7 days after earthquake, donations for Government only 4.2 million Euros

Porta Vendore collects business promises for 61 million euros of donations publicly announced. What is happening to solidarity? Don’t they trust the Government, or do they just promise more than they actually give?

The Ministry of Finances does not welcome requests for transparency and accountability.  Donor conference to be held

The Ministry of Finances has published the sums donated by individuals, subjects and foreign governments via the Ministry’s website as to 3 December Afterwards, the Ministry has not made any updates, and it has removed earlier publications

According to the Ministry of Finances, donations for the Albanian Government up to 3 December through second-level banks, e-Albania, and Bank of Albania (donations from other states) was: 132 912 131 lekë; 2 797 120 Euros (or 344 045 819.04 Lekë), and 310 888 USD (or 34 197 730 Lekë).

In total, 7 days after the earthquake, the Albanian Government received 511 155 680 (five hundred eleven million and one hundred fifty-five thousand and six hundred and eighty) lekë only as donations for its post-earthquake response fund.

Some foundations have demonstrated a lack of trust by not depositing the charity funds they have collected in the State Treasure to be managed by the Government. Similarly, international-renowned Albanian construction businesses or artists have decided to build homes for several families directly.

Journalists Elisa Gjerani and Eljona Ballhysa have made some inquiries into the total amount donated as a sign of solidarity for this natural disaster. The article published with the Porta Vendore shows a total of 61 million Euros, several times higher than 4.2 million Euros collected in Albanian Government accounts until 3 December. Journalists Gjerani and Ballhysa have also calculated the amounts committed by members of the civil society or people like Lazim Destani, Shefqet Kastrati, Behxhet Pacolli, Samir Mane, Salillari, Gener 2, Rinas Airport (https://portavendore.al/2019/12/06/heronjte-e-vullnetarizmit-ne-shqiperine-pas-termetit-qindra-vullnetare-ne-terren-dhe-miliona-euro-te-dhuruara/ )

Meanwhile, the Albanian government’s decision to recognize the donations of Albanian companies as amounts to be deducted for tax purposes does not clearly specify whether this applies to in kind natural donations.

AIS addressed the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury Directorate (see Here) asking for transparency over the list of donors and respective donations. After that request, not only has the Ministry of Finances not published any transparent lists, but it has also stopped updating its online information every 24 hours, underestimating the principle of transparency and accountability for the entrusted donations.

Publikohen të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Komisioner të Komisionit të Pavarur të Kualifikimit KPK

Në portalin Spending Data Albania rubrika Para dhe Pushtet janë publikuar të mirë kategorizuara, të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Komisioner të Komisionit të Pavarur të Kualifikimit KPK. Të dhënat janë aksesuar sipas të drejtës për informim përmes dokumentit të vetë deklarimit pranë Inspektoratit të Lartë të Deklarimit të Pasurive dhe Kontrollit të Konfliktit të Interesit. Informacioni përveç tabelës së detajuar nga data analist të programit tonë, shoqërohet edhe me dokumentin PDF kopje e origjinalit për ti dhënë mundësi publikut për mirë informim. Informacioni i marrë nga dokumente të vetë deklarimit Fillestare apo Vjetore, përmban të dhëna për asete pasurore të patundshme apo pasuri të tjera, kontrata sipërmarrje, porosie apo investimi, të dhëna mbi shpenzime vjetore, të dhëna mbi likuiditet, debi, kredi apo tituj pronësie, asete të bizneseve dhe të drejta pasurore të fituara përmes formave të ndryshme. Përveç subjektit funksionar i lartë i emëruar, të dhënat e vetëdeklarimit kanë informacion edhe për pjesëtarë të ngushtë të rrethit familjarë të lidhur në interesa ekonomik me funksionarin e lartë të emëruar. Deklarimet pasurore për funksionar të KPK i gjeni sipas Link si vijon.

  1. Alma FASKAJ http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1094
  2. Brunilda BEKTESHI (VASHA) http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1095
  3. Etleda ÇIFTJA http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1096
  4. Firdes SHULI http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1097
  5. Genta TAFA (BUNGO) http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1098
  6. Lulzim HAMITAJ http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1099
  7. Olsi KOMICI http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1100/year/2017
  8. Pamela QIRKO http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1101
  9. Roland ILIA http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1102
  10. Suela ZHEGU http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1103
  1. Xhensila PINE http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1105


Të dhëna për jetëshkrimin, eksperiencën profesionale dhe akademike, kualifikime të veçanta, dokumenta që lidhen me profilin në shkenca juridike dhe integritetin në detyrë për secilin anëtar të KPK ju mund ti gjeni në faqen e re të ndërtuar nga AIS Akses Info Drejtësi kliko këtu

Të dhëna për institucionin KPK akte, vendime, njoftime zyrtare etj janë në ndërfaqen e krijuar po tek Akses Info Drjtësi link.

Publikohen të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Anëtar të Kolegjit të Posaçëm të Apelimit KPA

Në portalin Spending Data Albania rubrika Para dhe Pushtet janë publikuar të mirë kategorizuara, të dhënat e deklarimit pasuror për funksionar të lartë të emëruar Anëtar të Kolegjit të Posaçëm të Apelimit KPA. Të dhënat janë aksesuar sipas të drejtës për informim përmes dokumentit të vetë deklarimit pranë Inspektoratit të Lartë të Deklarimit të Pasurive dhe Kontrollit të Konfliktit të Interesit. Informacioni përveç tabelës së detajuar nga data analist të programit tonë, shoqërohet edhe me dokumentin PDF kopje e origjinalit për ti dhënë mundësi publikut për mirë informim. Informacioni i marrë nga dokumente të vetë deklarimit Fillestare apo Vjetore, përmban të dhëna për asete pasurore të patundshme apo pasuri të tjera, kontrata sipërmarrje, porosie apo investimi, të dhëna mbi shpenzime vjetore, të dhëna mbi likuiditet, debi, kredi apo tituj pronësie, asete të bizneseve dhe të drejta pasurore të fituara përmes formave të ndryshme. Përveç subjektit funksionar i lartë i emëruar, të dhënat e vetë deklarimit kanë informacion edhe për pjesëtarë të ngushtë të rrethit familjarë të lidhur në interesa ekonomik me funksionarin e lartë të emëruar. Deklarimet pasurore për funksionar të KPK i gjeni sipas Link si vijon.
1. Albana SHTYLLA http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/282
2. Ardian HAJDARI http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1090
3. Ina RAMA http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/383
4. Luan DACI http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1091
5. Natasha MULAJ http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1092
6. Rezarta SCHUETZ (GABA) http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/1093
7. Sokol COMO http://spending.data.al/sq/moneypower/view/id/100

Të dhëna për jetëshkrimin, eksperiencën profesionale dhe akademike, kualifikime të veçanta, dokumenta që lidhen me profilin në shkenca juridike dhe integritetin në detyrë për secilin anëtar të KPK ju mund ti gjeni në faqen e re të ndërtuar nga AIS Akses Info Drejtësi kliko këtu
Të dhëna për institucionin KPA akte, vendime, njoftime zyrtare etj janë në ndërfaqen e krijuar po tek Akses Info Drejtësi link.

Municipality tenders, Water Supply Programs

From October 1st to today, municipalities have announced 4 tenders worth over 400 million leks. Two of them are tenders for Public Work, one is for cleaning service, and another one for purchasing security services for schools and institutions (cameras).

They also include two tenders for Belsh and Lac water supply utilities, with fund limits of 408 million and 416.6 million leke. List http://prokurimetransparente.al/sq/tender/list/limit_fond/100%20infinit/from_announcement_date/2019-10-01/to_announcement_date/2019-11-09?

AIS founder and activist wins the price for her unique transparent contribution through Open Corporates Albania.

Besjana Hysa, founder and activist of AIS organization promoting Open Data Albania was honoured with the “White Dove” award, a recognition in token of appreciation for figures who have contributed to the best public interest and beyond through courageous civic actions. The motivation for the prize was her unique contribution in enhancing transparency and accountability for public assets through the platform OpenCorporates.Al.

The ceremony took place on 3 April in Tirana.

This prize follows up on the initiative by Partners Albania in collaboration with Partners for Democratic Change in Slovakia seeking to strengthen and improve partnership and co-operation among local NGOs to ensure a most transparent and comprehensive decision-making. Open Corporates Albania is an open-data platform for business companies contracted by Municipalities to execute major public investment and services contracts. The platform helps accountability indicating how public contracts are distributed among various economic operators. Open data are easily accessible, comprehensible and useful in scanning the integrity of private operators executing public contracts.

Top Channel Chronicle for Shell Companies

Journalist: A significant part of the high value and long-term concessionary agreements in our country are awarded to shell companies, whose shareholders are not known, and which are registred in countries like the Netherlands.

Aranita Brahaj: If we take a look at only 11 concessionary agreements, which are supported by the state budget, we will see that for maybe 50% of them, we do not know who their owners are, or that their control packages are registered in countries, which allow for shell or off shore companies.

Journalist: According to Mrs. Brahaj, authorities are not willing to check the integrity of foreign companies being awarded huge monetary values through public funds in our country. Such companies, though, must not be allowed to benefit from public money.

Aranita Brahaj: There is probably nothing wrong with accepting such companies exercising commercial activity in Albania, while they preserve the right of not disclosing their owners. Such criterion, however, must cease once they are awarded public contracts.

Journalist: The lack of detailed check of these companies is, in Brahaj’s opinion, also related with the interests f certain parties.

Aranita Brahaj: In some cases, certain companies could also be involved in conflicts of interest, which could also be an indication of state capture, i.e. the Government, through its lack of will or legislative gaps, allows for such practice benefitting certain parties or entities. This has nothing to do with good governance or governance in the public interest. This is governance in the interest of certain parties instead.

Journalist: Actually, the fact is that certain companies, which have no background in certain sectors are awarded public contracts exactly in those sectors.

Youth in Kurbin and Lezhe benefit from cross-border IPA projects for Albania –Kosovo.

  • Youth in Kurbin and Lezhe benefit from cross-border IPA projects for Albania –Kosovo.
  •  Vocational Training on IT, Kurbin ad Lezha get support from EU programmes
  •  Employment without immigration, ICT a potential sector for online jobs


Open Data Kosova and AIS donated 18 computers to five schools in Kurbin and Lezha this week.  These computers were made available to the schools as part of the Open ICT Education for Youth Project, a cross-border project funded by EU IPA funds. the beneficiaries in Albania include the vocational public secondary school “Kolin Gjoka” and four public secondary schools in the territory of the municipality of Kurbin, i.e. Laci, Gorre, Milot, and Mamurras schools. Representatives from the management of the education office of Kurbin and the vocational schools of “Kolin Gjoka” in Lezha attended the donation ceremony. The project representatives handing over the donation were Dafina Olluri as the representative of ODK, and Besyana Hysa, representative of  AIS.


The project aims at increasing youth vocational skills in Albania and Kosovo in the ICT sector. ODK and AIS have created a platform in the Albanian language, called Kursori. The platform offers free online courses and training for local young people .


The technology sector is the biggest employer in the EU and the region. Employment in this sector involves decent salaries and jobs can be done online, with the young people having no need to immigrate. IT knowledge and skills guarantee safe and decent employment. ICT skills are also necessary for professionals in sectors like tourism, services, trade, and industry. The project in Albania focused in Lezha and Kurbin, given the concentration of population   in this area, the need for better use of resources, and the human and natural potential that the area offers. Kurbin and Lezha are two municipalities that, thanks to their geographic position and potential for tourism, offer convincing opportunities for co-operation and exchange with Kosovo. The project aims at enabling 500 young people from these five schools to complete at least one of the online training programmes on the Kursori platform. This empowers them in the labour market. The project shall be completed by March 2020. The students of the beneficiary schools shall be assisted during online training even by technical instructors from the Project. The platform is open to everyone. In addition to training, the young students will also be able to benefit from joint events and exchanges with the computer science students from “Ukshin Hoti” University,  and students from the Business Faculty of “Haxhi Zeka” University in Peja.

Foto Gallery

AIS on the Media: The News Edition on a National TV, Top Channel reported on a Complaint made by AIS against Albania in the European Court of Human Rights.

The News Edition on a National TV, Top Channel, reported on 3 January 2019 on a Complaint made by a Non-Governmental Organization against Albania in the European Court of Human Rights. The Constitutional Court and the High Court in Albania are affected by the Vetting and are therefore not functioning. As a result, dozens of cases are left pending. The Organizations AIS has a legal recourse pending with the High Court. On such basis, the organization addressed the European Court of Human Rights claiming that Albania is violating article 6 of the Convention and human rights to trial in a reasonable time. The European Court is asked to adjudicate the merits of the case as long as it is not yet known when the High Court in Albania will resume its work

To see the TV chronic click here and for the English translation of the Interview click here.

ASAI’s new web applications for better monitoring and increased transparency

The Albanian Supreme Audit Institution organized for the second year in a row, in the period between October 25 – December 14, the “Open Month 2018”. During two open days, ASAI invited the Albanian Institute of Science to present the developed tools, within the framework of “Transparency in Health Engagement” USAID Albania Project.

On November 15th and 21st, in the premises of ASAI, AIS presented the four tools developed for this institution, respectively Red Flags and Open Data the first day and Data Mining and Complaint Mechanism the second day. These tools have been developed aiming to increase the transparency of the Albanian Supreme Audit and to facilitate procedures for identifying issues and publishing the results from audit reports.

These web applications aim to empower and increase the transparency of this independent institution, by giving the latter the opportunity to monitor procurement procedures conducted by public institutions; to receive real time signalling of tenders and contracts with potential exposure or risk for unlawful or unethical business conduct, mainly as regards non-compliance with anti-corruption laws; to communicate more easily and efficiently with the citizens; to publish reports in open data format (easier to read, understand, download and re-use); to create a database with media articles prepared by ASAI employees and articles with topics of interest to ASAI.

On the public’s question regarding the sustainability of these tools, the Director of the Directorate of Communication, Publishing and Foreign Relations, Ms. Islami answered that all the indications that will be received through these instruments will be included in the SAI’s audit plan and the use of mechanisms has become part of the SAI’s internal regulation, starting with the Red Flags mechanism.

Exclusive Program sheds light on MPs declared assets

Vetting and audit of assets, wealth, and economic interests of the representatives of lawmaking politicians. This has been an issue that was discussed and translated into a draft law for the Parliament of Albania. AIS, a promoter of Open Data Albania, and the Institute of Political Studies, have made their own analysis of the representation of people of economic power in the Parliament, conflicts of interests of businessman MPs, and connection between money and politics. “Exclusive”, a TV program on the national Top Channel TV, has investigated the size of this phenomenon and the need for vetting the wealth of the MPs. The title of this investigative is “The Millionaires’ Poverty”. On the 21st of December, the Parliament voted against the draft law proposed by the Democratic Party on Vetting of the Figure of MPs.