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113 search results for: election


Make Elections Count

The ZA’LART 2015 project will enable the civil monitoring of, and reporting on, the electoral process of 21st of June. The program slogan is Make Elections Count and it aims at encouraging citizens to be critical and denounce problems that damage the elections! ZA’LART works as a web and app mobile, inviting citizens to monitor […]


Central Election Commission violates the Electoral Code concerning Financing of Electoral Subjects

Legal and administrative irregularities in appointing the Auditing Experts After publishing the data about the electoral expenditures for the two last campaigns, Open Data Albania, in an effort to ensure as much transparency as possible over the official data concerning the 2013 Electoral Campaign, found certain violations of the law in the organization of work […]


Empowering fact-based journalism through Open and Linked Data – Media Impact, May 2024

Even throughout May, dozens of media reports in newspapers, television screens or web-portals were written based on evidences and information extracted from AIS / Open Data Albania databases. The organization continues to strengthen fact-based and quality journalism despite the struggle to secure  the continuation its programs targeting the use of Open Data for Anti-corruption efforts. […]


Call for Applications to Participate in DataThon 2024

The AIS organization, a promoter of Open Data for Albania, in collaboration with the OSCE Presence in Albania, invites you to apply to be part of the Marathon for Open and Transparent Data, DataThon 2024. This year’s Open Data Marathon is dedicated to young people and will focus on state budget data and public finances. […]


Anti-corruption projects face challenges; in risk of closure due to absence of funds and donors. Help us to work as a Watchdog NGO. Support Open Spending Albania database, disclosing Treasury Transactions

Dear Friends and Partners, The AIS organization, known as OpenDataAlbania, is reaching out to you with a pressing concern. We are facing the imminent closure of OpenSpendingAlbania due to lack of funds and donor support. Our database is vital for transparency, accountability, activism, and anti-corruption efforts. Currently, tracking data through our databases shed light and […]


Four years after the Earthquake. The government has no concrete results in mitigating its consequences. Problems with the Budget, corrupt tenders and serious cases of abuse

Four years after the Earthquake of November 26, 2019 and its severe Consequences in human life, housing and infrastructure, AIS finds that the State and the Albanian Government cannot make an inventory of where we are in dealing with its consequences and rehabilitation. November 2023 There is no Clear Report on: the number of families […]


The Money and Power Database enables the public control-verification of the phenomenon of nepotism.

Media reports that such phenomenon affects 70% of Senior Officials Brahaj: The appointment of family members risks escalating into Structured Corruption The Inside Story Program by journalist Luljeta PROGNI brought an Investigation Report during the month of November, with evidence on concrete cases of employment of politicians’ family members in State Institutions. The report entitled […]