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113 search results for: election


Management of State-Owned Corporates during electoral periods, AIS starts monitoring this process for 2019 Elections

In the country, there are 220 companies owned by public institutions, municipalities or ministries. Their management and performance is of high importance, considering they are public assets, subsidized by public money and offer necessary utilities. In the 2017 elections, a considerable number of cases of electoral influence were reported involving state-owned companies’ assets. AIS has started working […]


AIS increases transparency over municipalities on the eve of local government elections, monitoring 4 years of performance

The organization AIS is a promoter of transparency and open data. Databases created and maintained by AIS enable monitoring of public expenditures, public procurement, management of the public assets and distribution of budgets by local government units. July 2018 marks exactly three years from the emersion of the new municipalities resulted from the latest administrative-territorial […]


CEC considers civil society proposals for the Electoral Reform regarding Election Donors

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), a non-governmental organization advocating transparency, good governance, and accountability, is engaged in opening data regarding electoral expenditures and financing. In addition to publishing data from the Financial Tables of Election Subjects in an Open Data format, AIS, through its Electoral Room for Electoral Reform, Money Government and Politics and Za’Lart […]


Youth on ICT for Fair Elections

Workshop: in Vlora, Shkodra and Berat AIS in partnership with Vlora Youth Center within the projects ZA’LART and Vlora Youth Vote 2015, funded by the Small Grants Programme of the Commission for Democracy of US Embassy in Albania and OSFA took part in the presentation titled Method/Instruments citizen participation in decision making processes at Young […]


Civil Society Monitoring the Elections in Albania – Keeping it Free and Fair

Point Conference: 20-24 of May 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina Albanian Institute of Science even this year participated at POINT Conference (Political Accountability and New Technologies) a regional conference of civil society organizations from 7 countries of Southeast Europe. POINT 4.0 is being organized since 2012 for POINT by CA Why not (Zašto ne) from BiH, […]