit. Ajo së fundi ka fituar dhe tenderin për rindërtimin e Piramidës.LEXO  Investigimi i ‘Boom’ – Mensat sociale të Bashkisë Tiranë shërbime me burokraci

– Kompania  Salillari ka përfituar 13,6 milionë euro, si fituese e tenderave të Autoritetit Rrugor Shqiptar dhe Fondit të Zhvillimit Shqiptar, për ndërtime rrugësh. Ndër të tjera, Salillari ka fituar dhe tenderat për Lotin e I dhe të II të Unazës së Madhe.

– Kompania  Alb-Star ka përfituar 13,5 milionë euro në një sërë tenderash nga Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar, Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Ujësjellës Kanalizimeve etj. Alb-Star njihet si kompania që ndërtoi me PPP stadiumin e ri kombatër ‘Air Albania’.

– Kompania  Gjikuria  ka përfituar 13,3 milionë euro si fituese e tenderave nga ARRSH-ja, FZHSH-ja apo Bashkia Himarë.

– Kompania  Agbes Construction ka përfituar rreth 11,8 milionë euro si fituese e tenderave sërish nga ARRSH, FZHSH apo Bashkia Fier.

Mes 10 kompanive më të paguara për vitin 2020, nuk kanë përfituar pagesa në lidhje me ndërtimin 3 kompani:

– Kompania Trans Adriaktik Pipeline AG Albania (TAP) ka përfituar rreth 40 milionë euro si rimbursim për TVSH-në.

– Kompania Kastrati ka përfituar rreth 15 milionë euro, si pagesa për furnizime në karburant dhe vaj.

– Kompania  AYEN-AS Energy ka përfituar 11.8 milionë euro si rimbursim për TVSH-në. kompania ka një kontratë koncesionare për Ndërtim-Operim, transferim të hidrocentraleve Peshqesh, Ura e Fani Fangut.

Projekti ka titull “Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC. Pasaportat e Kontraktorëve të listuara janë: G. P. G Company , Gjoka 87, Fusha shpk , Salillari , Alb Star, Gjikuri, Agbes Construction .

Link Artikulli Origjinal: https://exit.al/kompanite-e-ndertimit-klientet-me-te-paguar-nga-buxheti-i-shtetit-per-vitin-2020/

Map of Albania Oligarchs (Names of those who have received MILLIONS OF EUROS from Albanians’ taxpayers)

Risk Assessment in Tenders/Municipalities, whose 30% of the contracted value goes to one single company by direct negotiations

RED FLAGS – Local Government Units of Albania are ranked on the top when it comes to abusive tenders. As history shows, small and average-value tenders organized by them tend to usually go to family relatives or friends of those working for these institutions, while the large value tenders go to the pockets of construction oligarchs, who own companies providing cleaning services, development of green spaces, IT maintenance, and road reconstruction.

Direct Negotiation refers to Public Contracts (supplied by public money) exposed to a high risk of abuse and embezzlement. The Negotiation Procedure is a procedure, where the contracting authority selected the economic operators itself and negotiates the contract terms with one or several of them. This is translated simply into „Cash“ agreements, using Albanian taxpayers’ money for favorite clients. All the municipalities in the country have a favorite client each, who is awarded 30% of the municipality contracts through Direct Negotiation.


Negotiation procedure

Who else, but FUSHA SHPK. The top company in Tirana, most favorite Mayor Veliaj’s company, when it comes to towers, roads and everything. He is awarded 12 billion Albanian lekë-worth (VAT excl.) tenders by the negotiation procedure. Shkëlqim, the oligarch, has received more than 3.3 BILLION Albanian lekë (VAT excl.) for 3 tenders only.

Negotiation without Notice

The only company priviledged by this procedure, which goes beyond 2.3 billion Albanian lekë (VAT excl.) is certainly Fiqiri Allmuça’s PASTRIME SILVIO, WITH ONLY 2 TENDERS FROM Tirana Municiaplity for purchase of hygiene sanitizers and dezinfectants woth 500 MILLION Albanian lekë (VAT incl.), both with RED FLAGS.



  1. FLORIAN BORSHI (BORSHI SHPK)                    – More than 1 billion ALL (VAT excl.), 56% of tenders of SHKODRA Municipality
  2. FATMIR KUCI (SHENDELLI SHPK)             – About 1 billion ALL, 52% of tenders of ELBASAN Municipality
  3. YZEDIN BOZHAJ (SHENDELLI SHPK)             – 845 million ALL (VAT excl.), 94% of tenders of GJIROKASTRA Municipality
  4. ADHURIM DUKA, VEIS DUKA (DUKA)             – 752 million ALL (VAT excl.), 79% of the tenders of VLORA Municipality
  5. LUAN KAPRI, BAJRAM ALLDERVISHI (REI 3) – 530 million ALL (VAT excl.), 80% of the tenders of POGRADEC Municipality
  6. DAVA KAZA, ZEF KAZA (AEK MUNELLA SHPK) – 387 million ALL (VAT excl.), 97% of the tenders of MIRDITA Municipality
  7. LEDI KOÇI, ENOR NAKUÇI, LINA SOKOLI (KREATX)- 234 million ALL (VAT excl.), 84% of the tenders of DURRËS Municipality
  8. SHKËLQIM KUPA, QAMIL KUPA (KUPA SHPK) – 193 million ALL (VAT excl.), 33% of the tenders of KAMËZ Municipality
  9. KLAJDI PALOKA (KLAJDI CONSTRUCTION) – 124 million ALL (VAT excl.), 35% of the tenders of LEZHA Municipality
  10. KLARIDA SEMANJAKU (NATURAL PERSON) – 118 million ALL, 44% of the tenders of FIER Municipality
  11. ASLLAN RUÇI (RUÇI)             – 111 million ALL (VAT excl.), 70% of the tenders of KLOS Municipality
  12. ARBEN GOLEMI (PROJECT&PEOPLE) – 105 million ALL (VAT excl.), 33% of the tenders of BELSH Municipality
  13. NJAZI PRENÇI (REGLI SHPK)                                – 64 million ALL (VAT excl.), 45% of the tenders of BULQIZA Municipality
  14. ARBËR ABAZI (ALKO IMPEX CONSTRUCTION) – 57 million ALL (VAT excl.), 72% of the tenders of DEVOLL Municipality
  15. IRENA DERVISHI, GËZIM DERVISHI (ALFA 2 SHPK)- 33 million ALL (VAT excl.), 41% of the tenders of BERAT Municipality
  17. SHERIF KAPLLANI (VIOLA GREEN)             – 14 million ALL (VAT excl.), 73% of the tenders of PRRENJAS Municipality



Florian Borshi is the owner of Borshi shpk, a company that has prevailed for years in the northern city of Shkodra. Since 2006, he has received big amounts of cash from the mullti-billion tenders for clearning through direct negotiationa, in the amount of more than 1 BILLIOL ALL, VAT excluded, for 7 such tenders.

Borshi, among the 7 in-cash tenders awarded by Shkodra Municipality, obtained a tender worth 236 million ALL (excl. VAT) through direct negotiation, in blunt violation due to lack of competition and bids.

During the period 2015-2018, Florian Borshi with his company were awarded 3.6 billion ALL (excl. VAT) from the State budget, and over 1.3 billion ALL (excl. VAT) in the year 2019-2020 only.

At the time when tender deals were new entries in the political game and media refrained from disclosing information how taxpayers money was given to government clients, it was the Shkodra citizens themselves who exposed Borshi. “Well, well, Florian Borshi is the name of the person who won the cleaning tender for Shkodra. It is the second or third time that he ‘wins’ the tender. Only with the money he is supposed to clean around the garbage bins, he recently bought a JEEP, limited version, brand-new, black, 0 km. Let’s not speak about the other partners like Xh.Sh. (Municipal Council member) and G.K. – Shkodra citizens wrote about their multibillionaire compatriot in a report which stated that although Shkodra launched tenders to clean the city with citizens’ money, it turned out to be the worst-cleaned city”.



The right wing holds power in Shkodra and Borshi continued his ‘rule’ peacefully, until he felt his grip on power slipping away when the Arbër Abazan – the nephew of the Socialist Party MP Sadri Abazaj – with his company ALKO IMPEX  CONSTRUCTION started snatching the tenders off his hands; the tenders that made him well-off.


The right-wing Mayor Voltana Ademi ‘betrayed’ him when she denied a tender to the BOSS’s cleaning company to give it to the SP friends, specifically to Arbër Abazi, a ‘gift’ that spurred much controversy… However, Florian Borshi did not idle around, but he criminally sued Voltana to regain his BILLIONS and succeeded: now, BORSHI SHPK RULES SHKODRA with the illegal tenders.





“VICTORIA INVEST” OF FATMIR KUÇI is one of the companies that benefited the highest chunks of Albanian money – both from the central and local government – to clean Elbasan city. Rumors triggered suspicions that Lulzim Basha is behind this company because not only this company has his daughter’s name, but there are also other facts that are analyzed below.

At the national level, 13 tenders by Direct Negotiation from Elbasan Municipality, 10 of which are REDFLAGS for lack of competition and bids, VICTORIA INVEST benefited over 1 billion ALL (excl. VAT)!

As for deposits from the Treasury, it benefited FRIGHTENING AMOUNTS over 3 years (2015-2018): over 15 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT). And over 4.4 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) in 2019-2020!



Ties to Basha, who is Fatmir Kuçi?

It turns out that the Mercedes-Benz plated AA111EN used by Basha was purchased by Victoria Invest and precisely on this car, the DP Leader stopped to meet the Astir protesters [Astir: quarter being demolished to make room for a new road]. Basha enjoyed the strong support of Kuçi in the 2009 elections because the latter supported him financially to equalize the number of 6 MPs in Elbasan, during the time that the current DP Leader was the DP election coordinator. But, now it seems that Kuçi has turned his attention to the SP and looks to be beyond any saturation point in tenders by ripping off both right and left-wingers.

Despite a prominent name to the Albanian justice, nothing stopped Kuçi to obtain tenders in blunt violation… In 2014, the businessman Fatmir Koçi was criminally prosecuted on bail for “violation of navigation rules”, but managed to wrap it up with a fine. He caused the death of a Russian tourist, Denis Kaiumov at Livadh in 2016 when he runs over him with a speedboat and cut off his limbs with the propeller. He was handcuffed for this incident, but managed to get out not too late because he claimed to have heart problems.

Billions flowing…

This company has a long and much controversial history of gaining money. The third segment 0.74 km of the Big Ring was won precisely by “Victoria Invest International & Viktoria Invest” at a value of 1.17 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT). Another 15 MILLION EUR without competition was awarded by the government to Lulzim Basha’s Victoria in a consortium with an Italian company – for the rehabilitation of Porto Romano.

The name Fatmir Kuçi comes out in another suspicious connection to the company “Victoria Marine LTD” Disclosure of “Panama Papers” documents showed that this company is registered in Malta, fiscal heaven.

Manipulations with tenders / The ugly scheme to benefit public money

There is no start or end to the information about VICTORIA INVEST, not only for the political ties but also for the scandalous ties in public procurements. The company of the godfather of Basha’s daughter was imposed a “seizure order” several times, because of disputes with other companies. Let us mention here the request for an administrative investigation by Kamza Municipality, which claimed that this company had manipulated the documentation submitted to participate in a tender – so that it would be eligible. “Victoria Invest” was disqualified for one year from participation in concessions and PPP schemes (3 August 2018 – 3 August 2019).


This company owns 2 CONCESSIONS, Victoria Hydroenergy with administrator Endri Kuçi for the construction of the HPP Lunik 1 and Lunik 2 in Elbasan, as well as FINSEC PORT for the construction of the yacht port at Turra Castle, Synej commune, Kavaja (this concession also has a 35-year validity and provides for the construction of a yacht port with at least 800 anchoring posts, 150 apartments and one hotel). Victoria Invest is owned by the company VICTORIA INVEST INTERNATIONAL of Valbona Kuçi, mother of Endrit Kuçi, family members of Fatmir Kuçi. The address of this branch/affiliate is the same as that of “Victoria Invest”, i.e. same building, floor, street and quarter in Elbasan.





“SHËNDELLI SHPK” of Yzedin Bozhaj is the company that wreaked havoc in tenders by giving around cash in Gjirokastra, for 2 tenders with Direct Negotiation on engineering works to prevent hill-landslide in the area. Both tenders amounted to the CRAZY TOTAL OF 845 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT), one of which in blunt absence of competition, bids, by direct negotiation.


Besides the fact that Yzedini’s company gets millions for landslide prevention – and in most cases, these tenders are awarded through inexistent procurement – it does not lag behind even in the BILLIONS obtained over the years from the Treasury. Hold your breath! In just 3 years (2015-2018), Shëndelli received over 8 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) and over 3.6 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) in only one year (period 2019-2020).


SHËNDELLI does not stop surprising, because contracts awarded to it by the Renaissance (SP) are endless, either alone or in collaboration with other public-money devouring oligarchs with political ties… At the national level, Bozhaj and his company received 8 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) in 73 tenders. The most frightening tender in collaboration with GPG company of the oligarch Paqsor Buzi amounts to the VERTIGINOUS 6.5 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT).





“DUKA” with a crown of Vlora! The company of Adhurim and Veis Duka is ranked 4th at the local level among the companies that were awarded illegal tenders by Direct Negotiation. You better sit, or you might get a surge in blood pressure because we are going to analyze in detail the fat figures received by Adhurimi’s “DUKA”… There are ONLY 2 tenders that DUKA won for the cleaning of Vlora, both in cash! Not crumbs, but the PULPY FIGURE OF 752 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT). What is striking is the fact that both tenders are red flags for lack of competition and bids, or simply put, DUKA managed to get the pulpy figures by a finger snap.

From budget institutions, DUKA benefited a TREASURE full of pearly transactions, literally! 7.7 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) in 3 years (2015-2018), and 3.7 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) in only one year (2019-2020).


Vlora’s Adhurim who inherited the company of his father Veisi did not limit his range to the Municipality only; he got a lot of tenders in the Health sector too because it is the cherry on the cake for oligarchs, a gold mine. So, he got OVER 48 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT) from Vlora Psychiatric Hospital, all the tenders with the scope “Elimination of Urban Waste”.



The company founder Veis Duka is known as a person of influence and with strong connections to businessmen in Vlora, mainly from the villages of Mallkeq, Vllahinë, Sevaster, Shushicë, and Nivicë – and even assisted the latter financially to form an association.





Luan Kapri – the uncle’s son of the former Elbasan Mayor Eduard Kapri from the right-wing – owns the company REJ 3  with which he won an illegal tender (Cash in hand! No race, negotiation between the procuring institution and the contractor) from the SP rival of his relative – the current SP Pogradec Mayor Ilir Xhakolli.


Nothing wrong so far, because you might infer the connection DP-SP (okay, let’s skip this too) and say ‘come on, what’s the fuss for a single tender when we are being ripped of billions’, but precisely this tender for the city waste cleaning and disposal has the vertiginous figure of HALF A BILLION ALL (excl. VAT).


REJ 3 with administrator Bajram Alldervishi is one of the Government’s preferred clients. We say this because the figures he received from the Treasury over the years seem to have endless zeros. For 3 years during 2015-2018, Luan Kapri benefited 4.6 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT), and over 3 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) in only one year (2019-2020).


Luan Kapri and connections to Gëzim of ‘Kashta’ for the CONCESSION

REJ 3 owns a PPP concession, specifically REJ ENERGY with administrator Gëzim Salillari who undertook the construction of 3 HPPs, Cemerica 1, 2, 3.


“REJ 3” company was established in 1994 by Luan Kapri. In 2011, Kapri sells 20% shares to the company “KLIVA” owned by Gëzim Salillari from Durrës, also known as “Gëzim of Kashta”. Salillari got this nickname because once he had a café with the same name at the former Blloku area, that was often frequented by the then-Prime Minister Fatos Nano.


Salillari is a prominent name in media coverage in mid-2000, accused of participation in criminal organizations dealing in drug trade from Albania to Italy; initially sentenced to 11 years in prison, he managed to set himself free. At first, Salillari registered “KLIVA” and a few days later purchased 20% of REJ owned by Kapri.






Dava Kaza is one of the women entrepreneurs ranked third tender-wining women at the local level. The company owned by her and the husband, “AEK MUNELLA” (Adrian, Enida, Kristian) stemming from the initials of their three children is ranked seventh – one of the companies that benefited the highest tenders by Direct Negotiation. This company obtained almost HALF A MILLION (excl. VAT) from Mirdita Municipality, for 3 tenders, all with violations for lack of race and competition – by direct negotiation.


In the period 2016-2018, Kaza couple received around 6 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT) from Budget Institutions, whereas in a single year (2019-2020) they received around 3 BILLION (excl. VAT) in 58 transactions from the Treasury.


All local tenders – mainly in rehabilitation of the water supply and sewerage system – were awarded to this company by Mirdita Municipality, 21 in total with cumulative amount OVER 3.5 BILLION ALL (excl. VAT)!


The Kazas are among the families strongly tied to the Renaissance (SP), because they often post photos on social media with the SP exponents, such as Kaza junior, Kristian in the company of Erjon Veliaj (Tirana Mayor) and Lindita Nikolla (former Minister of Education).


This company has been accused by citizens of poor quality works, such as failing to properly maintain the National Road in 2016 due to numerous accidents, while maintenance works were contracted to MUNELLA. Rumors say this company is supported by the Mirdita Mayor, Ndrec Deda, who awarded to MUNELLA any maintenance and cleaning tenders, and not only… This means feeding up yours with BILLIONS! 




Maybe you would not believe it, but the company ranked first in Durrës for winning tenders by Direct Negotiation (in cash) for software upgrading and maintenance is KREATX of Enor Nakuçi. KREATX received 3 tenders in OVER 234 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT), all three in violation, classified as RED FLAGS for lack of bids and competition.




This company won tenders also from other municipalities such as Vora, Shkodra, Përmet, and Vlora in similar services – 9 in total for OVER 307 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT), 6 of which with RED FLAGS!

The biggest surprise is the fact that this company got OVER 260 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT) from the Treasury during the 3-year period (2015-2019). But, in 1 year (2109-2020)… this amount was DOUBLED! For 21 transactions with budget institutions, it benefited OVER 531 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT)!!!





These cleaning companies really know how to run the game! They sweep tender money, the same as they sweep waste from streets. KUPA SHPK is a typical example. It rules in Kamëz for public procurement procedures involving “Cleaning the city”. The company established by Qamil Kupa and handed over to his son Shkëlqim has really won the spotlight for multi-million tenders it gets at the stroke of a pen.

For only 3 cleaning tenders from Kamëz Municipality, this company got around 200 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT), with one of them being RED FLAGGED!


Shkëlqim Kupa, the owner of KUPA SHPK, also owns Elite Real Estate and KORABI shpk (the company called after his young son) with a profit of 98 MILLION ALL (excl. VAT) at the local level. Obviously, KUPA is the preferred company in Kamëz for tenders, because in just 8 months (May-December 2017), this Municipality launched 12 tenders – all won by this company.

KUPA owns three other powerful companies IONIAN REFINING COMPANY, HYDRO SETA, ACCESS ENERGY ALBANIA. Besides, it also has 2 CONCESSIONS, specifically the HPPs in Gjuraj, Kashec, Ragam, and Lëpushë, and the HPP on Seta River.

The concessionaire company HYDO SETA is co-owned by KALIA SHPK (well-known in Dibra), a company owned by the relatives of Fatime Kupa, the spouse of Shkëlqim Kupa.


Article in the Albanian Language: Here